William Lai, who China sees as a ‘troublemaker’, has won Taiwan’s election. #Shorts #Taiwan #BBCNews

The Taiwan election has been taking place uh and we are now just going to tune into the victory speeches by the Democratic Progressive Party in the last half hour it’s become clear that they have won the Taiwanese election

  1. Congratulations Taiwan! My wife and I are mainland Chinese students who studied and then immigrated to America. We completely understand and support your choice to pursue freedom and happiness!

  2. Trust me, any candidate who got selected as Taiwan's president will retain Taiwa's freedom and liberty. Not just William Lai. And over 60 percent of the citizens wish to have a Party Alternatio

  3. The Chinese government’s morbid cognition! A bad thing like haze pollution has been turned into a commercial transaction! In 2023, China’s carbon dioxide emissions trading volume will be as high as 212 million tons! 14.444 billion yuan! The Chinese government’s pathological cognition has turned haze pollution into a commercial transaction! Forcing 1.4 billion People breathe smog pollution every day! Just so the Chinese government can make money!

  4. Ну все, понеслась пизда по кочкам..по-хорошему не получилось. видимо быть военной операции на Тайване. Теперь будет активная подготовка

  5. Xi Jin Ping's domestic and foreign policies have all failed! Only self indulgence like Putin remains! Information monopoly! Maintain their last bit of face!

  6. Taiwan's democracy, liberty, freedom of speech and human rights are the biggest threat to Beijing's authoritarian and dictatorship not from the outside but from within.

  7. Peope congratulating a win for democracy while the UK is being conquered by unvetted visitors and citizens having rights infringed again and again. Yeah, real democratic. Wake up peope and switch this garbage off

  8. Quello che voi non dite perche' non parlate. I usa e israele hanno dichiarato guerra alla Germania coll'affndamento di decine di navi merci mercantili. Dovevamo solo decidere da che parte stare. Tuttavia io continuero' a parlarvi di Dio e della Sua volonta'. Ciao.

  9. The extremely corrupt pro US dpp party popularity has declined from 59 percent in the previous election to just 40 percent now and they have lost their majority in parliament. If they did not play dirty they would have lost the election

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