Just to remind the young generation. Ukrainian pro-Western candidate for President of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko was poisoned with dioxin at a dinner in 2004. He nearly died & was left with a disfigured face, but became President. The 3 suspects behind the crime are all in Russia

by Espressodimare

  1. So Putin has been at this for 20 yrs? I admittedly didn’t pay much attention to overseas news much, then.

  2. While there was clear Russian lead in a lot of shit that happened in Ukraine, framing politics into pro-Western and pro-Russian camps is really simplistic and just wrong.

    The president before Yushchenko started the Ukraine-NATO cooperation, and almost went into a shooting war with Russia, while the guy who poisoned him campaigned on pro-EU platform in 2010.

    I recommend this series for brief overview of Ukrainian politics 2000-2022


  3. Best president, our country wasn’t ready back then for his euro-optimism, and moving country towards NATO, he was the first.

  4. Good reminder. So many people didn’t think anything of Ukraine until 2013 and thus the whole “it’s just tensions over Ukraine moving to the West and the West overstepping their place” seems to make sense until you realise it’s not about the West or Europe, but about Russia deciding that Ukraine belongs to them and a long history of using force, corruption, and murder to get what they want.

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