How could AI affect jobs globally and worsen inequality? | BBC News

Now let’s turn to artificial intelligence because the international monetary fund has warned that 40% of all jobs around the world will be impacted by AI it says the effect is even more pronounced in the developed world where 60% of roles will be affected according to the IMF half of us will benefit from

Higher productivity but the other half uh the rise of AI could see lower salaries reduced hiring and even some jobs disappearing altogether and it increases uh inequality potentially within society and between rich and poor Nations uh let’s hear from christalina goriva managing director of the IMF we must focus on

Helping lower income countries in particular to move faster to be able to catch the opportunities that artificial intelligence would present in other words embrace it it is coming set aside the fear of this significant change and concentrate on how you can best tap into the opportunity well the rise of AI is one

Of the big topics at the world economic Forum which starts in the Swiss ski resort of Davos today the Forum is warning that misinformation and disinformation created by AI is the most significant risk to global stability over the next 5 years ahead of climate change War and economic weakness well I

Spoke to Sachin Dev Dugal who’s co-founder of the software development platform Builder AI he’s at the Forum in Davos I asked him if he agrees with with all of these things it’s a balance score card approach so there is a risk of misuse uh in terms of misinformation that can be generated

Deep fakes that can be generated but at the same time there’s also the potential for um massively improving individual productivity um you know one of the things that we’re seeing globally is a big mismatch between between demand and Supply in in many Industries whether it’s development of software in

Marketing Services uh and now ai is allowing every human being to be that much more productive and help sort of square off that that that mismatch I suppose it being the big Topic in Davos this week for you is quite good news I mean no publicity is bad publicity is it

But um how do you sort of when you’re going around glad hading with all the other Big Business Leaders how do you address those concerns look I think um you know the the big concern is folks are nervous folks are concerned um everything from how are you going to educate our kids

Because there’s a question of whether they need to be coding right the way through to what does it mean for lowincome um markets or low-income countries and sort of how are they going to be able to leverage AI or whether they’re going to be able to leverage Ai

And we’re still really early in this right so we’re in we’re in the days of broad we’re in the days of dialup um and Broadband is still some ways away and I think what we’re going to start to see in 2024 is the technology access will

Become cheaper um you will see more U folks leveraging it even from lower um lower economic areas and that would actually hopefully give them superpowers um to be able to do and and gain access to skills that otherwise they weren’t able to

Artificial intelligence is set to affect nearly 40% of all jobs, according to a new analysis by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

IMF’s managing director Kristalina Georgieva says “in most scenarios, AI will likely worsen overall inequality”.

Ms Georgieva adds that policymakers should address the “troubling trend” to “prevent the technology from further stoking social tensions”.

The proliferation of AI has put its benefits and risks under the spotlight.

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  1. AI is amazing. It will totally obliterate many jobs much sooner than everyone is expecting it. For example, right now a simple prompt can work 100 time more efficient than any accounting company. You can do the most complicated tax returns withing 5min by just uploading your documents. You get a much better result with tips on how to improve that will blow your mind. ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ

  2. The down side of AI is that big cities like Berlin or London, which have the highest concentration of software and office workers will see a huge rise in permanent unemployment. I think these cities will soon face the Detroit syndrome.

  3. Still trying to build a time machine to take me back "Pronto" to the 70's or 80's. This world is in a constant mess, Covid 19 here to stay/Global METH Pandemic/Rental & Homless Crisis/Social Media & Narcissism/Rich richer & Poor poorer/90+Genders/Online Fraud/A.I & Jobs dissapearing/War & threats of more war/Refugee Crisis/Climate Change/Political Division/P.C & Woke Rubbish/Doctor, Nurse & Teacher Shortages/Police Shortages/Online Porn & Online Bullying/ YOU NAME IT! The world was a much much simpler place before all of this TECH got out of hand, we had just the right amount. MINUS the Medical Tech side of things YET the waiting lists are atrocious! Long live the good awl years, 1950's – Early/Mid 1990's…Born in 1971 and really miss the great years. Sad times people

  4. More MSM scare stories to put the frighteners up their audiences, instilling irrational fear.

    I couldnt care less what the IMF say.

    AI, as an existential threat, is miles away from this level of proliferation.

    According to the current state of play, at best AI will be in an assistance role rather than direct replacement.

    Climate change impacts are a far, far bigger and immediate threat.

  5. I wrote an AI software that could do the BBCs job:
    Reeeee Diversity.
    Reeeee Inclusiveness
    Reeeee Equity.
    Reeeee White supremacists!
    Reeeee Poor migrants.
    Reeeee Climate change.
    Reeeee And now for the weather.

