heute 19 Uhr vom 07.02.2024 Lufthansa Streik, Gaza-Krieg, Erdbebengebiete in der Türkei (english)

heute 19 Uhr vom 07.02.2024 Lufthansa Streik, Gaza-Krieg, Erdbebengebiete in der Türkei (english)

The nightly news with Barbara Hahlweg. Good evening and thank you for joining us. Norbert Lehmann has the sports updates. Good evening. Let’s take a look at tonight’s topics. Four months of war in the Middle East. Hamas presented a plan for a 135-day ceasefire.

The plan would include releasing Israeli hostages during this time period. Lufthansa strikes. More than 100,000 passengers were grounded because ground personnel at five locations went on strike. Excitement at the German Cup. Leverkusen pulled out a last-minute win against the strong Stuttgart team. Third-division team Saarbrücken is hoping for a surprise win against Gladbach.

Freeing the hostages is the most important goal of the war for many Israelis. After four months of uncertainty, the Israeli army reported last night that 31 of the 136 people remaining in the hands of Hamas are dead. International mediators continue their efforts to secure their release and a ceasefire.

Hamas responded to their latest proposal with a counterproposal. Luc Walpot reports. The Israeli army says this is a vast underground labyrinth, Hamas is said to have temporarily held 12 Israeli hostages in this tunnel in Khan Yunis. But their relatives know little about their fate.

At least 31 of the more than 100 men, women and children have already died. Time is running out. US Secretary of State Blinken met with the Israeli government today about Hamas’ response to an international mediator’s proposal. The remaining hostages would be released within 135 days,

But it included extensive conditions like a total ceasefire. We need more aid deliveries for the suffering population, emergency shelters and the complete reconstruction of destroyed infrastructure. Hamas is also demanding the release of 1,500 Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails. US Secretary of State Blinken said the proposals must be carefully examined.

We are very much focused on this work and hope to soon be able to resume the release of hostages, which was interrupted in November. Prime Minister Netanyahu continues to reject a ceasefire. He says that only a complete victory can create security for Israel. Only further military pressure will free the hostages.

Giving in to Hamas’ excessive demands will not help. On the contrary, it will provide the basis for new massacres. Not a lot of wiggle room for Blinken as he met President Abbas in Ramallah this afternoon. Demonstrators are demanding an immediate end to the war. That’s not in sight.

Fighting in the Gaza Strip continued today. Russia attacked several Ukrainian cities with missiles again last night. Missiles hit an 18-story residential building in Kyiv. Four people were killed and more than 30 injured by the attacks in the capital alone. At least one more person was killed in Mykolaiv, in southern Ukraine.

Residential buildings there were also destroyed. The gas network and water pipes were also severely damaged. The Ukrainian army urgently needs more soldiers. Parliament discussed further mobilisation today and higher penalties for those who want to avoid military service. Anne Brühl in Kyiv, how are people feeling about this after two years of war?

Many Ukrainians here are exhausted and tired of war. Nevertheless, they are determined to continue defending their country against the Russian aggressor. It’s within these parameters that discussion about this law is taking place. It passed the first stage in parliament today. The essential question is who will be conscripted and for how long?

There’s a little more clarity now. The military age will be lowered from 27 to 25 years. The length of service will be limited to 36 months. There are also exceptions, like for single parents and people with disabilities. Anyone dodging conscription will face potential punishment after a court hearing.

The important discussion here in Parliament will continue. There will probably still be changes. But clear, transparent rules are important to Ukrainians, because one thing that’s clear is that the country is a very difficult military situation at the moment. That’s due in part to the number of soldiers.

Thank you for this information, Anne Brühl live from Kyiv. Who’s responsible for the explosive attack on the Nord Stream pipeline in the Baltic Sea? It’s still unclear. Sweden has now closed its investigation. The Swedish justice system is not responsible for the September 2022 incidents

Near the island of Bornholm, the public prosecutor’s office explained. Evidence had been passed on to German authorities. Investigations are still ongoing in Germany and Denmark. Russian gas had been delivered through the pipeline for ten years. Can Germany solve the pipeline attack?

