Post Office scandal investigators accused of ‘Mafia-style’ bullying of subpostmasters

Post Office scandal investigators accused of ‘Mafia-style’ bullying of subpostmasters

Grinding quietly away for more than two years the Post Office inquiry chaired by a former high court judge now of course under scrutiny like never before today Steven Bradshaw the post office investigations manager at the time said lawyers from cartright King wrote his witness statement and forced

Him to submit it to past criminal trials and you didn’t think to yourself oh I produced a witness statement in criminal proceedings that um could cause somebody to go to prison um and I signed off the robustness of the Horizon system that that wasn’t something that you

Thought you should reflect on in your witnesses as I said you know this statement was given to me by cartri King and we were told to to put the statement through and how many times reflection yes when you look at it but as I say

It’s it’s some 11 years ago and a a number of statements have been produced since but you were at the post office in a significant role uh during the group litigation during the court of appeal proceedings uh throughout this inquiry and you didn’t think back and perhaps regret having submitted a witness

Statement such as this in criminal proceedings as as I say with Insight you know it’s regrettable that the statement went through like that as if it’s my words which is not correct he denied knowing fujitsu’s post office computer system was faulty would appear that through not being given any

Knowledge from the top downwards that if any bugs errors or defects was there is not being cascaded down from Fujitsu the post office board down to our level as as the investigation manager Mr Brad Shaw’s testimony a hard listen for Shazia sadik whom he investigated seeing

Him today he he still has no idea in my opinion he has no idea of what he’s done still very much different offensive quite arrogant to be fair Mr Bradshaw denied to the inquiry that he used offensive language when investigating postmasters he called me a on one

Occasion he he got that frustrated and angry that I was say no and standing my ground one postmaster accused the post office investigation including Mr Bradshaw of behaving like Mafia gangsters threatening bullying heed that run turn the radio off which many of us in the Justice the moment in the TV

Drama when the central lawyer in this Saga gets involved in terms of the drama they got it pretty much spot on yeah they did today at Free’s legal firm in leads James Hartley gave his first in-depth TV interview since that ITV Drama We asked first off if the post

Office has not just been negligent but malevolent what we are seeing coming out of the inquiry which rein enforces what um we saw when we were running the high court litigation suggests the answer to that is yes so the answer um I think will turn out to be yes some of the victims

Here describing the post office investigators as behaving like the mafia is that over the top I’d like to say it was however having heard the stories firsthand of hundreds of postmasters uh unfortunately that is a fair characterization in terms of Justice first off what does that mean

For Fujitsu what should Fujitsu be doing right now what I would say to Fujitsu for for what it’s worth is they have an opportunity now a window of opportunity to do the right thing not wait until the outcome of the public inquiry but from a financial perspective if they haven’t

Already opened discussions with government about how much Fujitsu would contribute to the overall taxpayer bill for this then open those conversations now and do the right thing Paul ven has returned her CBE is that enough most are saying it’s not most are saying there needs to be something what

Are you say much more significant um that is one area where we do need to await the investigations of the relevant authorities and the output from the inquiry when so Williams produces the report and it will be a very significant report there will be conclusions factual conclusions there will be

Recommendations and there will be the light sha on um who was to blame and who was going to slam the post office and the Senior Management they are it is inescapable and I think it would be it would have be absolutely bizarre if anything else was to happen so we can

Prejudge that I think fair to say in effect it it won’t happen it won’t happen the the the the output from the inquiry will be damning given what happened yesterday are you as a lawyer entirely comfortable with the idea that a bunch of politicians can suddenly set

Themselves up as being a court more Supreme than the Supreme Court and simply tell the Judiciary sorry you got it wrong yeah I really difficult dilemma the government had on on that I think they’ve done I think government has done the I thing it it um there is no perfect

Way of sorting this whole problem out and every step of the way everything that’s done there are pros and cons to it the lawyer James Hardley speaking to Alex Thompson earlier well earlier I spoke to Lord abbu the conservative peer and former MP I put it to him first that

It begs belief that a huge miscarriage of Justice like this could have happened and for so long it’s been going on for so long now with so many different people failing the sub postmasters failed by the courts which didn’t demand that the post office should provide proper disclosure of evidence failed by

The post office itself obviously failed by Fujitsu failed by the politicians ourselves because it if you watch the drama you see that I actually achieved nothing it was only Alan B getting 555 people together to take it to court and to get funding for that that achieved this incredible

Result so James Harley Alan bates’s lawyer who spoke to Alex Thompson earlier today says Fujitsu for instance should be paying millions of pounds right now into a fund that could be used later on that that would be one element of the justice that has not yet been achieved in all

This do you agree with him um I agree with him except that I think it be should be hundreds of millions of pounds um because Fujitsu was the company which was interfering in sub postmaster’s accounts not keeping a record of what it was doing denying that

