Secret illegal tunnel in Brooklyn synagogue leads to brawl and arrests

Secret illegal tunnel in Brooklyn synagogue leads to brawl and arrests

A group of men belonging to a Hasidic Jewish community in New York were arrested on Monday amid a dispute over an illegal tunnel secretly dug into the side of a historic synagogue, which has since been closed.
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Action by law enforcement after the tunnel came to light led to a brawl between police and those who created the passageways and wanted them to remain. The Chabad-Lubavitch world headquarters, located in Brooklyn’s Crown Heights neighborhood in New York City, was in chaos on Tuesday as Jewish leaders and police faced off against what Rabbi Motti Seligson, a spokesperson for the Chabad, called a “group of extremist students”.

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#Brooklyn #NewYork #Synagpgue #Tunnel #USA #News

  1. So when a synagogue in NEW YORK has a secret tunnel, it's ok, we can't question it, and if you do, you will be labelled everything under the sun. Why would a synagogue need a secret tunnel….

  2. Why the Rabbi dug the tunnel under the synagogue in Brookline? Looks like they were scared to death, wanted to have some hiding area if Hamas come there or they might be preparing a secret weapon depot to fight with Hamas. We have to imagine only because the fact will never come out and no one will be 0:04 too.

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