Blinken warns Houthis of ‘consequences’ for attacks on Red Sea ships

Blinken warns Houthis of ‘consequences’ for attacks on Red Sea ships

Again we’ve made clear we’ve been clear with uh more than 20 other countries that if this continues as it did yesterday there will be consequences and I’m going to leave it at that and you also talked about the Iranians being behind is that they’ve been supporting the houis uh do the consequences extend

To the Iranians as well again all I can tell you is that as we made clear and many other countries made clear there’ll be consequences for the hou’s actions uh We’ve also uh repeatedly tried to make clear to Iran uh as other countries have as well that the support that they’re providing

To the huies uh including for these actions needs to stop um it’s not in their interest to see the conflict uh escalated uh and we’re not the only ones who sent that message to Iran Concepts like freedom of navigation and the importance of holding it and I know that

Can sound a little bit abstract but it means something very real in the lives of people what’s happened because of these houthi attacks against commercial shipping is that thousands of ships have had to divert uh take longer routes pay more for insurance and that gets translated into higher prices for people

For everything from uh fuel to medicine to food it’s disrupting Supply chains and so it’s having a real impact on people around the world um in uh their daily lives

Antony Blinken, the US secretary of state, has warned the Houthis that there would be “consequences” for the Yemeni rebel group’s apparent attack on western warships in the Red Sea.
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Speaking to reporters in Bahrain during his tour of the Middle East, Blinken said: “All I can tell you is that as we’ve made clear and many other countries make clear, there’ll be consequences for the Houthis’ actions”.

Blinken also called on Iran to cease its support for Houthis, as the group continues its blockade of Israel-linked and Israel bound ships passing through the Red Sea.

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#Houthis #Yemen #RedSea #Blinken

  1. okay — don’t like the houthis honestly, but seriously, they have not yet killed 25,000 civilians and displaced millions of families. targeting a few commercial ships might be illegal, but is it really comparable to actual war crimes? South Africa isn’t taking Yemen to the ICC…

    both sides should take a deep breath here and back down.

  2. What damage Iran has caused to the world ha?

    Can you tell me one?

    I can list hundreds that were done by the USA . The US government is the biggest threat to the world

  3. Blinken needs to have a seat, drink water, and get some sleep because he’s about to have a lot more problems on his hands once America is listed as an accomplice of genocide against Gaza in the ICJ

  4. Motivation is money and greed. Not a wise move by the USA and UK, well done for escalating everything in the world thats bad. An over the top response by the West as always. Going to war now because business trade at sea and profits are getting affected. How about stopping the genocide.

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