French farmers vow Paris ‘siege’ as tractor protest converges on capital • FRANCE 24 English

French farmers vow Paris ‘siege’ as tractor protest converges on capital • FRANCE 24 English

Critical to the Paris Region’s economy police beef up security around the RIS International Market Farmers unions had called on protesters to Target the market on Monday marking the beginning of what they call an indefinite Siege on the capital after an emergency meeting the French interior Minister said 15,000

Police officers would be deployed to prevent disruptions we don’t intend to allow government buildings tax collection buildings or grocery stores to be damaged or trucks transporting foreign produce should be stopped but obviously law enforcement Riot police and military police have not been instructed to intervene on roadblocks but instead to

Accompany and to secure those roadblocks the farmers are setting up eight choke points on highways leading into Paris Police are under orders to prevent any incursion into the city itself and disruption to airports Monday’s action steps up the farmers pressure campaign as they demand better pay and drastic changes to agricultural

Policies French prime minister Gabrielle atel announced a series of measures aimed at calming the anger on Friday including the scrapping of a plan to gradually reduce tax breaks on agricultural diesel Farmers though say it doesn’t go far enough there are a lot of issues that have not been addressed and other issues

Remain very vague it’s like putting a bandid on a wooden leg atal says the government is considering additional measures against what he called unfair competition from countries with different production rules roadblock protests are also expected further south in the city of Leon on Monday

French farmers will launch an indefinite “siege” of Paris beginning Monday, choking off major highways and moving toward the capital as they demand better working conditions.
#farmers #France #Paris

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  1. If these were environmental protesters seeking to protect the future of farmers on a global level, people would be loosing their minds and calling for minimum police sentences.

  2. English farmers do nothing, but they did vote to make their lives and eveyone else's harder by making their export market a bureaucratic nightmare. Perhaps they are too ashamed to protest. The supermarket giants are sponsoring politicians with donations. They make the most profits, and do the least work. It's shameful greed. At least in France, energy suppliers were nationalised. In Wales, it costs 500 Euros a month to heat a 3 bedroom house. Things are much better in France, believe it or not. It proves that protest is a necessary tool for the survival of the general public. The English government are legislating to make protest illegal. This would cause anarchy in France. Well done to the French farmers for standing up for their rights

  3. I support the farmers if they're protesting for pay and conditions, go for it … but I bet they're the same w@nkers complaining about enviromental protesters … sorry, you know it's true … "solidarity but only if it's for me" …. a shameful joke.

  4. There is one question that is never addressed that would expose the "climate crisis" for the scam that it is, which is "What percentage of the atmosphere is CO2?" The answer, never given in plain language, is that CO2 is currently around 420 parts per million, (google it) increased, they tell us, from 280 ppm in 1850. That's a difference of 140 ppm, or in terms more readily understood by the layman, the composition of the atmosphere has changed by 0.014% (14 thousandths of 1%) in the last 170 years. LESS THAN 1 THOUSANDTH OF 1% PER DECADE! How much closer to "zero" do they think it's possible to get? How gullible do you have to be to believe that this rate of change is causing extreme weather events, which have always happened and always will? Their claim is that this tiny amount "traps heat". ALL gasses dissipate heat and even if CO2 is an exception, the suggestion that a total of 0.042% can overwhelm the capacity of the remaining 99.958% to dissipate that heat is abject nonsense. CO2 DOES NOT control the global temperature, there is no "climate crisis". Wind farms, solar panels, heat pumps, EV's.. None of these measures are necessary, nor will they have the slightest effect on the weather. Eye-watering sums of money have already been wasted on this futile exercise. Time to wake up, stop throwing our money at these boondoggles and squandering the world's resources on projects that cannot possibly succeed as there never was a problem to begin with. There is no need to save the planet from a minuscule increase in the gas on which all life depends, but it does need to be rescued from idiot politicians and media mouthpieces that push this garbage.

  5. Bring it on. Anything that keeps French "food" off the shelves of the UK can only be a good thing and good for the UK which no doubt will annoy them even more.
    Good to see the french to mobilise better than they did in WW2 though, or even WW1. Keep it up guys and perhaps the rest of Europe will start to gain at least a little respect for you😊

  6. l liberals should watch what is happening in France , The people that actually WORK , BUILD and CREATE products are saying enough is enough !

  7. The farmers are definitely the WORST PEOPLE IN ANY COUNTRY, these people are just willing to throw poison over vegetables and force us to BUY it. We don't have to pay more for MEAT or anything ELSE to worship THEM. LETS BUY ORGANIC/BIOLOGIQUE FROM ABROAD. Let's no give what they want since government can't handle this, WE HAVE THE POWER TO DO SO.

    All those EU…………W E F……………NGO……………rich multinational companies (one clan bla bla in DAVOS, MAKING EVIL AGENDAS.
    These evil plans is part of their evil agenda to destroy our farmers in different ways in the European countries, so that they will sell their land, lifestock to the Governments or go bankrupt.
    In the Netherlands the Government will disown the farmers eventually. Best farmers are in the Netherlands, less nitrogen there than in the rest of the world. Most innovative farmers there.
    In Germany, France etc, the farmers will go bankrupt because of the too high costs with the new EU rules.
    F@ck EU rules!! W E F puppets.
    In Spain the Government has it own ways to destroy their farmers. Every European Government has W E F puppets infiltrated!! Schwab bragged about this!!
    Evil elite, W E F clan-NGO's-multinational companies, the real rulers in our so called 'Democracies' want to control our food production to control we the people!!
    All these EU rules have nothing to do with the SO CALLED CLIMATE CHANGE!
    Look around, Mother Nature is greener than ever. (CO2, plants, crops need it to grow and be healthy)
    Global warming?? Lmao, how many degrees?? 0.0003 degrees. In how long? Wake up!! Just bs models! Lies.
    Remember, our planet had MULTIPLE Ice-times…….. and back then, there weren't farmers, cars, planes, Industry etc etc etc.
    CLIMATE bs stories = an evil W E F clan/NGO/MULTINATIONAL ELITE AGENDA TO GET THEIR NEW WORLD ORDER, ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, where is no room for democracies and freedom for we the people!!!
    FARMERS protests in Europe…………SUPPORT THEM, they do their jobs for OUR FOOD SECURITY DEAR PEOPLE.

  9. Good luck farmers. Canadian’s have lost their country to a criminal regime that jails taxpayers and steals their money in order to silence them. Stand together or you will lose too!

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