ZDF “heute live” talks to an expert on the protection of critical infrastructure and asks this question at 7:30 PM. You can also find it, as always, on ZDF “heute” and our social media channels The pitfalls of stricter laws sometimes only becomes apparent in practice.

A particularly glaring example is regarding sexual violence against children. The penalties for producing and forwarding images were increased significantly three years ago. But this unfortunately also affects those who want to help, like parents or teachers. The cabinet decided today to amend the law. Britta Spiekermann reports.

This case concerns a worried mother who was targeted by investigators. Her ten-year-old daughter discovered a photomontage of children’s faces with naked lower bodies in a chat. The mother forwarded the picture because she wanted to send a warning. I wrote an email to the parents of the boy

Who posted the picture in the class chat and sent a copy to both class teachers. This made the mother liable to prosecution. She was threatened with at least a year in prison. There are thousands, even tens of thousands of cases like this one, Federal Justice Minister Buschmann said.

He wants to downgrade the acquisition, possession and distribution of “child pornography material” from a felony to a misdemeanour. I want to make it very clear, once again, that this does not in any way relativise this terrible crime. The ten-year maximum prison sentence remains unchanged.

The criminal law was amended in 2021 by his SPD predecessor and led to authorities being overburdened. Police investigated minors and parents in over half of recent cases. This meant that the police, public prosecutors and courts were blocked up, leaving less time for real perpetrators. The mother was put on trial.

She was only sentenced to a fine because the court didn’t want to impose a higher penalty. It will be possible to stop proceedings in certain cases in the future. Whether for rental contracts or loans, Schufa reports have far-reaching consequences for consumers. The federal government now wants to strengthen their rights.

Names, home addresses or data from social networks may no longer be used to assess solvency in the future. This is the government’s response to a ruling by the European Court of Justice. Europe is working on their energy transition. But this also depends on whether necessary technology is available.

80% of the world’s solar panels come from China, for example. With a new law, the EU now wants to ensure that more climate-neutral technologies are produced in Europe. Simpler approval procedures should help. But the price is not the only deciding factor when it comes to public funding.

Anja Charlet reports on whether this will be enough for the beleaguered German solar industry. Production is running slowly at the solar panel manufacturer Solarwatt in Dresden. But demand is enormous. Only China offers its panels, subsidised with billions, at bargain prices. It’s ruinous competition for German producers.

Solarwatt is considering closing this production location with 120 employees. On the one hand, it’s difficult to replicate the price of Asian products if you look at the manufacturing costs. On the other hand, America is closing its borders and no longer allowing these products into the country.

So the conditions for competition are simply no longer equal or fair. Even with good products in this area, we can’t counter these forces in the long term. The EU is planning faster approval procedures for new factories, and a change so that public funding is not dependent on price.

But that won’t be enough, they fear in Saxony. It’s still unclear when the federal government intends to support the German solar industry, like with a buyer bonus. I can’t tell you exactly when that will happen. But it should happen soon. Whatever that means, China is essential for the energy transition.

But the EU and Germany want to become more independent. Economists warn against underestimating the issue. In becoming politically dependent on just one supplier country, we could become vulnerable to blackmail from other countries. There’s also a risk that the technological lead we currently have, at least in solar panels, could also be lost.

Three solar panel manufacturers could close production in Saxony. Solarwatt wants to make a decision in the second half of the year. Lufthansa was brought to a near standstill today. There were strikes in Frankfurt, Munich, Hamburg, Berlin and Düsseldorf today. Ground personnel have largely paralysed the airline.

Rebooking counters were also unmanned due to the strike. The strike is expected to last 27 hours, until tomorrow morning. Ver.di’s strike against Lufthansa affected tens of thousands of passengers. Stefan Schlösser reports. Flights cancelled, counters closed. That’s a sight that no traveller likes to see.

80 to 90% of planned Lufthansa connections were canceled at Frankfurt airport. But other airlines were not affected. We are flying to Cuba with Condor. As far as we know, it should all work out. It’s inconvenient for us, of course, because we’re travelling four hours longer now. But we’re still getting there.