  6. โœ“ I believe we are meant to be like Jesus in our hearts and not in our flesh. But be careful of AI, for it knows only things of the flesh such as our fleshly desires and cannot comprehend things of the Spirit such as true love and eternal joy that comes from obeying God's Word [Galatians 5:16-26]. Man is a spirit and has a soul but lives in a body which is flesh. When you go to bed it is the flesh that sleeps, but your spirit never sleeps and that is why you have dreams, unless you have died in peace physically. More so, true love that endures and last is a thing of the heart. When I say 'heart', I mean 'spirit'. But fake love, pretentious love, love with expectations, love for classic reasons, love for material reasons (love because of material needs) and love for selfish reasons those are things of the flesh. In the beginning God said let us make man in our own image, according to our likeness. Take note, God is Spirit and God is Love. As Love He is the source of it. We also know that God is Omnipotent, for He creates out of nothing and He has no beginning and has no end. That means, our love is but a shadow of God's Love. True love looks around to see who is in need of your help, your smile, your possessions, your money, your strength, your quality time. Love forgives and forgets. Love wants for others what it wants for itself. However, true love works in conjunction with other spiritual forces such as patience and faith – in the finished work of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, rather than in what man has done such as science, technology and organizations which won't last forever. To avoid sin and error which leads to the death of your body and your spirit-soul in hell fire (second death), you must make God's Word the standard for your life, not AI. If not, God will let you face AI on your own (with your own strength) and it will cast the truth down to the ground, it will be the cause of so much destruction like never seen before, it will deceive many and take many captive in order to enslave them into worshipping it and abiding in lawlessness. We can only destroy ourselves but with God all things are possible. God knows us better because He is our Creater and He knows our beginning and our end. The prove texts can be found in the book of John 5:31-44, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Daniel 2, Daniel 7-9, Revelation 13-15, Matthew 24-25 and Luke 21.

    You must read your Bible slowly, attentively and repeatedly, having this in mind that Christianity is not a religion but a Love relationship. It is measured by the love you have for God and the love you have for your neighbor. Matthew 5:13 says, "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men." Our spirits can only be purified while in the body (while on earth) but after death anything unpurified (unclean) cannot enter Heaven Gates. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God [Matthew 5:8]. No one in his right mind can risk or even bare to put anything rotten into his body nor put the rotten thing closer to the those which are not rotten. Sin makes the heart unclean but you can ask God to forgive you, to save your soul, to cleanse you of your sin, to purify your heart by the blood of His Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ which He shed here on earth because Isaiah 53:5 says, "But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed". Meditation in the Word of God is a visit to God because God is in His Word. We know God through His Word because the Word He speaks represent His heart's desires. Meditation is a thing of the heart, not a thing of the mind. Thinking is lower level while meditation is upper level. You think of your problems, your troubles but inorder to meditate, you must let go of your own will, your own desires, your own ways and let the Word you read prevail over thinking process by thinking of it more and more, until the Word gets into your blood and gains supremacy over you. That is when meditation comes – naturally without forcing yourself, turning the Word over and over in your heart. You can be having a conversation with someone while meditating in your heart – saying 'Thank you, Jesus…' over and over in your heart. But it is hard to meditate when you haven't let go of offence and past hurts. Your pain of the past, leave it for God, don't worry yourself, Jesus is alive, you can face tomorrow, He understands what you are passing through today. Begin to meditate on this prayer day and night (in all that you do), "Lord take more of me and give me more of you. Give me more of your holiness, faithfulness, obedience, self-control, purity, humility, love, goodness, kindness, joy, patience, forgiveness, wisdom, understanding, calmness, perseverance… Make me a channel of shinning light where there is darkness, a channel of pardon where there is injury, a channel of love where there is hatred, a channel of humility where there is pride…" The Word of God becomes a part of us by meditation, not by saying words but spirit prayer (prayer from the heart). Take note, God is Spirit and those who worship Him should do so in spirit and truth (genuinely by living the Word). When the Word becomes a part of you, it will by its very nature influence your conduct and behavior. Your bad habits, you will no longer have the urge to do them. You will think differently, dream differently, act differently and talk differently – if something does not qualify for meditation, it does not qualify for conversation.

    Heaven is God's throne and the dwelling place for God's angels and the saints. Hell was meant for the devil (satan) and the fallen angels. Those who torture the souls in hell are demons (unclean spirits). Man's spirit is a free moral agent. You can either yield yourself to God or to the devil because God has given us discretion. If one thinks he possesses only his own spirit, he is lying to himself and he is already in the dark. God is light while the devil is darkness. Light (Holy Spirit) and darkness (evil spirit) cannot stay together in a man's body. God is Love (Love is light) and where there is no love is hell, just as where there is no light is darkness. The one you yield yourself to, you will get his reward. The reward of righteousness to man's spirit is life (abundant life) and the reward of sin to man's spirit is death. Sin and satan are one and the same. Whatever sin can cause, satan also can cause. Sin is what gives the devil dominion or power over man's spirit. When God's Word becomes a part of you, sin power over you is broken, you become the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus. Where Jesus is, you are and when He went (to the Father), you went. In the book of John 8:42-47, Jesus said to them, โ€œIf God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from God; nor have I come of Myself, but He sent Me. Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. Which of you convicts Me of sin? And if I tell the truth, why do you not believe Me? He who is of God hears Godโ€™s words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God.โ€ My prayer is, "May God bless His Word in the midst of your heart." Glory and honour be to God our Father, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our Helper the Holy Spirit. Watch and pray!… Thank you for your time and may God bless you as you share this message with others.

  7. Ai does not explain why should I answer any more questions and won't do it any other year in 2034 maybe. These jobs you talk about are not here or are available only in capital in this small Amsterdam size country and I want to put a symbol anywhere I want.

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