Ukraine says it shot down Russian A-50 spy plane | BBC News

I want to bring you an update on that breaking news that we told you about in the past hour Ukraine’s military says it shut down a Russian military plane over the seers as of these planes are you have powerful radar on board and they detect targets at long range but the man

Who knows much more than I do is vital shenko who is the Russia editor with BBC monitoring so there’s been some confusion what are the ukrainians saying the ukrainians claim to have shut down two really important planes one’s called the A50 and the other one is an ill 22

Now the a uh 50 is a is a spy plane basically which carries a very powerful radar that helps the Russian military to detect Targets on the ground in the sea and basically helps Russian fighter jets for example to H Ukrainian targets and importantly these PL planes normally fly out of the

Range of Ukrainian missiles so it’s not exactly clear uh how the ukrainians did it if if they in fact did it and also what makes this plane really important is that uh Russia as far as we know only has eight of them now the other plane

The uan 22 is an Airborne Command Center which again helps the Russian uh military uh in Ukraine to coordinate their attacks so potentially a very important development and um an achievement for the Ukrainian Army and the Ukrainian Army already saying this is a big victory for them I’ve seen some

Some comments from some of their commanders that’s right Valerie zi the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Army he congratulated the Ukrainian Air Force on what he called a a beautifully planned and executed operation near the Sea of Azo now in terms of evidence we don’t really have much there are Clips

There’s one clip actually circulating on social media which perets to be um an intercepted conversation between Uh Russian uh air traffic controllers uh who say that this uh illusion 22 plane is is damaged and needs to make an emergency um Landing apart from that there’s not much Russia’s not commented

And to be Fair uh Russia hardly ever admits um losses like that so we’ll just have to wait and see whether anything emerges following this claimed uh shootdown yeah it is going to be quite difficult in the current situation get a definitive answer whether it has actually happened absolutely and also

We’ve talked a lot about the uh Ukrainian counter offensive stalling or not being successful however ever claims like this uh they suggest that Ukraine’s building up building up its capacity to Target Uh Russian assets further and further away for example Ukraine claims to have basically pushed the Russian Black Sea

Fleet Out of the Black Sea uh because it it apparently has extended its capability to Target ships there okay FAL shenko from BBC monitoring Thank you very much for joining us

Ukraine’s military has said it has shot down a Russian military spy plane over the Sea of Azov, in what analysts say would be a blow to Moscow’s air power.

Army chief Gen Valerii Zaluzhnyi said the air force had “destroyed” an A-50 long range radar detection aircraft, and an IL-22 air control centre.

The A-50 detects air defences and coordinates targets for Russian jets.

Russian officials said they had “no information” about the attacks, but prominent pro-war Russian commentators have said the loss of an A-50 would be significant.

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  1. Russian media is saying an A-50 surveillance plane successfully intercepted and destroyed a Ukrainian launched Patriot missile near Berdyansk.

    Actually, what they are saying is they accidentally shot down their own aircraft.

    Either way, it's a win for the civilized world.

  2. Lets remember all the Russian Zombie circus when Ukraine claimed to hit their flagship "Moscow": "Ukraine doesn't have such capability", "Ukrainian attack was successfully repelled: no damage", "There is a little smoke", "Moscow is going to port for a paint job", "Moscow is being towed to port due to a mechanical issue", "Moscow sunk due to big waves, 1 sailor died"… 🤡🤡🤡

  3. Disinformation at his finest, without any evidence MSN made up news, really nice to see this 💩 because more people will start questioning this rotten system 😂😂😂

  4. THE UKRAINE WAR IS NOT HAPPENING AS ITS BEING PORTRAYED. It is being created with adversarial generative networks, ai, mixed reality, and augmented reality scenes of war and chaos. Every single one of these people who claim to be “covering” the war effort, like this obnoxious ratty schmuck, are lying sniveling little weasels. The Ukraine “war” is a collaboration involving Russia, Ukraine, China, Turkey, and others to fight a multifaceted front against the US in ways other than direct violent combat.

