Wanted to try a German drink

But my google searches show no result of the best way to drink this. Do I drink it straight? Or should I mix it with other stuff? Any help would be appreciated!

by Crazy_Star1342

  1. Get some waffle shot „glasses“. Fill one of those up. Put that bad boy in your mouth as a whole. 

  2. I had a roommate who used it to make tiramisu instead of using coffee. She said that’s how it’s made in Czechia.

  3. It’s a liquer, so you can drink it pure, add it as a topping to ice-cream, waffles, pancakes, cakes, bakery with it (Eierlikörtorte ftw), put it in coffee, milk or cocoa..

  4. In Holland we call it Advocaat, I love to pour it in a bowl, chill it and eat it like pudding dusted with cocoa powder and whipped cream, sometimes with Poffertjes or wafers. My mother has also used it on top of waffles or to make certain cold cakes. It’s also not bad if you mix it 50/50 with lemonade, it tastes almost like a whiskey sour if you do it right and add lime juice. There’s really a million different things you can do with it, including substituting eggnog in your favorite cocktail, using it as a custard, or even using it in baking.

    Man, this makes me want to go buy a bottle of it after work

  5. And you chose eggnog¹ from Madagascar…

    ¹ I know it’s not *exactly* the same but who cares about the dairy

  6. In germany there are some small cups out of waffles and in it its covered with chocolate. I think they called Eierlikörbecher or Waffelbecher.
    Thats the way how we trink it at home.

    P.S. its nice to share it with friends or familiy

  7. There are special glasses for that but you can use a normal shot glass as well. Drink it like Bailey’s. It’s about the same kind of alcohol

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