Western microchips, cameras and processors found in Russian missiles fired at Ukraine | DW News

Western microchips, cameras and processors found in Russian missiles fired at Ukraine | DW News

Well back to the world economic Forum where President Vladimir zinski said that every Russian missile filed at fired at Ukraine contains components originating in the west research by German public television backs up this claim in at least one documented case a Russian cruise missile included western parts despite the international ban on weapons

Exports the aftermath of a Russian air strike in southern Ukraine several people were injured as the Drone and missile attack targeted apartments and businesses this Ukrainian Army research team has uncovered evidence that Russian Weaponry commonly includes foreign Electronics microchips cameras antennas and processors everything involving high Precision technology Computing and high speed

Processing it’s all imported to impa that includes this white Transformer part of a Russian cruise missiles onboard computer it’s marked made in the USA the serial number indicates it was supplied in September 2022 well after the War Began the US supplier vior did not respond to inquiries or explain how the part came

To be in Russia despite stringent export regulations Ukraine’s for forign Minister wants tighter restrictions on Western exports almost every missile Russian missile that we Sho down has uh a detail from produced in the west and there are hundreds of missiles being shot at us and for Ukraine western

Parts in high-tech Russian weapons are a matter of life and death

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says every Russian missile fired at Ukraine contains components originating in the West. Research by German public television backs up this claim. In at least one documented case, a Russian cruise missile included western parts – despite the international ban on weapons exports.

#Ukraine #Russia #Missile

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  1. Russians were making missiles well before washing machines were even invented. Western washing machines are stuffed with microchips from old Russian missiles.

  2. You can't stop free markets, German automotive exports to former CIS countries like Kirgistan, Tadżykistan, Georgia etc. has risen by 5500%, despite the invoice papers being stempled for these countries none of the goods reach the destination but all were paid off. You can guess where they are going…

  3. Question?
    How do we know it's not a series of companies that buy these parts?
    Russia could've just pulled a page from The AMERICAN playbook!
    For example Titanium when the AMERICANS were building the blackbird?

  4. Not surprising. Russian agents buy smallish quantities of a give part. Ship to a Russian-friendly nation or neighbour and then it gets "lost" in the paperwork to end up in Russia. Not much we can do about it but slow it down. Or we stop shipments to those countries which would be very difficult to do.

    Better to tell Ukraine that they can target at least certain facilities in Russia instead of tying their hands behind their back.

  5. The only way for the west to stop Russia from making use of these products is if west stops selling them to the world. But I wonder if it happens, which side will fall first ? Russia or the west.

  6. Russia is self sufficent in production of DC-DC converters, CPUs. TPUs, GPUs, DACs, resistors, cpacitors, FETs, SiC, GaN, Si, Russia can live without WEST 200 yeras. But WEST is dependent on Russia uranium, gas, oil, etc.

  7. While no doubt Russia built up a big stockpile of western analogue and digital ICs there are clearly new ICs slipping through cracks via the Central Asian states, those states should be subject to the same sanctions.

  8. Russia is obviously lying. It is impossible for the parts to be in their weapons! The entire world is united behind Ukraine and the west has sanctions against this technology reaching Russia! I know, I watch western media!

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