Dutch court orders halt to export of F-35 jet parts to Israel • FRANCE 24 English

Dutch court orders halt to export of F-35 jet parts to Israel • FRANCE 24 English

An appeals court in the Netherlands has ordered the government to stop F35 Parts deliveries to Israel the ruling takes effect within the next 7 days and for more on this story we can go across to Fernand vet standing by at the hag Fernand uh what exactly is this ruling

And will it have an [Applause] Impact so there was an audible G danana in the court as this verdict came through this court saying that the Netherlands needs to rec consider its export license for those F-35 CS to Israel because there is a serious risk of violations to International humanitarian law and thus uh this is how

The minister should Rule now this is centered around the small town of VRE in braband here which is where the F35 Regional Warehouse is which is where all European partners of the F35 program and Israel are supplied with their F-35 spare parts now the minister had argued

That she had re looked at this General export license which was given in 2016 after October 7th but in light of Israel’s right to self-defense and political considerations such as the um Dutch relationship with the United States and Israel had decided to continue exporting those parts the

Judges here now said that that was the wrong decision they say it is clear that there are violations to International humanitarian law taking place in Gaza due to the large number of Civilian casualties there including children and that within 7 days all export of parts

To the F-35 jet to Israel must stop now I spoke to Elis zel she’s the lawyer for Oxfam no one of the three NOS that brought this case and she says this will not change so much on the ground in Gaza there will be parts coming for these

Planes from other part countries however she hopes that it will have a knock on effect this is now the first country which has been forced to end weapons exports to Israel and she hopes that other countries will follow suit

A Dutch appeals court on Monday ordered the government to block all exports of F-35 fighter jet parts to Israel over concerns they were being used in violations of international law during Israel’s Gaza offensive.
#Netherlands #Israel #Gaza

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  1. The Israeli's aren't stupid, I bet they made sure they had a ten year supply built up in case something like this happened (not that it would matter anyway as the US will still give them anything they want).

  2. now let's stop giving them F35s altogether… remember when they sold Iran extended range fuel tanks for the f14s reagan sold Iran for the hostage deal bush made for the election? israel railed that the us best not provide those fuel tanks…. that israel manufactured. then THEY sold them to Iran. they are feckless and have always been so.

  3. Israel gov't will attempt any scheme to support its genocide of Palestinians.

    Why are Palestinians labeled terrorists and Israelis are not? HINT: "Follow the Money."

  4. Military equipment is designed to kill people and break things. Does anyone think the F35 was designed to delivery Twinkies? ICJ is just a bunch of unelected and unaccountable communists, trying to control people and governments for their own purposes.

  5. That's only a warehouse, the United States holds all the pattents for the F-35, the only thing that will happen is that the warehouse will be closed and the parts shipped to England to be redistributed to Israel

  6. Do you guys really think they will follow this ruling?

    From experience, we should not underestimated the resolve from west to break international law to support Israel.

  7. ha ha please try – this has always been the case in days passed. The God of Israel is not bound by petty human regulations. Israel will succeed by the Grace of God. The F35 is hardly the best airplane and there are plenty other and superior models available. Praise be to Jesus Christ our Lord! France is already facing an invasion of sorts. Curse Israel and you only curse yourself.

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