Of course you start to get annoyed, definitely. Lufthansa ground personnel are on strike at five airports today, including the Frankfurt and Munich hubs. Around 1,000 flights were cancelled nationwide, affecting 100,000 travellers. The union is demanding a salary increase of 12.5%, and at minimum 500 euros for 12 months.

Our most urgent concern is for Lufthansa to finally pay salaries that are in line with the times, so that Lufthansa can still find colleagues in the future. Many passengers who are perhaps frustrated by the strike are experiencing on a daily basis that Lufthansa is no longer functioning because of the lack of staff.

The company is currently offering 13% for three years. The main issue here is the timing of the strike. Negotiations had only just begun. An escalation at such an early stage, after only two meetings, where you just met and explained your views to each other, is unnecessary and disproportionate, in my view.

The strike will continue until tomorrow morning. Negotiations should continue next week. The devastating earthquake a year ago in Turkey and Syria has exacerbated the humanitarian suffering of people in northwest Syria in particular. In the province of Idlib, where Islamists rebels rule,

There’s been great need and violence at the hands of the Assad regime for years. Little international aid is reaching the area. This means even more poverty and hunger for the people there. Golineh Atai reports. These are the last aid rations to be distributed.

The UN World Food Program announced the end of its food aid in December. International donations for Syria have never been so low. Need and hunger have never been so high. Maryam Yehia has been living in a tent since the earthquake last year. She’s had a condition with her nerves since the earthquake.

They told me this was the last package. I was shocked when I heard that. How am I supposed to continue living? Normally, I sell half of this food to buy my medication. Without the donation package, I can no longer afford medicine. Winter rains and freezing temperatures.

The more than 800,000 displaced people living in tents suffer the most. The people here haven’t seen any reconstruction after the earthquake. Just one crisis after another. Ibtisam Ghanam still lives with her family in her house. It’s been condemned since the quake. Not a single international organisation has ever visited her, she says.

I tried to pull the roof down with my own hands, like a drowning woman clinging to the end of her rope. We need help. We’re in a disaster. The earthquake caused a river bank to shift. Farmers along the Orontes river suffer regular floods. They’ve lost entire harvests.

While the world turned its attention to Gaza, Syrian ruler Assad and his ally Russia have used the past few months to attack hundreds of civilian targets in northwest Syria. Azerbaijan has become increasingly important as an oil-rich trading partner for Europe. Long-time President Aliyev wants to secure his next term in office today.

Six million people are eligible to vote in Azerbaijan in the South Caucasus. Voting is also taking place in the Nagorno-Karabakh region, which was recaptured last fall. A success for the authoritarian ruling president, from which he hopes to win many votes. Sebastian Ehm reports. Javid Nabiyev is very familiar with the election in Baku.

Although he was selected by the government to be an election monitor, he takes his job very seriously. He wants to detect violations. He has already observed several today. Some people tried to vote several times, others didn’t register correctly. But as soon as he went to report these violations to the electoral commission,

He ran into trouble. It’s difficult to work as an election monitor. Every comment and remark we make results in a harsh backlash. We’ve been threatened several times. They said they’d call the police, report us and kick us out. Autocratic President Ilham Aliyev cast his vote symbolically today in the conquered capital of Nagorno-Karabakh.

He wants the whole world to see that he’s now in charge here. Polling stations in Baku were well attended today. According to officials, over 70% had cast their votes by early evening. Ilham Aliyev is expected to win by a clear margin. There was no significant election campaign or a serious opponent.

The opposition has been deliberately weakened over the years, and journalists were arrested in the run-up to the elections for investigating corruption by the presidential family. Experts therefore doubt that this election is free and independent. During the evening, Aliyev’s supporters in Baku are already celebrating his election victory.

According to initial polls, the president can expect over 90% of the vote. There were two bomb attacks on campaign offices one day before the parliamentary elections in Pakistan. At least 29 people were killed and several dozen were injured. The security situation in Pakistan has been tense for months. Attacks continue to occur.

