‘Differences’ with Israel over Palestinian state

‘Differences’ with Israel over Palestinian state

I would just tell you that nothing has changed about President Biden’s desire that a two-state solution is really in the best interest of not only the Israeli people but uh but of course the Palestinian people in fact it’s the best interest of the region and we’re not

Going to stop working towards that goal and this is this is not a new comment by prime minister Netanyahu we obviously see it differently that we believe uh that the Palestinians have every right to live in an independent state with peace uh and security um and the

President and his team is going to continue to work on that

Whilst speaking to reporters on a plane, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said that a Palestinian state is in “the best interest” of the Israeli and Palestinian people, despite opposition from Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu.

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  1. Israel left Gaza in 2005 and left the border open. It was an experiment in self governance. Palestinians turned Gaza into a terror nest, not a peaceful state . I’m not surprised Israel is not convinced that a Palestinians state is a good idea

  2. An American here, I think members of the British and American government including President Biden just need to SHUT UP when it comes to what Israel should do in Palestine!! In America, our government can't even solve the problem of all the Terrorists here in America walking around with military weapons on the streets doing mass shootings almost on a weekly basis. I will bet anyone that the innocent civilian lives lost in America at the hands of another American with an automatic rifle could double the loss of innocent civilian lives at the hands of the IDF in Palestine! So it's not like America practices what it preaches you know 😅. When it comes to British government leaders, well, the entire world has seen the masses of protests by thousands of Palestinians, etc., going on happily on their streets while police just look on. So carry on PM Netanyahu, you can make better decisions about your own country than any foreign country leaders! They might learn something from Your leadership! 👍

  3. Netanjahu, mr Criminal and his followers they like this war. Distracts from their hypocrisy and greed for power…. Hamas has to be finished off ànd this Netanjahu +, neither of them want 😵‍💫 two (equal) states… they don’t care for anyone they care only for themselves. For their power and money.
    Orthodox Christians, Jews, Muslims. Hindus. Buddhists, communist or other -ists…, they are just want to wipe out the others😵‍💫 to keep and enlarge power, money and property…

  4. Never gonna happen. Hamas and the PA are enemies. If they can't get along how are they supposed to get along with the israelis that they are sharing the land with?? Peace patners???

  5. A two state governance should have been implemented 1948 allready seeing that the Jews were given so much rights of their own when they established their own state .palestians should have the right to have their own state more so than the Zionists. talks, talks, while innocent Palestinians are being killed and humiliated everyday .

  6. How many times were the Palestinians offered a two state solution. Since 1929, it has been rejected by them time and time again. Oct 7 culminated in the final rejection of a two state solution. If you think Islam treated Jewish people well, do a google search on the list of crimes committed by muslims against Jews since the 7th century. After reading this, please tell me how to have a two state solution with the added proviso that no Muslim country wants to accept the Palestinian people as refugees.

  7. I don’t care who rules, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, atheist , and whoever as long as they are just and fair to other people !!!We are all humans and deserve to live together in peace life is too short of a time to keep fighting!!!!!!!!!

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