Will this robot fix UK roads?

Will this robot fix UK roads?

How much do potholes annoy you well this AI robot could make them a thing of the past the robot developed by researchers from the University of Liverpool and tech company robotized will use AI to identify and repair potholes and cracks before they worsen potentially saving the UK billions of

Pounds the government said they’re redirecting 8.3 billion from hs2 funding to repair roads and potholes but the UK is still near the bottom of the global rankings for spending on pothole repair according to a survey of local authorities by the asphalt industry Alliance there’s currently A4 billion pound backlog in road

Maintenance Highway authorities now estimate that it could take 11 years to get roads back to a reasonable state

The government have promised over £8 billion in funding to repair Britain’s pothole-riddled roads, but all that could be about to change thanks to a new AI powered robot which aims to detect and repair potholes and cracks before they worsen.

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  1. So one robot that moves slower than the roadworks guys will fix all of the potholes?
    Just get the roadworks guys to get off their butts and do their job.

  2. All the money from HS2 are going on pot holes in London google it it's in the news!! I think the money should be spend on the Yorkshire area as that's where the money been take from HS2

  3. People should be able to sue their governments for the roads not being okay because it damages your vehicle. Taxes go to fixing roads if I'm not mistaken so why aren't they fixing them? Why is there such a backlog in the first place?

  4. Designed by students at a university won't see a single penny of it's development and roll out instead they will leave university with a A4 sheet of paper and join the long queue for a job interview

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