The Islamic State terrorist militia, the Pakistani Taliban and separatists are responsible. Accident investigators in the USA have presented their initial findings on the near-disaster involving a Boeing 737 MAX 9. A piece of the plane broke off mid-flight at the beginning of January. Four important bolts were apparently missing.

These were intended to ensure that the component was firmly attached to the fuselage. The Alaska Airlines plane, with more than 170 people on board, was flying at an altitude of five kilometres when the accident occurred. No one was injured. The plane was able to make an emergency landing.

Now to sports and the Biathlon World Cup. A moderate start from a German perspective with moderate weather, Norbert. Wind, heat and rain in Nové Mesto in the Czech Republic. The German mixed relay team was still on course for a medal in the first half.

But it fell to fifth place by the end of the 4×6 km. Franziska Preuss was deeply disappointed. First into the race after the two men, Streso and Nawrather, and in front of 20,000 wet spectators, none of the three reloads were enough for her to avoid the penalty loop in the standing position.

The subsequent stumble was symbolic of a bad day. The lactic acid somehow got to me. I was already extremely tense when I entered the shooting range. The new mixed world champions come from France. They finished ahead of Norway and Sweden. The final German skater Vanessa Voigt crossed the line in fifth place.

Now to the German Cup. Last night’s quarterfinal between Leverkusen and Stuttgart was a great game, with both teams going toe-to-toe. Bayern scored the winning goal in the 90th minute. Jonathan Tah sealed Stuttgart’s exit in Leverkusen, thanks in part to Florian Wirtz,

whose cross right before the final whistle was headed in by Tah to make it 3:2. Stuttgart took the lead in the 58th minute for the second time through Chris Führich, 2:1. Amine Adli answered eight minutes later. Jonathan Tah’s winning goal in the 90th minute ended Leverkusen’s 30th competitive game of the season undefeated.

The Bundesliga leaders await Bayern Munich at home on Saturday. The last quarterfinal is about to begin. Cup underdogs Saarbrücken against Gladbach. Katrin Müller-Hohenstein in Saarbrücken, bad weather but good mood? It’s been raining the whole day.

Tough people have been busy for an hour and a half trying to dry the pitch with leaf blowers. Then the referees came and checked ball handling on the pitch. They’ll wait for the teams to warm up and then decide whether the game can start. The fans were largely unshaken.

There was a fan march through the city. Of course everyone hopes that this Cup shocker works as well against Bayern as it did against Eintracht Frankfurt. Of course everyone hopes that this Cup match can take still place here today. Thanks, Katrin, we’ll see you again soon.

Saarbrücken vs. Gladbach is live on ZDF from 8:15 PM. What weather. -We’ll have to see. Take a look at the photo that won the audience award at the London Natural History Museum. This image was captured by a British photographer on the Svalbard archipelago.

The polar bear made a bed in the ice with its paws. Peaceful but also fragile. There are fewer such ice beds for polar bears due to global warming. We still need the lottery numbers. The winning numbers are 1, 8, 15, 19, 26 and 31. The powerball is 0.

Find more winning numbers at lotto.zdf.de and on the ZDFText page 557. Lots of rain in the west. Snow and slush in the north and east. Still mild in the south. Katja Horneffer has the weather details in a moment. Dunja Hayali hosts “heute journal” during halftime around 9:35 PM.

Have a nice evening and see you tomorrow. Goodbye. WEATHER REPORT Good evening. Low-pressure system Pauline is approaching on the western edge of the picture. That will keep us busy with rain and snow not only tomorrow, but also on Friday. Snowfall is moving tonight from the eastern low mountain ranges eastwards.

But some snow showers will also pass over Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western-Pomerania. Only rain in southern Germany. It could be slippery on the roads in northern Germany, where temperatures will drop to between 0 and minus 3 degrees. Elsewhere, the night will remain milder. New rain and snow will arrive from the west tomorrow.

It will snow in North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony, Hesse, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia and Saxony. Much of the snow won’t stick around, but it’ll be enough for slush on roads and sidewalks. Rain will ease in the south. Rain and snow haven’t reached the northeast yet. This is also due to the east wind there.

