Iran says it has attacked Israeli ‘spy base’ in Iraq

Iran says it has attacked Israeli ‘spy base’ in Iraq

Iranian state television broadcast footage on Tuesday of what it said were missiles being launched, after four civilians were killed in the northern Iraqi city of Irbil. Iran said it fired missiles late on Monday at what it claimed were Israeli ‘spy headquarters’ near the US consulate in Irbil, and at targets linked to Islamic State in northern Syria. It said it was defending its sovereignty and fighting terrorism in response to an IS suicide attack in Kerman this month that killed more than 80 people.
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  1. They hit their intended target a Kurdish business man that was selling and transferring oil to Isrealis. Unfortunately it also killed his family that were innocent. It has done exactly what American, and Uk and other western countries been doing in Middle East for years. It is hypocrisy from all sides. What is worrying American is the accuracy of these weapons. It is just a message to western countries and Isrealis not to bomb Iran…rather tahn anything else

  2. Iranian response wasn’t tough enough to recent Israeli air strikes in Syria which killed many Iranians including a high ranking army official.
    …..Iran needs to respond much promptly next time!

  3. Anybody else notice its always Iran supporting all the unrest in the middle east, a calm region with everyone working together doesn't suit Iran at all, they need the region to be chaos.

  4. 乙 A really bad and nasty retired General Dynamics director, previously worked in San Diego, probably more than 85 yrs old now, is exploiting illegally US Gov's monitoring satellite to harass normal US civilians, inside USA & all over the world for his own entertainment & amusement.

    These remote sensors of the monitoring satellites are capable of interpreting the words you're thinking in your mind, may be, by air vibration or by scanning the brainwaves from your brain.

    The Israeli IDF are using similar satellite technologies to spy on the Hamas leadership hiding deep inside the Gaza Tunnels. IDF once released footage of these videos in much degraded resolution.

    This retired General Dynamics director could have been the mastermind behind the plane crash killing the Secretary of Commerce Ronald Brown of the Clinton Administration, in the plane crash in 1996 in Croatia.

    The United States as we learned and studied in American high school does not exist anymore; it has been destroyed.

    Joe Biden allows this to happen…

    United States have been dead. American citizens don't have human rights.


    *iran can't control america they attack kurds in south

    *turkey can't control pkk they attack kurds in west

    And mentione kurdistan regione bc always kurds get damage

  6. America should understand that early 1990-2005 only hand full of people had mobile in world while now, every hand, every pocket is loaded with Mobile.

  7. How did the Iranian missile manage to get an accurate strike? Don't you need modern geo-spatial satellites to do that? Iran is not known to have modern satellites.

  8. I am once again proud of my fellow Iranians. What a name the missile has: "Khaybar Breaker." If you understand its meaning, you know it carries a profound message for Israel.

  9. Who cares if the hypocrites from America condemns anything. They have zero credibility.
    Mossad has failed again… these were the guys who killed over 100 people at the funeral services in Iran last month.
    Keep in mind that Israel with American support has killed over 30,000 innocent men, women,children and infants in Gaza…

  10. Hesekiel 18:27 Ja kui õel pöördub oma õelusest, mida ta on teinud, ja

    teeb, mis on kohus ja õige, siis ta hoiab oma elu alles.

    28 Sest kui ta näeb ja pöördub kõigist oma üleastumistest,

    mida ta on teinud, siis ta jääb tõesti elama; ta ei sure.

    29 Aga Iisraeli sugu ütleb: „Issanda tee ei ole õige!” Minu

    teed ei olevat õiged, Iisraeli sugu! Kas mitte nõnda: teie oma

    teed ei ole õiged?

    30 Seepärast ma mõistan kohut teie üle, Iisraeli sugu, igaühe

    üle ta eluviiside kohaselt, ütleb Issand Jumal. Pöörduge ja

    taganege kõigist oma üleastumistest, et teie süü ei saaks teile


    31 Heitke eneste pealt ära kõik oma üleastumised, millega te

    olete üle astunud, ja valmistage enestele uus süda ja uus vaim!

    Miks te tahate surra, Iisraeli sugu?

    32 Sest mul ei ole head meelt surija surmast, ütleb Issand

    Jumal. Seepärast pöörduge ja elage!

  11. Iran spreading Anti-sunni secterian hatred as usual. It seems the iraqis have no control of their country as iran can do what it wants. Look what iran did to the city of Mosul. Flattened the city and destroyed historical mosques.

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