It could do that and doing all of that while it knew that people were being prosecuted and sent to prison for altered accounts it’s uh is an awful shocking story shocking also because this isn’t about corporate negligence this is about malevolence isn’t it malevolence incentivized by bonuses absolutely right

Yes what the post office did was it installed a program that it knew was faulty and then prosecuted the sub postmasters and demanded money from the sub postmasters on the basis that the program was not faulty and that of itself seems to me to be a simple matter of perversion of the

Course of justice as well as probably theft fraud uh various computer misuse act uh offenses of all over the place and so yes malevolence is the right word maybe it should be stronger than that well given that it might be stronger than that or do you say should be

Stronger than that what do justice in all this look like I mean Justice is the one thing that these poor people haven’t seen yet yes Justice Means a number of things it means overturning these convictions that should never have taken place it means redress for those victims that uh had

Money their money taken away from them and their lives ruined and their marriages broken up and their houses repossessed and bankrupted and some of them took their own lives um it means holding to account the people people who are responsible for this which includes obviously the post office management post office

Investigators uh maybe the civil servants who were overseeing in theory what the post office was doing maybe even the ministers but also Fujitsu which was doing these appalling things are you talking about criminal charges then against those responsible certain certainly criminal charges I I I can’t say against whom or for precisely what

Crimes that’s matter for the prosecuting authorities but it would be awful if there weren’t some form of prosecution campaign beginning now Lord Aban thank you very much indeed thank you and Fujitsu say that they are committed to providing the fullest and most transparent information so that key lessons are learned for the

Future now sticking with the subject lawyers have confirmed to this program tonight the two former sub postmasters in Scotland have had their convictions overturned ahead of scheduled Court appearances to try and clear their names up to a 100 people there could have been wrongly accused our Scotland correspondent Katherine Samson has MN

She joins us now from Glasgow Katherine uh yes Matt this news today doubles number of people in Scotland whose convictions have been overturned from two to four the two individuals affected today are Colin Smith he was convicted of bezman and Don fman in 2018 and Judith Smith not related who is

Convicted of fraud in cker in the Scottish borders all the way back in 2009 uh Judith who managed to get hold of tonight she was still taking all in very excited and she says she is now celebrating with her family now both these individuals were actually due at a

Court hearing in Edinburgh tomorrow before finding out today their convictions had been quashed but that Court hearing is still going to be going ahead because others are trying to clear their names including RAB Thompson who we spoke to on the program last night and I gather the whole issue also

Dominated first Minister’s questions in the Scottish Parliament how did that turn out yeah well you remember yesterday the first Minister Hamza yusf pledged that all victims in Scotland would have their convictions overturned after that Announcement by the Prime Minister which only applied to England in Wales today

Though we are really no clear on exactly how this complicated process is going to be achieved is it going to be a situation where something needs to change to allow the UK law to apply here are they going to come up with something else remember in Scotland it was the

Crown office not the post office that prosecuted people after pressure from opposition parties in the chamber today the head of that Crown office the Lord Advocate has agreed to come to the Scottish Parliament and make a statement on this scandal at the earliest opportunity something we expect might happen next week

A former Post Office investigator has told the public inquiry into the Horizon scandal that he and his colleagues did not “behave like mafia gangsters”.

Stephen Bradshaw admitted he had been aware of problems with the IT software, but claimed he was “not technically minded” and was just “a liaison”.

Warning: This report contains some offensive language

  1. Not everyone affected will receive compensation. Some postmasters used their own money to cover the ‘shortfalls’ until they realised they could no longer afford to do so and had to close or retired. Once their PO closed they longer had access to the accounts/paper work so cannot prove their losses. The more I learn about this the more heartbreaking it is. There is also an impact to family members so it’s generational. How do you quantify the full cost. It’s a butterfly affect. Untold misery here. I hope that the PO is stripped of their powers to prosecute in the future. If these cases had been handled by the police they wouldn’t have been treated as badly as the abuses the PO subjected them to; being denied basic human rights as well as legal representation. Appalling.

  2. £600,000 compensation is a joke the ex boss got £5,000,000 and her undeserved medal. I think £5,000,000 should be the starting point and it should be a lot more.

  3. I'm still struggling with the title 'investigator'. This man claims to have little or no knowledge of the technicalities of the Horizon software. My assumprion, therefore, is that he and his team went in to Post Offices with the corporate assumption that fraud had been committed. What investigation did he do into anything else?

  4. Since investigators were offered cash bonuses for every sub-postmaster convicted, it's quite likely they knew the people they targeted were innocent and that the software was faulty. They should be forced to pay that money back.