Temperatures in northern Germany will be cool tomorrow, ranging from 3 to 5 degrees. Elsewhere it will be mild, up to 14 degrees. Friday will definitely be another exciting day. Sleet is coming to the northeast with highs reaching only 2 degrees.

But it will be milder in the southwest, with temperatures up to 17 degrees. It’ll be up to 17 degrees on Saturday, with foehn winds on the edge of the Alps. Good evening.

Der Krieg im Gazastreifen fordert immer mehr Opfer, die USA bemühen sich um eine Feuerpause. Das Bodenpersonal der Lufthansa hat die Airline heute weitgehend lahmgelegt, nachdem Verdi an fünf Standorten zum Streik aufgerufen hatte. Diese und weitere Nachrichten des Tages in den ZDFheute Nachrichten um 19 Uhr.

English Subtitles
Today’s topics: Cabinet amends child pornography law; Dire humanitarian situation in earthquake areas; more news, including sports and the weather.

00:00 Vorspann

00:53 USA bemühen sich um Feuerpause im Gaza-Krieg
Der Krieg im Gazastreifen fordert auf beiden Seiten immer mehr Opfer. Internationale Vermittler wie Katar und USA bemühen sich weiter um eine Feuerpause.

03:39 “Viele Ukrainer sind erschöpft”
Die ukrainische Armee braucht dringend mehr Soldaten. Wie die Menschen dazu nach fast zwei Jahren stehen, berichtet ZDF-Reporterin Anne Brühl aus Kiew.

05:59 Kabinett korrigiert Kinderpornografie-Gesetz
Vor drei Jahren wurden die Strafen für das Verbreiten von Kinderpornografie verschärft. Jetzt beschloss das Kabinett, das Gesetz zu korrigieren, da es oft die Falschen traf.

08:34 EU will Solarbranche wieder voranbringen
Momentan kommen Solarmodule weltweit zu 80 Prozent aus China. Die EU will nun erreichen, dass mehr klimaneutrale Technologien in Europa produziert werden.

10:57 Flugausfälle wegen Streik
Das Bodenpersonal der Lufthansa hat die Airline heute weitgehend lahmgelegt. An fünf Standorten hatte Verdi zum Streik aufgerufen.

12:54 Humanitäre Lage in Erdbebengebieten schlecht
Ein Jahr nach den verheerenden Erdbeben in der Türkei und Syrien hat sich die humanitäre Situation nicht verbessert. Nur wenig Internationale Hilfe kommt an.

15:11 Präsidentschaftswahl in Aserbaidschan
Als ölreicher Handelspartner ist Aserbaidschan für Europa wichtiger geworden. Bei der Präsidentschaftswahl will sich der autoritäre Präsident Aliyev die nächste Amtszeit sichern.


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#Streik #Flughäfen #ZDFheute

  1. Unsere Öffentlich-Rechtlichen fordern nicht nur mehr finanzielle Unterstützung für die islamischen Terroristen welche alle Juden töten und Israel auslöschen wollen, sondern leisten selbst finanzielle Unterstützung. Das fängt beim freigiebigen Verteilen von Bargeld bei Dreharbeiten vor Ort an und geht bis zu Zahlungen großer Summen per Überweisung. Öffentlich bekannt geworden sind z. B. eine einzelne Überweisung über 2000 US-Dollar von der ARD an einen "Palästinenser" namens Mohammed Safady. Das ist einer der Terroristen des Münchner Olympia-Attentats. Damit erkennt man ein weiteres Mal, welche Ideologie und Gesinnung bei den Sendern vorherrscht.

  2. Die Lufthansa ist, wie so vieles in Deutschland, in einem erbärmlichen Zustand. Allein die Posse um die Allegris Einführung. 2017 angekündigt, 2020 sollte es losgehen. Wir schreiben 2024 und es ist immer noch nichts passiert. Vom Flagship zum veralteten, überteuerten Eco-Flieger mit Discounterflair. Die Parallelen zu Land, Bahn oder Bundeswehr sind frappierend.

