Hamas appears to show dead bodies of two hostages after warning Israel • FRANCE 24 English

Hamas appears to show dead bodies of two hostages after warning Israel • FRANCE 24 English

Propaganda videos released by Hamas early on Monday showed 26-year-old Noah aramani and two men yasi sharabi and a Tai sersi each speaking directly into the camera the time and location of the videos could not be verified and they came with a taunting message from the militant group that the fates of the

Three hostages would be announced later in the day hours later Hamas released video footage purporting to show the bodies of the two men claiming they had been killed by Israeli air strikes Israel’s top military spokesman denied the accusation at least in part A Tha was not shot by our forces that is a

Hamas lie the building where they were being held was not a Target and it was not attacked by our forces we didn’t know exactly their locations we don’t attack a place if we know there may be hostages inside in her video the young woman Noah aramani described the deaths of the two

Men and said she had been wounded Hamas continues to hold at least 130 or so Israelis hostage kidnapped during the massacre on October 7th on Sunday families of the captives and their supporters gathered to mark their 100th day in custody and to call for their release 100 days who who can believe

This it’s unacceptable we need to do everything we can to bring them back Israel has condemned hamas’s propaganda videos as a form of psychological warfare AED at the Israeli families desperate for news of their loved ones and to pressure the Israeli government to make concessions to secure their

Release at a news conference late Monday Israel’s defense minister said the only way to get the hostages home was by continuing to apply military pressure

Hamas appeared to show the dead bodies of two Israeli hostages on Monday after warning Israel they might be killed if it did not stop its bombardment of Gaza. A new video released by the Palestinian militant group purportedly showed the bodies of Yossi Sharabi, 53, and Itai Svirsky, 38, who had appeared in an initial video on Sunday. It also showed a third Israeli hostage, university student Noa Argamani, 26, seemingly reading a script in front of a blank white wall, saying the two were killed by Israeli strikes.

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  1. Dyper force says it's not them ! So west must believe that & repeat after Bosses . I think Israeli lie about everything & they believe their won lie !

  2. The hostages are a valuable resource which cost Palestine a lot. They are meant to secure the release of their own 7000 hostages, women and children, which they promised to free. The soldiers have been said by their captives to have protected them with their own lives in front of IDF gunfire. If the Palestinian militants had wanted to show they will execute the hostages, they would do it directly, on camera. They already show body cam footage of them striking IDF. Israel's usual propaganda story doesn't make sense. Think about it.

    What makes sense is that they took video to document their hostages, for proof of life. Look at the history. They didn't send very much footage out at all. But the footage they did send out was footage of people who were in distress and who may not survive, to prove they were alive. They took Mia, who had a critical gunshot injury which may have gone septic. It was repeatedly said she was treated by a "vet", but Mia said she was taken to the hospital in a hijab. They showed some elderly people. And they released the elderly, wounded Mia, and children first.

    Now, think about the recent video. Why was it released? When was it taken? It said they may be in jeopardy. Everyone takes that statement as a threat of execution. But what if they either knew the hostages might not survive close bombardment, or may have even already died? If it was me (and I'm not a person who takes hostages), I might hurriedly put out an imminent danger video before they did die. This happens all the time when people or criminals are about to die, because they're about to get caught. Or, the video was likely an earlier one which was put out after they were killed, most likely by the IDF and out of their hands. The hurried pre-death video is too risky as it would show the IDF was close to their hidden location. And the planned attack more likely had video proof of life as part of the earlier steps. Alive today and killed tomorrow? The message showed knowledge of imminent death. So if they did it themselves, intentionally, for a reason, they would have acknowledged it. 

    Both these videos may have been posted post mortem. That makes the most sense to me. The Israeli version of execution does not make sense.

  3. Monsters. Monsters. Monsters. We Iranians KNOW close and personal these MONSTERS for 44 long hellish years since 1979 when they occupied our country. We live in a sick world where no one listens/listened to us, and now Israelis are suffering the same fate.

  4. "The building where they were held was not a target".… "We don't know where they were held" … Err duh …. Was the first sentence a slip of the tongue?😂😂😂

  5. Put the face of the girl when she is kidnapped next to when hamas has released of her. Take a long look she looks horribke now. This is what hamas and gazans do to the captives. one look tells the real storybbthat the histages have been abused

  6. Well more military pressure has had the IDF actually kill more hostages than they've managed to save, & so after 101+ days, it's so obvious that it's a strategy that has failed!

    It's only when the families of the hostages still held captive in Gaza have banded together & publicly criticized the Israeli government has Netanyahu taken the hostage situation seriously. From the outside, it seems as if Hamas keeping hostages captive allows Israel to continue their bombardment of Gaza, but at the same time, when the families have spoken out, it's been an inconvenience so Netanyahu is stuck between a rock & a hard place here.

  7. Hamas thinks people were born yesterday because there really are people who will believe anything they say. What a coincidence that one day they make the hostages tape a cryptic message telling Israel to stop or they will soon learn their fate and then the very next day they are dead and blaming it on Israel… come on.

  8. 73% Plastilin support Hummus, the rest may oppose but they still justify the acts of October 7th. Consequently, it seems that approximately 99% support the massacre (and much much more ISISI acts), if not all of them. They even assert that there is no difference between themselves and Hummus. Given this, why does the media claim they are innocent citizens?

