Donald Trump wins Iowa caucuses | BBC News

Hello I’m Tanya Beckett Donald Trump has begun the Republican race for the White House with a landslide victory in the party’s Iowa caucuses the former president beat the Florida governor Ronda santis and the former US ambassador Nikki Haley our us partner CBS News is projecting Dan santis will

Finish second in Iowa in a very tight race with Haley although Mr Trump appears to have taken more votes than all of his Republican Rivals combined here’s how he greeted news of his success I really think this is time now for everybody our country to come together we want to come together uh

Whether it’s republican or democrat or liberal or conservative it would be so nice if we could come together and straighten out the world and straighten out the problems and straighten out all of the death and destruction that we’re witnessing that’s practically never been like this it’s just so important and I

Want to make that a very big part of our message we’re going to to come together it’s going to happen soon too happen soon Donald Trump there well Mr Trump went on to talk about the state of US Cities and how he wants to tackle Law and Order we’re going to rebuild our

Beautiful Washington DC and we’re going to take control of it and we’re going to make unbelievably harsh penalties for people that go around shooting last week they shot three people and every night something happens it’s uh it’s so sad and likewise we’re going to rebuild our cities and we’ll

Work with the Democrats to do and I’d be glad to work with the people in New York we’re going to work with the people in Chicago in La we’re going to rebuild our cities and we’re going to make them safe and we’re going to give our police officers immunity so every time they

They do something they don’t get sued and stopped going to end crime in our cities Donald Trump once again well let’s take a look at the results in detail Donald Trump scored a land slide Victory to kick off the Republican primary race securing a 51.1% share of

Votes Ronda santz is projected to finish in second place at just over 21% edging out rival Nikki Haley who’s sitting at 19% this map of Iowa counties shows the scale of Trump’s Victory he’s on track to win nearly all 99 of iow was counties with Nikki Haley defeating him by a

Single vote in just one count and that’s in purple as you can see well let’s put all of that into context now with this report from Iowa from our North America correspondent Nbal for Donald Trump winning iare was important this was the first official 2024 test of his popularity with Republican voters the big question was always who would be second place Ronda santz the Florida governor secured that because of your support in spite of all of that that they threw at us everyone against

Us we’ve got our ticket punched out of Iowa with Nikki Haley the former un Ambassador finishing third do you want more of the [Applause] same or do you want a new generation of conservative leadership it gives them both much needed momentum in a contest that has been dominated by

Trump there were concerns that the Arctic weather conditions might have affected voter turnout more than 1,600 precincts around the state were voting and it’s so bitter cold so I think some people you know will do what they can to get out but uh we’ll see but many people were determined to show

Up this is how a caucus Works people have turned up at this local High School cafeteria a Precinct to cast their votes the votes are then added up and the results read out to them Donald Trump has won this Precinct my family are on the other side of town they’re voting

Trump everybody I work with is voting Trump yeah it’s I’m surprised that there was other people that weren’t voting for Trump to be honest but that’s my narrow narrow-minded thinking I guess not everyone here voted for Trump I have not been impressed with his character over the last few years especially since

Um the way the way he handled the results of the 2020 election winning Iowa is only the first step in securing the Republican Presidential nomination the official winner won’t be announced until the summer it’s a marathon not a Sprint and with the starting gun fired Donald Trump has pulled way ahead in the

Race thank you very much everybody n Rick Bell BBC News Iowa

Donald Trump has won a landslide victory in the Iowa caucuses, cementing his status as the clear frontrunner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

Trump hailed his victory in a speech to supporters, where he said he wants to “straighten up the problems of the world”.

Iowa is the first of the state-by-state contests where Republican voters pick their White House candidate.

Whoever wins the Republican nomination will face a Democrat, almost certainly the current US President Joe Biden, in the November presidential election.

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  1. The BBC blames Trump for Brexit. The libs claim his Presidency created chaos. The fact is they created the chaos to try and undermine Trump. The definition of "The Swamp"…… False accusations of Russian collusion, Racism, Sexism Homophobia…..all lies made up to sway the uninformed democrat sheep. They created the chaos.

  2. It doesn't matter even if he wins 2024, he's a disaster, and most importantly he is a lesson USA needs. People who vote for him will start to understand their mistake when their kids grow up and start to disrespect everyone around.

  3. Trump showing once again the main stream media don't get it. He continues to garner support with his growing poll numbers.The cases against him are unravelling , new research the 2020 election is being shown was anything but secure, new tapes revealing the Jan 6 riot had large numbers of FBI & ATF people embedded in the protest and the open US border under Biden has let an est. 8m illegals enter.

  4. trump got less than 7% of total voters in Iowa, a fact not put in reports.

    Do the math, I can say I got 75% of votes if 3 of 4 voted for me. This is what happened in Iowa.

    Iowa has become a relic of the 1950's voting system and have not selected a president in decades. Keep it real…

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