  5. For those who remember By Dawn's Early Light (film), these planes are sort of like the American ones in the movie, about which the President of the United States uttered the famous line, "So we have Alice in one plane and the mad hatter in the other." "Alice" was James Earl Jones.

  6. Дякую сполученим штатам Америки за підтримку нашого українського народу.
    Приємно бачити коментарі громадян Америки,які підтримують нас і пишуть теплі слова.
    Дякую за зброю та за вашу позицію в цій війні.
    Росія програє!
    Ми захищаємо свій дім👊
    З любов'ю до 🇺🇸🇨🇦🫂💞

  7. But Russia has omitted two of the planes have been damaged one has crashed into the sea and the other one has landed on a runway so for the BBC to put on this Russia hasn't said anything when they have it's on other channels on YouTube the A50 spy plane has crashed into the sea but this is the BBC do I need to tell you half the story

  8. Spy plane that failed to detect a missile coming to it. This war is just getting messier for Putin. Russia will soon be a third-world country at this rate 😂

  9. Доброго вечора. Мене звуть Арсен, я родом із України. Все, що пишуть кремліботи путлера або агенти кремля – це неправда. Я живу на вулиці Степана Банденри будинок 29. Щодня нас обстрілюють російські оккупанти. Але ми тримаємося тому, що у нас у підвалі є польські військові, які захищають нас від цих окупантів. Щовечора я приношу Нашим польським захисникам свою доньку для тимчасової втіхи, щоб моя дочка спала з польськими солдатами, а моя дружина працює з американськими найманцями. Моя дружина каже що американці в плані втіх та задоволень краще ніж німецькі найманці. Я сам щоночі підробляю чистильником туалету для арабських найманців, які живуть у нас у Києві. Наш український народ обов'язково здобуде повну перемогу над росією. Ми Українці народ сміливий відважний і відстаємо нашу перемогу над путіним. Перемога буде за нами. Ще я за нетрадиційну сексуальну орієнтацію. У нас в Україні усі чоловіки за ЛГБТ співтовариство. У нас усі чоловіки особи з нетрадиційною сексуальною орієнтацією, а всі жінки активно вступають у зв'язок із арабськими найманцями. Всі наші діти дуже люблять працювати за їжу, люблять спати коли у ліжку знаходиться найманець з будь-якої країни світу. Ми любимо витрачати гроші на спа салони та салони за доглядом за шкірою. Це все тому, що наші доблесні наймані військові зі США дуже люблять гладку шкіру на наших українських тілах. Ми обов'язково переможемо у цій війні, бо ми Українці доблесний народ. Перемога буде за нами. Слава Україні, героям слава. Нехай Україна буде символом дикої рослини під назвою Елда. Вона росте лише на свободі. Тому Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Ук це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. Єлда – це Україна. 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇸

  10. But what about your stabbing rate though and isn't that also being done primarily by the same two groups reallly odd. But heres your war story now stop having independent thoughts and be mindless

  11. First of all when a plane shot down, first thing first any country would had done is the rescue missions for any survivors. The Russians didn't, and why didn't they sent rescue for any hope of survivors? Because west is running their mouth without nothing to back it up.

  12. What kills me the most is when they say Russins weapons are old. Okay but Ukraine are using modern weapons from the west why are they losing? And why changed the narrative to makes US weapons special, shadow missiles leopards Bradley javelin cluster bomb challengers name it Ukraine has it all the to nato officers. But why are losing and can't even reach Russian defensive line. Old weapons vs modern weapons lmfao😅😅😅😅

  13. He comes! he comes! See, see the shit you're doing!
    The radar does not work 10 meters away.
    Is this NATO? Trump will get out!
    Two British Navy sweepers collide in Bahrain
    The UK Royal Navy ships Chiddingfold and Bangor collided at a military base in Bahrain.
    The UK Royal Navy ships HMS Chiddingfold and HMS Bangor collided at a military base in Bahrain. The "humiliating accident" was reported by the English newspaper Mirror.

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