  9. Human empathy and emotional intelligence continues to degrade along with the surge of fanatical ideologies and extremism. It seems that kidnapping and taken people hostage during a genocide terrorist attack to a sovereign country is not really a big deal. Publishing propaganda and exploiting the hostages appears to be just a matter of opinion which indeed does not begin to address the cruel attacks committed to them. Many people are desensitized just because nothing has happened to them or their families so this is just "another news". Semantics are more important than the content and the meaning of the report. The world is evolving into the chaos perpetrated by evil forces under false semi-religious doctrines sponsored by radical states dominated by dictators seeking to dominate the world and impose their cultist ideas. In the civilized world we do not see such criminal behavior and peace is important. We should be condemning these heinous acts across the cultures as an attack to humanity and the right to live in peace…as human kind we are fallen below any known standards and it seems that the value of life is no longer considered important but a weapon to use against the one who treasure it. Under any circumstances and no matter what your background or religion is or the type of ideology you have, there should be an intrinsic remnant of humanity inside each one of us to denounce the barbaric acts of Hamas against the kidnapped and tortured people from Israel. Impossible to imagine the cruelty on men, babies and especially on younger women used as sex objects and torture. This is one reason we must support Israel and the IDF against the brutality of this organized terrorism subjugating also their own people.

  10. Hamas lied, they killed that hostages and cannot be trust. They are heartless cause the toture the hostages family emotionally. And the world court do nothing, that's a shame. That's also like human trafficking and isn't the world against it, is it not a crime. Before the court case happend the court should have first rule for the hostages to be released

  11. I do not believe anything that Hamas says. I so believe that most if not all the remaining hostages are no longer with us. Hamas can barely take care of themselves let alone care for the hostages. I pray these people are returned safely. I know I wouldn’t want to stay in Hamas custody and be tortured. I’d choose to go home with God.

  12. Hamas has shown without a doubt what they are about. Maybe the likes of South Africa can also take them to court. That is, unless the ANC, SA's ruling party, is not in Iran's pocket? Friends always tend to support each other. Even the ones who were bought and paid for.

  13. For Hamas keeping the hostages and subjecting them, Israel and the whole world to a psychological torture is more important than the people in Gaza, These terrorists and their leaders amuse themselves watching Palestinians die because that was part of the plan. I saw a Palestinian official in an interview saying that the tunnels were meant to protect the fighters and that civilians were UN's problem and still these pro Palestine groups refuse to condemn Hamas. I looks to me that the protesters also support terrorism and it needs to be stopped.

  14. the Limits of Tolerance – Liberals are being way too tolerant of Hamas and now Houthi's which are society that have no human rights, no rights for women, no rights for gays, that value martyrdom, allow and encourage the rape of women, and use sex slaves from captured enemies. A society that imbeds in the population, doesn't wear uniforms, and walks with women and children so they can be killed as martyrs.

    The reason why Israel still attacks, knowing there are civilians that will be killed? It's because they have human values and freedoms they do not want to give up, and there is a limit to tolerance. The intolerant will eventually seize or destroy a society that is unrestrictedly tolerant and willingly accords moral equivalence to the intolerant.

    The cost of tolerating Hamas and Houthi's and giving them more power, would be exponentially higher in lives lost and destroyed, as compared to the lost life in this war. This does not mean that we cannot have moral relativism or a diversity of perspectives and beliefs; rather, it suggests that there must be some foundational principles or values, such as mutual respect and basic human rights, that are non-negotiable and upheld across all groups.

    And rights for woman, gays, western freedom of speech and intellectual pursuits, and the practice civilized war that does include raping and drugging hostages. For example, Israel right to exist is non-negotiable. that's what this is about. They do not believe we have the right. So, what would be the cost to the 7 million Jews living in Israel if an intolerant society like Hamas would be in power?

    Of course, Israel doesn't want to pay the high price of war it is paying now. The lost Palestinian lives and those of it's own. But the cost of keeping an intolerant society in power is much much greater.

  15. Spokespersons spin this by using semantics. Purports to show. There are so many lies. Israel hss been proven to kill their own peoe as collateral damage. Whose to say that the indiscriminate bombarding, tank attacks and boots on the ground are not responsible? They have no idea where the hostages are but still go ahead with indiscriminate attacks. They have no othereverage accept the hostages to wrest life saving concessions for their people who are being murdered . Let us not forget those casualties. No use trashing South Africa for having the conscience to protest genocide in the face of human atrocities.

  16. You send Israel solders to fight Netanyahu’s war while his son is living his best life in US. Guilty of what you accused Hamas! Stop the Genocide. We remembered well Israel admitted to killed three hostages with white flag!

  17. Chamas [hamas] = cruel, violence, injustice, oppressor, …

    Strong's Concodance…




    From H2554; violence; by implication wrong; by metonymy unjust gain: – cruel (-ty), damage, false, injustice, X oppressor, unrighteous, violence (against, done), violent (dealing), wrong.

    Per G**gle translate: Hamas = חמס (violence)

  18. What type of news media is if you're going to explain don't leave the biggest part were the woman claims her too cold companions were killed by the air strike and she got wounded and they show her face clearly and speaking on other news outlets it is you that should cover your face if you're not going to report truth

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