Ukraine: Man rescued after Russian bombardment on Kharkiv

Ukraine: Man rescued after Russian bombardment on Kharkiv

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Ukraine’s State Emergency Service (SES) released video on Monday (January 8) it says shows a man being rescued from under the rubble in the eastern city of Zmiiv, following heavy Russian bombardment.

Two people were saved and one person remained trapped under the ruined remains of the house, the State Emergency Service said, with rescuers continuing to search the area for survivors.

Governor of Kharkiv, Oleh Synyehubov, said an industrial site and educational facility were damaged after at least four missile strikes in the region during the early hours on Monday.

#russia #kharkiv #ukraine

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  1. "Polish experts confirm missile that hit grain facility was Ukrainian" Reuters, "Poland blast caused by missile fired by Ukrainian forces" AP, "Evidence Suggests Ukrainian Missile Caused Market Tragedy" NYT. Russians are attacking Ukrainian weapons depots and army barracks while Zelenskyy is attacking residential buildings with anti-aircraft missiles with long expired shelf life . Zelenskyy already hit Poland, Romania (a jet and a chopper were downed, 8 servicemen killed), Moldova, Belarus, numerous residential buildings and at least 4 children’s playgrounds inside Ukraine with these missiles. Western missiles which are sent there are also with either expired shelf life or very close to expiration date. It’s mindboggling how many buildings were hit and civilians killed (including two hapless Polish farmers) with this ongoing criminal lunacy of Zelenskyy regime. The chance of downing Russian missile is negligible in comparison with a risk of an accident with numerous civilian casualties. To give weapons to this war criminal Zelenskyy is like giving matches and gasoline to a serial compulsive arsonist.

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