Captain Cook and Queen Victoria statues vandalised in Melbourne #news #shorts

Captain Cook and Queen Victoria statues vandalised in Melbourne #news #shorts

This sort of vandalism really has no place in our community I want to Signal today that we will be working with Council to repair and reinstate the statue in sin Kilda that has been vandalized overnight

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  1. Presumably the perpetrators will be fed to the crocs/sharks, given how much they don't want the due process of law that was implanted after "Invasion Day"?

  2. Didn't Queen Victoria reign in the horrific Opium Wars, Zulu wars and Boer wars, Indian mutiny and famines and Irish famine? Didn't her Navy block famine relief ships entering Ireland that were sent by the Ottoman Government? Didn't her government quietly aid the Confederate States of America by suppling arms and even surface raiders like the CSA Shenandoah to fight the US Federal government? Yes thats right, thats her.

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