Houthi officials warn UK and US will “pay a heavy price” following strikes in Yemen. #Yemen #BBCNews

  1. This civilisation is the smallest of all…can't even build a pyramid nor understand how it was built,yet it's the most barbaric,cruel and unhuman of all…they have nothing that will testify of them after 1000 years,yet they pretend to be the highest😅😂😂😂CHAOS is the only footprints they'll leave as legacy😎

  2. No basis for this airstrikes against the Houthi in Yemen. The part of the West that wants the international community to believe they conducted this action on behalf of the world shipping trade are just taking a gamble. The escalation they've initiated will be a terrible oversight. This is very dangerous and they should also know what the turn of event will be. What happens to World Peace?

  3. Oh no! So scary! Hahahaha b please. No one is scared of a country that can’t even feed its own people. How many have died in your own bs war so far? 300,000+? Looks like you guys have a lot more pressing issues than trying to disrupt global trade. 😂

  4. You know things get real when the US and UK get involved, Houthi don’t want this smoke targeting international cargo ships is a quick way to get slapped.
    I don’t usually condone military action in other countries unless it’s absolutely necessary but the world has enough problems without trade coming to a halt, when the military action is for the benefit of the greater population of the world then it can be excused.

  5. New World order in troops all to do with them wanting a trade route from China to Gaza and larges gas deposit in Palestine. The world's people are awake to what's going on and are against genoside agenda and nwo plans.

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