  3. 2:36 Nach dem 7. Oktober 2023 hat die israelische Regierung erst einmal etwa eine Woche lang gar nichts unternommen, um die Geiseln zu befreien oder die Hamas niederzuschlagen.
    Mittlerweile sind 4 Monate vergangen, und soweit ich mich erinnere, sind höchstens eine Handvoll Geiseln befreit worden. Eine zweistellige Anzahl an Geiseln wurde gegen palästinensische Häftlinge in Israel ausgetauscht.
    Noch befinden sich rund 100 lebende Geiseln in der Hand der Hamas. Die Angehörigen der Geiseln wünschen, diese schnellstens lebend wieder in Israel in Empfang zu nehmen.
    Ob Netanyahus wichtigstes Kriegsziel mit dem Wunsch der israelischen Bevölkerung vereinbar ist, wir wissen es nicht.

  4. Minute 15:40
    Und eine erbärmliche bankrott Erklärung seitens der EU
    Märchen von guten Autokraten oder bösen Autokraten, guten Kriegstreibern oder bösen Kriegstreibern glaubt den USA, der NATO und Von der Leyen erst recht überhaupt niemand mehr weltweit 😢😢🤷‍♂️✌️

  5. Inzwischen vermeiden die Manipulateure vom öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk immer häufiger, die Namen der "zufällig" interviewten "ganz normalen Bürger" einzublenden. Ohne Namen haben es die Aufklärer vom ÖRR Blog, Apollo News, Business Insider, NiUS & Co. viel schwerer, die Tätigkeiten bei linksrotgrünen Parteien, NGOs und Medien nachzuweisen.

  6. Wurde Pakistan nicht bis vor kurzem von der Weltmacht Nummer eins selbst zu 100% unterstützt?
    Lassen die USA schon wieder ein Land plötzlich komplett ohne Unterstützung im Regen stehen?
    Wieviele Länder denn noch?
    Afghanistan? Mali? Iraq? Sudan? Syrien? Israel? Saudi-Arabien? Ägypten? Argentinien?
    Und was sind nochmals diese Brics-Staaten? 😂😂🤷‍♂️✌️

  7. 5:41 "Kann Deutschland den Anschlag auf die Pipeline aufklären?" Eine Antwort auf diese Frage erwarte ich nicht innerhalb der nächsten zehn Jahre. Und wenn doch, würde es öffentlich bekannt?

  8. Minute 21:10
    Klimawandel ja
    Klimakrise ja
    Aber seit den 80ern stirbt der Eisbär aus, und seit den 90ern hält ihn die Coca-Cola Company genau wie den Weihnachtsmann im roten Outfit künstlich am Leben…
    Für was entscheidet sich aktuell Good Old Europe? Und wann finden eigentlich die nächsten EU Wahlen statt?
    Hoffentlich bald ohne VdL und Biden-Stoltenberg 😂😂
    Der europäische Kontinent ist alt genug, gross genug und vor allem geschichtlich intelligent genug ❤😂❤

  9. Deutschland streikt sich in den Abgrund. Wäre ich Unternehmer, würde ich mir zweimal überlegen, ob ich mir den Ärger antun würde und meine Operation nach Deutschland verlege.

  10. Ich frage mich, wo die Richtigstellungen sind über all die Desinformationen über Israel und dem Kampf seiner Armee gegen die Nazi-Hamas-Terroristen bleiben.

    ARD- und ZDF-Nachrichten müssen ganz dringend für unsere Demokratie und zur Sicherheit Israels die Desinformationen, über die stark überhöhten Opferzahlen berichtigen.

    Die Öffentlichkeit muss erfahren, dass auch der IGH festgestellt hat, dass die israelische Armee im Gaza absolut keinen Genozid verübt, sondern im Gegenteil die Zivilbevölkerung schont und ihre Soldaten sogar unter Einsatz ihres Lebens Stromgeneratoren für Inkubatoren von Frühchen geliefert haben.

    Die Öffentlichkeit muss erfahren, dass es die Hamas ist, die die Häuser sprengen, wenn die israelische Armee einen Häuserblock unter Schonung der Zivilbevölkerung erobert hatte. Und die Hamas haben die Zivilbevölkerung nicht geschont, sondern möglichst viele zivile Menschen im Gaza umgebracht. Nicht die israelische Armee richtet diese Verwüstung und Ermordung im Gaza an, sondern die Nazi-Hamas-Terroristen für möglichst schreckliche Propaganda gegen Israel. All diese Dinge muss die Öffentlichkeit erfahren.