  5. Not a great look for the UK legal system. Perception from the other side of the pond [US]. Considering the portrayed attitude / culture of those in positions of authority, in the UK, I'm not surprised at how this played out. Based only on what I've seen in videos & read in comments, coming from people in the UK, it seems that those in authoritative positions, regardless of the insignificance of their office, they function as if they have been given absolute, infallible powers from some all-powerful deity or royal source. Do not question me, I am the law. Regrettably, I see the same behaviors in many business owners over here in the US.

  6. There appears to be a new attempt at a miscarriage of justice, as in this vid, trying to unload the blame on Fujitsu. The Sun would probably put it: "It was all the fault of the foreigners, not the plucky British PO. Fujitsu should be lining up to offer compensation" Yes, of course, there were faults in Fujitsu's programme. Any rational client on learning of difficulties, which exhibited itself by long serving sub postmasters having errors in their returns, would be to invite in 3rd party software experts to diagnose the problem. Not the PO, who embarked on a scandolous witchhunt. The miscarriage has nothing to do with Fujitzu, unless they testified that their system was foolproof, but as I see it, the vid suggests that it was the PO who went on the stand, under oath, and testified that the Fujitzu product was without error. In fact rather than compensating people, Fujitzu might have a reasonable action against the PO for defemation, because of the PO's illogical actions in briniging prosecutions against loyal long standing employees/contractors, instead of investigating the softwear, which as a result of the PO's illogical actions has brought Fujitzu into disrepute. Just a thought.

  7. Listen, before you all get excited, If anyone is prosecuted and goes to jail, you can be sure it will not be the upper management… it will be the arseholes that carried out the dirty work for them…

  8. The solicitors acting for The Post Office are culpable in lying to the courts. A witness statement, BY DEFINITION, should be based on what the witness knows. Stephen Bradshaw is small fry. Paula Vennels was either completely incompetent in her role in her massively paid job, or she was involved in a cover up. If it's the latter, she should go to prison.

  9. These corporate obscenities are normal in modern business and political practices . It is a culture of systemic abuse by self-obsessed sociopaths who recognise each other , in the coldness of their blood . The tragedy is that the sociopathic mentality allows for the complete personal rejection of all the positive standards of human conduct , and in doing so , reaffirm a fixed and mentally disturbed views of the world , leaving a sense of gratifying superiority in an empty shell .

  10. I look forward to watching the inquiry counsel grill every judge that allowed an unsafe conviction. I expect to see the legal system exposed for the inconpetency of these judges too. Whu should they be allowed to run for cover. The egregious abuse of the rules of evidence and the rules of disclosure going on for years , by many judges , has brought the whole system into disrepute. Let the inquiry publish a list of the judges invloved. And make them squirm in the public gaze too.

  11. "Committed to providing the fullest and most transparent information so the key lessons are leant for the FUTURE"… Fujitsu should never again be allowed to be anywhere near the post office and any other British organisation!!!

  12. 😡🤬😡 These people were paid £££ MILLIONS £££ of taxpayers money! They were paid HUGE bonuses, while doing this! They need to pay back ALL of the money & pensions that they FRAUDULENTLY took! 😡🤬😡

  13. The lawyers who knew full well they were facilitating injustice need consequences. Defending criminals is one philosophical position. But this is lawyers harassing and pursuing the innocent. Pure abuse and bullying. Absolutely feral tactics used daily by jobbing solicitors like STEPHENSON HARWOOD LLP acting for known guilty parties like Brooks Macdonald PLC who owe millions for the Spearpoint Legacy Issues. They publicly accepted responsibility and agreed to compensate victims, but still fight new claims like pit bulls. Pure venal Paula Vennells clones.

  14. Mafia sounds about right. They need to be jailed for their part in this crime! Even this evil man sounds like it! He is accountable for his actions. Bradshaw and his gang are abusive gangsters who sold their souls for bonuses. They are the real criminals in all of this as their statement jailed and destroyed so many lives.

  15. Did veneballs set up the mafia? Someone knew what this body was doing! Someone knew that there was no looking,checking, the accounting that was wrong. It’s like they were deliberately after Credits to pay out the. Thank yous for good service.

  16. If anyone currently working at Fujitsu trys to block any investigations straight to jail.
    And if Japan trys to stop the investigation from happening we needs to have serious conversations with them about how serious that position that is too take for them.

  17. So" it Took a guy who's made a TV film (movie) out of it. Who's got clout to highlight this Injustice .
    So now things start getting done.
    But for the last 20 years f**k alls been done.
    So that shows you that the ordinary man in the street has not got a chance.
    Up against the big wigs.??? 🤬🇬🇧 .

  18. So the prosecutions were known not to be meeting the legal requirements…why did the courts not notice this…??? After all it was the judges sending people to prison and so destroyed many lives ( while refusing to look at independent journalists reporting on the mess) …The question has to be why the courts allowed the miscarriage of ‘JUSTICE ‘????’ The entire legal system failed on every level…it requires overhauling…

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