Starmer calls Sunak’s Rwanda plan a ‘farce’ in PMQs clash

Starmer calls Sunak’s Rwanda plan a ‘farce’ in PMQs clash

Mr Speaker the government has been forced to admit that it has lost contact with 85% of the 5,000 people earmarked for removal to Rwanda has he found them yet prime minister M Mr Speaker what I can tell the honorable gentleman is that in spite of him blocking every in spite

Of him blocking every single attempt that we have taken we have managed now because of our actions to reduce the number of people coming here by over a third last year this is the government that spent 400 million of taxpayers money on a Rwanda scheme yet can’t

Deport a single person of course this farce of a government could lose the people it was planning to remove but he didn’t answer the question so I’ll ask him again where are the 4,250 people that the government has lost where are they Mr Mr Speaker Mr Speaker as I said we’ve

Actually identified and removed over 20,000 people he hasn’t got a clue where they are has he I can tell I can tell you one place they are and that’s Rwanda because the only people who sent to Rwanda is cabinet ministers and for all the word the ridiculous thing is we know the Prime

Minister himself doesn’t even believe in this Rwanda gimi four eminent cases said this is undoubtedly the most robust legislation pass and a former Supreme Court justice has been clear that the bill would work but I know Mr Speaker he’s always been more interested in what Lefty lawyers have to say Mr

Speaker I’ve even got here I’ve even got here the textbook that he authored for them and it’s called and I quote European human rights law by Kier starma so prime minister prime minister when I stand up please sit down can I just say we don’t use props in this house such utterly pathetic

Nonsense he he’s been brutally exposed by his own MPS yet again Mr Mr Speaker Mr Speaker it is Rich to hear from The Honorable gentleman about belief in something because and it will be news to him it is actually the case that you can believe in something and stick to that

Position just this week Mr Speaker we had another example of The Honorable gentleman doing one thing saying another because it it this this week he backed the Home Secretary in Banning the terrorist group his but teria despite him personally using the European Court of human rights to try and stop them

Being banned and don’t take my word for it Mr Speaker the extremist own press release said and I quote the hisb but terer legal team led by KIA starma now I know I know he doesn’t like talking about them because they’ve been a client but when I see a group chanting

Jihad on our streets I ban them he invoices them Mr Speaker if he stuck to his position he’d be voting with us he’ be voting with us his former Home Secretary says the plan won’t work his current Home Secretary calls it batshit his former immigration Minister doesn’t

Back his plan even the Prime Minister himself doesn’t believe in it

The Labour leader said the government’s Rwanda scheme was a farce and that spending £400m on a removals plan that does not remove anyone was not a plan. Starmer repeatedly asked the prime minister: ‘Where are the 4,250 people [who were due to be moved to Rwanda] the government has lost?’ In response, the prime minister said the number of people arriving to the UK illegally has gone down by a third.

The clash over immigration came as MPs prepared to vote on amendments through the evening. In a vote on the previous night, 60 Conservative MPs opposed the government, in the biggest rebellion of Sunak’s premiership. Three people also resigned from party or government positions over the government’s immigration plans.

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  1. I've got better nodding dogs in my car. "Oh yes" and they talk more sense to the driver, not to Mr Speaker. I've seen and experienced a very nodding education in St Augstine school , Longview Drive, Huyton. One Swallow does not make a Summer. It does make a queue though

  2. Conservatives and Labour can not say anything productive about their own constituencies so they move get backed for who can make the other look a worse choice, its like asking voters would you rather die being hit by a train or a truck.

  3. Also Torie's stop posting Thing's about Labour,Also Labour stop posting Thing's about Tories on Social Media,If their is that much of an issue for you both,Should sort out a better way,Posting things like that all over Social Media for the WIDE world to see is even more than very immature,Also very illegal as well,I got an issue with any one,I dont post things on Social Media about it and share it the WIDE World,Can get Facebook blocked of doing things like that

  4. I don’t trust either party… they are in reality one of the same. Nothing will change. I won’t vote for either. Andrew Bridgen is the one and only who stands up for the people.

  5. He'll soon be leading a farcical govern of his own. He's making noise to hide the fact that most policies will remain remarkably similar, but the optics will be different

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