International court of justice orders Israel to prevent genocide in Gaza

International court of justice orders Israel to prevent genocide in Gaza

The court considers that with regard to the present situation Israel must in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention in relation to Palestinians in Gaza take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article two of the convention in

Particular a killing groups members of the group b causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group C deliberate inflicting on the group conditions of Life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part and D imposing measures intended to prevent birs within the

Group the court recalls that these acts fall within the scope of article two of the convention when they are committed with the intent to destroy in whole or in part the group as such the court is also of the view that Israel must take measures within its

Power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to the members of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip

The ICJ, the UN’s top court, has said Israel must ‘take all measures within its its power’ to prevent all acts within the scope of the genocide convention in its war on Gaza. In an interim ruling, a large majority of the court’s 17-judge panel voted for urgent measures, with the exception of ordering a ceasefire. Judge Joan Donoghue read out the ruling in a case brought by South Africa, who accused Israel of genocide in its campaign against Hamas in Gaza. The court also ordered an improvement in the humanitarian situation.
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#News #Palestine #Israel #Gaza #Genocide #SouthAfrica #ICJ

  1. The UN is a pathetic joke. Its own sub-organisation UNRWA had salaried employees(!!!) who attacked Israeli civilians on 7 Oct. Just unbelievable and they are chasing Israel that is rightfully defending itself. 
    Luckily Finland made a decision to stop financing UNRWA , but Finnish taxpayers' money already wasted to this shameful organisation.

  2. World Court (ICJ) must ask HAMAS to release the hostages, and stop harassing hostages, especially young women… ONCE HOSTAGES R RELEASED, WAR WILL STOP

  3. This is nothing short of a strong worded letter of disapproval. ICJ is a joke. As long as the US remains Israel's ally there is not much the UN or ICJ can really do.

  4. War brings out the worst in people and destroys the very foundations of humanity.
    War, what a glorious venture. What a terrific way to embark on heroic deeds. What an opportunity to showcase the finest human qualities of idealism, courage and self-sacrifice. And what a great way to find purpose, meaning and a reason for living.

    But are wars really so heroic? Talking about "glorious" wars could make you sound like a psychopath. Wars are barbaric. They don’t have great endings, just death and destruction. There are much better ways to go about resolving conflicts than engaging in this exercise in brutality, futility and stupidity.

    All too often, leaders start wars over obscure borders and materialistic values. And in the end, nobody wins. As the philosopher Bertrand Russell pointedly said, “War does not determine who is right – only who is left.” Even if physically unscathed, no soldier ever survives a war.

  5. After the clear evidence of a genocide in Gaza presented by the South african team, the court didn't ask for an immediate seaze fire. I can call it the political court of No justice. We are living under the jungle law, nothing special.

  6. @beatriz9376
    1 day ago

    This is not Israel's first genocide nor will it be its last.
    Israel also participated in the genocide against the Mayans in Guatemala during the genocide in the 1990´s.
    Israel sold the government the weapons and also trained their soldiers and provided military advice.
    They killed over 200,000 Mayans just so they could steal their lands.
    Israel also provided weapons for the genocides in Rwanda, Bosnia and Myanmar.
    Israel is presently selling weapons, providing technology.
    After Gaza who will they wipe out next?

    Ministry of Defense Spokesperson’s Statement:
    Israel Sets New Record in Defense Exports: Over $12.5 Billion in 2022

  7. Can someone help me understand what actual power does the UN have? I don't understand the UN. What power do they actually have in the world? They issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin for war crimes in Ukraine….and NOTHING happened. Except for people laughing at the UN for issuing a warrant. The UN doesn't even have an organized military. Then they had a long line of "World Court" judges talking about the issues in the middle east like they will perform an action to stop all wars over there. I truly truly hope my tax payer money is not going into this organization. They have no power and I simply don't get it. They can't create or maintain world peace. Feels like a big excuse to come to NYC and feel rich. You have world leaders and their representatives meeting in one building and giving speeches and after years of that, nothing changed in this world. We still have crime, war, and large amounts of people living in poverty. What can the UN actually do besides having meetings and giving speeches? It just feels like absolutely nothing.

  8. The Preening of a morally bankrupt, meaningless institution. Why did they not do anything to help the Uyghurs? Versailles levels of hypocrisy here. Shameless.

  9. This ruling is a massive victory for the State of Israel. Thank you to South Africa and everyone who supported this case, which has now validated our actions in Gaza. Thank you for your solidarity ICJ!

  10. 🛑For those who misinterpreted!
    🧑‍⚖️The JUDGE DID SAY ISRAEL MUST in accordance with it's obligations under the Genocide Convention in relation to Palestinians in Gaza, take all measures (to take action) within it's power to PREVENT (put a stop to) THE COMMISSION of ALL ACTS within the scope of Article 2 of the convention in particular (index A to D – the commit of genocide).⚖️

  11. Thank you to the Guardian. Integral for preventing the act(s) of genocide on the Palestinian people. Guardian is on the correct side of History.

  12. So the theatrical presentation of the International Court of Justice has ended
    I'm glad that they have revealed to the world the extent of hypocrisy and lying about human rights
    Despite the massacres that happened to civilians
    They did not even order an immediate ceasefire ⛔⛔⛔⛔

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