1/2 ▶️ El origen del Maidán en Ucrania

1/2 ▶️ El origen del Maidán en Ucrania

My life changed completely because I live in the in the Ukraine which now um for front between autocracy and democracy 10 years ago in 20 of February people started calling to our hot lines as a Yan initiative and told that police gunning down peaceful protesters and we sent our volunteers to

Mors to hospitals to churches to the place where dead bodies were gathered

#Ucrania conmemora el décimo aniversario del levantamiento de #Maidán, la plaza principal de la capital ucraniana y epicentro del movimiento popular #proeuropeo que precipitó la caída del presidente prorruso Víktor Yanukóvich el 22 de febrero de 2014.

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