    Und das erfährt sie nicht von den Hamas, die die Medien belügen – egal ob westliche oder nahöstliche Medien.

  11. 13:10 hab mein Haus und das meiner Nachbarn verkauft und alles gespendet. Hab auch geld an den Hindukush geschickt um da die Nationale Sicherheit Deutschlands zu verteidigen. Abdullah sal mal a kesh arib malu habib lambusa der 4. liebt mich dafür. Er ist mein bester Freund auf der ganzen weiten Welt. Er und seine Frau Maruka sind wunderbar, sie kann aber nur Ih Ah sagen.

  12. Jetzt wo die Staatsanwaltschaft und der Verfassungsschutz (Regierungsschutz) zugegeben haben, dass Correctiv gelogen hat, muss dieses Schmierenblatt zurückrudern.
    Die Correctiv Lügenmärchen haben in Deutschland Tausende Menschen dazu gebracht, die AfD verbieten zu wollen. Sogar einem gewählten Abgeordneten Björn Höcke die Grundrechte entziehen zu wollen. Dutzende Ampel-Politiker sowie alle Sender ARD / ZDF / WELT / N-TV sind mit diesen Lügenmärchen hausieren gegangen, um von der Politik des Versagens abzulenken! Doch nun haben sie ihr Pulver verschossen.
    Nachdem Chefreporterin Anette Dowideit erklärt hatte, man habe nicht von „Deportation“ gesprochen – das sei nachträglich von außen so interpretiert worden – kam raus, dass im Correctiv-Shop das Buch „Der AfD-Komplex“ mit der Rede von „Deportation“ beworben wurde.

    Der Begriff, wegen dem die radikalisierte Mitte jetzt gemeinsam mit der Regierung aufgepeitscht auf der Straße steht und glaubt, das letzte Stündlein der Demokratie hätte geschlagen.

    Heute hat das Correctiv-Team den Begriff „Deportation“ still und heimlich in „Vertreibung“ abgeändert, ohne die Änderung kenntlich zu machen.

    Zum Glück gibt es das gute alte Web Archive – die vorherige Version der Seite mit „Deportation“ wurde dankenswerterweise abgespeichert…

  13. Wer hat wohl die Pipelines zerstört? Ich sage immer derjenige der fragt nicht wahr Frau Moderatorin? Aber das ist ja so typisch ZDF, nämlich ist das ZDF ein frage-sender genau wie ARD! Typischerweise nichts Neues in Germany

  14. Hört doch endlich auf die Ukraine zu verheizen. Das ist so sinnlos was ihr da macht. Der Osten ist weg und der Rest vom Land hat neutral zu werden. Nix NATO, nix EU. Macht Verträge mit Russland und baut die Ukraine wieder auf. Das hätte man von Anfang an tun sollen.

  15. Das letzte große Stahlwerk hier in Deutschland hat geschlossen.
    Die Arbeiter hatten ein Meer von Lichtern und gingen ein letztes mal durch ihre Halle,es waren so viele.😢
    Seht ihr nicht was sie hier machen?
    Sie zerstören gerade unser Land und ein paar manipulierte und gesteuerte Schlafschäfchen gehen
    für diese unfähigen und links/grünen mit auf die gesteuerten Demo's und schreien reeeechts und Natzi,Natzi können aber nicht genau diffinieren was rechts ist .
    Es ist interessant zu rechachieren was die DDR vor Mauerfall gemacht haben,die SED Organisierte eine Demo gegen rechts und forderte ihre Bevölkerung auf gegen rechts auf die Straße zu gehen .
    Quelle:Lion Media

  16. Wir haben die Kommentarfunktion für weitere Kommentare deaktiviert. Auf unserem Kanal findet ihr unsere tagesaktuellen Beiträge. Schaut dort gerne vorbei und diskutiert weiter mit!

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