PMQs: Keir Starmer says mortgages have increased by an average £240 a month

PMQs: Keir Starmer says mortgages have increased by an average £240 a month

They have forfeited the right to be lecturing others about the economy somebody coming off a fix rate mortgage is going to be paying an average of £240 more each and every month a constant reminder that working people are paying the price for the damage that they’ve done to the economy he told me

That his mortgage is going up by a staggering th000 a month prime minister he doesn’t want other averages other people other stories that’s what’s happening to him if the member for Mid Norfolk on £120,000 can’t afford this Tory government how on Earth could people like Phil well actually Mr Speaker thanks to

The management of the economy Phil and millions I think Phil and millions of people like him are now ensuring that inflation is less than half of the rate that it was when we were talking a a year ago putting more money in their pocket and thanks to this government Phil and

Millions of other workers not just at Iceland but across the country are benefiting this month in their pay packets for a tax C worth hundreds of pounds for someone on an average salary but I hope he explained to Phil he explained to Phil the cost of his

Policies did he explain to Phil did he explain to Phil how Phil is going to have to pay for his 28 billion pound green spendings spre how it’s going to cost Phil in higher taxes more coming out of his pay packet and did he explain to Phil that he’d be better off sticking

With our plan rather than going back to square one with him I would invite the prime minister to get in touch with Phil and explain to him how paying ,000 more on his mortgage is making him better off cuz that’s not how he feels he’s just so out of touch it’s

Unbelievable but when people see their mortgages going up their council tax going up food price is still going up who does he expect them to believe his boasts or their bank account well Mr Mr Speaker again I I was puzzled because again he Resorts as always to the politics of Envy here but

After recently after recently and repeatedly recently and repeatedly attacking not just me but the government for lifting the bonus cap I was genuinely surprised to see that the shadow Chancellor just today has announced that she now supports the government’s policy on the bankers bonus

I don’t I don’t know I don’t know if he mentioned that to Phil when he was having a chat with him but I’m sure he can he can fill our but I can tell him that trust trust and economic credibility come from sticking to a plan but it’s becoming clear you cannot trust

A word that he says and again when the shadow Chancellor says or claims that they won’t borrow much they won’t raise Phil’s taxes we now know we now know that those promises simply again they just aren’t worth the Wikipedia page they were copying [Applause] from

The Labour leader, Keir Starmer, challenged the prime minister on rising mortgage rates across the UK, as Rishi Sunak expressed surprised at the shadow chancellor, Rachel Reeves, announcing that a Labour government would not reintroduce a cap on bankers’ bonuses.
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#KeirStarmer #RishiSunak #Mortgages #PMQs

  1. When did tory,,s care about middle and working class people just like Doris Johnson where trust?Rishi Snuuk didn't pay taxes or incorrect taxes for how many years covered up by Government's in power back taxes isn't that criminals atatude if it's self employed small man you can lose every thing or go to prison isn't that Double Standards

  2. Never seen a PM that insults the intelligence of the population every time he opens his mouth. Until now. What a horrible, horrible excuse of a man.

  3. Starmer totally misunderstands the mortgage situation . Yeah mortgage rates have gone up but all over the world. It's not due to Conservative government policy any more than German or US interest rates are due to theirs.

    World wide inflation spurred on by two major conflicts (Ukraine and Israel) have caused commodity prices for fertiliser food and gas to go ballistic. Interest rates have gone up to try to curb consumer demand for goods and services and support the value of currencies.

  4. Yes, they did, and the prices of all essential commodities went up because, like sushi rusnak, YOU starmer support providing as much petrol into the fire of the Ukrainian conflict as it would take to start World War III.

  5. Why should people be bailed out for taking huge loans at low interest rates? They always knew the rate could increase on their mortgage. Perhaps they should have been cautious and factored in some variability in the interest rate.

    And Labour pushed for lockdowns and the war in Ukraine – which led to inflation which, in turn, resulted in higher interest rates.

  6. I see they have towed back in the green policy because the Tories didn’t like it. Starmer has no backbone, his premiership will be a disaster made up of him turning in the wind trying to keep the Daily Mail happy. It’s depressing that the choice is been those two muppets.

  7. Starmer is going to lose a one horse race, he should have been a shoe in but he is atrocious. I’m a labour voter but my word, this man is a one man wrecking ball for the Labour Party. It almost looks like he is a Tory shill/plant.

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