US tells Israel it will not support Rafah offensive: ‘It would be a disaster’

US tells Israel it will not support Rafah offensive: ‘It would be a disaster’

I can tell you we’ve seen no plans that would convince us that they are U about to or imminently going to conduct any kind of major operations in Rafa um I think you all know more than a million Palestinians are are U Sheltering in and around Rafa uh that’s where they were

Told to go U there’s a lot of displaced people there and the Israeli military has a special obligation as they conduct operations there or anywhere else to make sure that their fact ing in protection for uh for innocent civilian life particularly you know civilians that were were pushed into Southern Gaza

By operations further north conun and and North Gaza uh I could tell you that absent any full consideration uh of protecting civilians at that scale in Gaza um military operations right now would be a disaster for those people and it’s not something that we would support has the US communicated everything that

You just said about protecting civilians to Israel secretary blinkin uh in his meetings with the uh Israeli leaders and the Prime Minister and the war cabinet uh made clear our concerns

The US national security spokesperson has warned Israel against conducting an offensive against Rafah, the last refuge of Palestinians fleeing the Israeli army’s assault on Gaza. John Kirby said the US would not support an attack on the southern town. He added that the secretary of state, Antony Blinken, had expressed his concern to Israeli officials during his recent visit.

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  1. They massacred Rafah. Body parts all around. Babies heads being collected by distressed parents… family massacred all at once. Bodies piled up. Blood bath. Childrens body parts scattered…
    The fact that the media is sensored and these innocent human beings will not even be acknowledged should say enough …

  2. And People ask why Arabs hate America
    Because America considers that the life of an Arab person is less than the life of an Israeli, European, or American person.
    This matter appeared in the Western media and their dirty racism when the Russia-Ukraine war took place

  3. What is happening today in Gaza is a crime against humanity and the supporters of this criminal regime are the United States and some Western countries, a lot of hypocracy. Israel: 75 years of occupation and slavery do not mean the right to self-defense NO Financial support poorly used in Israel

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