Ukrainian special forces storm Russian troops with machine guns and grenades

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This point-of-view (POV) footage captures Ukrainian special forces engaging Russian positions with machine guns and grenades.

The intense gun battle unfolds as Ukrainian soldiers advance near railway tracks amid gunfire and explosions. The soldier recording the action fires a grenade from a launcher, followed by scenes of others using assault rifles.

The firefight persists in a forested area, with Ukrainian soldiers exchanging fire. A moment shows a soldier passing a clip to a comrade for reloading. The video concludes with Ukrainian forces, still firing at Russian positions, seemingly emerging from the forested area by the side of a road.

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  1. Much of western Ukraine was inhabited by ethnic Germans who migrated and settled there at the invitation of Katerina the Great, Empress of Russia, in the 18th-19th centuries.

    Many towns were built from scratch by these ethnic Germans.

    During the period of migration, they were promised that they could keep their language, practice their religion, and wouldn’t be forced to serve in the Russian military if they didn’t want to.

    My ancestors helped to build the town Strasburg. It sits along the border with Moldova.

    Then, ethnic Ukrainians and Russians began to treat the Germans with hostility. They would rape the women, beat or kill the men, steal crops and tools, etc. Many fled. My family fled and came to America 🇺🇸.

    Then, after hostilities between Germany and the Soviet Union, Stalin ordered a mass genocide against ethnic Germans in Ukraine. Most were summarily executed. Survivors were deported to Kazakhstan or sent to gulags in Siberia. The towns they built were renamed to more “Russian” sounding names. The town my ancestors built, Strasburg, had its name changed to Kuchurhan (Кучурган)

    Those few who survived who still exist in Russia or former Soviet territories to this day are not considered Russian citizens. They are stateless, even though they speak Russian and nothing else, and have for several generations.

    This is known as “The Forgotten Genocide”.

    Those in Western Ukraine today are descended from those belligerent Russians who invaded my ancestors’ homes and put them to the sword. I am glad to see history repeat itself, and see those who once held the executioner’s sword are now the ones who are struggling to defend themselves, and fleeing for other countries.

    I hope to see Ukraine fail as a state, and to see the suffering of those who were responsible for the suffering of my ancestors and their community members.


  2. Where are all the women?! We hear from woke media there are many many Female soldiers fighting in the frontlines, that they are equal of even better than the men when it comes to fighting the Russians…

  3. "Ukraine's defense forces eliminated about 378,660 Russian invaders between February 24, 2022 and January 24, 2024, including 840 in the past day alone." –
    .. .. .

    1.4M+ RU casualties thus far:
    1,480,000+ to be exact. .. . . . . .

  4. The sun is running out of videos so they do what they do best.. recycle old footage pretend it's new.

    If you're an idiot and fell for it congrats for being the village idiot… lack of snow should be the first clue

  5. Вот и весь "спецназ". Получили по зубам? Самая главная команда за весь ролик – "отход".

  6. All these videos, but Russia still controls almost 30% of Ukraine's territory and is on the way to win the war. War will end on Russia's terms. We have the west to blame for this war for agreeing to let Ukraine join NATO, Putin did what any other sane leader would've done. NATO has no business expanding into Russias borders

  7. Cheap military industrial propaganda. Ukraine is already lost, economy and infrastructure destroyed, treasury is empty so Ukrainian government fully relies on western backers donations. Hundreds of thousands of young Ukrainians already died and now military police rounding men on the streets in their fifties (check youtube videos), and forcing them to fight. NYT published articles stating that the average age of the ukrainian soldier is 43??? This is a proxy war between US/Nato and Russia and poor Ukrainians are paying heavy price. Everybody should go back to 1960s Cuban crisis when US almost invaded Cuba and was about to attack Russian bases there because Russia installed military missiles launchers on Cuba in retaliation of US installed missiles on Russian border in Turkey?. Kennedy and Kruschev made an agreement so Russia pulled out missiles from Cuba and US/Nato pulled missiles from Turkey on Russian border, and WW3 was avoided by cool heads. There is no difference between Russian invasion and Cuban crisis. All you idiots supporting this proxy war should remember this history lesson. Before 2022 invasion Russia asked Nato on numerous occasions to pull out from Ukraine its instructors, military equipment, and promise not to except Ukraine into Nato. Secretary general of Nato Jens Stoltenberg openly said on TV screen they can't do it??? There is no justification for Russia's invasion and Russians soldiers deserved to be killed in Ukraine. One month after Russian invasion peace deal was struct in Istanbul between Ukraine and Russia, but moron Boris Johnson flew to Ukraine and told zelensky not to sign peace deal? If not for Boris and his backers hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians would be alive today, and Donbass would be autonomous part of Ukraine. Yes Crimea would stay with Russia, but Crimea is completely different story like Kosovo, like Cyprus, like Palestine, like US occupying right now 1/3 of Syrian territory rich with oil/gas…All you war mongers should stop promoting war and start promoting peace for Ukrainian people. Russia is nuclear armed gorilla and Nato will never join this fight against Russia because it would trigger nuclear exchange, and in nuclear war there are no winners. New recruits undertrained, under equipped, and not willing to fight. Check satellite images of the Ukrainian cemeteries where anybody can see sees of yellow/blue flags representing fallen soldiers. All hospitals are filled with wounded soldiers and Ukrainians are tired of this war and praying for peace. All volunteers are dead or disabled, and zelensky is trying to mobilize additional 500,000 new troops so western backers will send more money and Ukrainian government officials will continue stealing like there is no tomorrow (check NYT Shuster articles). Ukraine is the most corrupted country in Europe and there are many articles about it in the main stream media publications. Ukrainian government officials want this war to continue so they can still more western aid, and they don't care about lives of Ukrainian people. Peace for Ukraine and stop the war.

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