Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak attack each other’s track records at PMQs

Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak attack each other’s track records at PMQs

Mr Speaker the prime minister’s had quite a week from endlessly fighting with his own MPS to collapsing in laughter when he was asked by a member of the public about NHS waiting list so I was glad to hear so was he surprised to see one of his own MPS say that he

Doesn’t get what Britain needs and he’s not listening to what people want prime minister Mr Mr Speaker he talks about what Britain needs what Britain wants what Britain values this from a man who takes the knee Mr Speaker who wanted to abolish the monarchy who still doesn’t know what a woman is and

Just this week and who just this week one of his front benches said that they back teaching divisive White Privilege in our schools Mr Speaker looking at his record it’s Crystal Clear which one of us doesn’t get Britain’s values Mr s he spouted so much nonsense no wonder

They’re giving up on him and even now as his government crumbles around him and his own MPS point out he’s out of touch got no plan for growth crime or building houses the prime minister is sticking to his onean poana show everything’s fine people should be grateful to him the

Trouble is no one’s buying it does he actually understand why his own MP say he doesn’t stand Britain and that he is an obstacle to recovery five minutes again Mr Speaker he he calls it nonsense but these are his positions Mr Speaker right and he doesn’t want to talk about it but this

Is the facts he chose he chose to represent a now prescribed terrorist group Mr Speaker he chose to campaign against the deportation of foreign National offenders Mr Speaker just like he chose chose to serve the right honorable member for Islington North Mr Speaker that’s his record those are his values

And that is exactly how he should be judged Mr Speaker in 2008 I was the director of public prosecution putting terrorists and murderers in jail he he was making millions betting on the misery of working people during a financial crisis Mr Speaker yeah more sniping from

The sidelines yeah you can see you can see you can see yeah you can see exactly you can see exactly why his but terer hired him in the first place but he wants to talk about these things even his own party are now realizing that he simply doesn’t

Have a plan for this country Mr Speaker the member for dagam and ran said it’s difficult to identify the purpose of his leadership and long time and long time C celebrity backer Steve kougan recently said he licks his finger sticks it in the air and just sees which way the wind is

Blowing e even labor party know Mr Speaker he’s not a leader he is a human Weather Vein it’s not the sidelines it’s behind him that the fire’s coming in Mr Speaker and he can try and blame the labor party all he wants the difference is I’ve changed my party he’s bullied by his


Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak have attacked each other’s political track records during PMQs, as the prime minister faced a call to step down from the former Conservative MP Simon Clarke.
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Starmer, the Labour party leader, accused Sunak’s government of ‘farcical incompetence’ after the prime minister did not offer an answer on the question of delays in free childcare for parents of young children.

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#Starmer #Sunak #PMQs

  1. How about tackling cronyism, corruption, lack of transparency, donor influence, tax-evasion, lack of competence, in-fighting, instead of school yard ya-hoo. Competence more useful .

  2. This man only represents Israel. He does not fear for Britain’s interests. He must be tried and dismissed quickly, as he is pushing the United Kingdom into the abyss🥴🥴

  3. UK is really weird. I just can't figure it out. The people seem to be far more independent and progressive than its really dense political leaders who are conservative and who tightly cling on to the neoliberal, hegemonic corporate world order as much as they possibly can following the U.S. lead like a puppy dog. You need to put someone who is Irish or Scottish in there — or maybe a strong independent minded person. You had a real chance to make a positive difference in the world with Jeremy Corbyn, and you blew it! Shame on you.

  4. What a mess the country is in, public health cuts like education, dentistry, nhs appts being postponed due to staff shortages, all kinds going on and sunak says to starmer broken promises ? wow sunak is just as bad if not worse dear me. Like a school playground in there. Labour runs wales and the nhs here is shocking aswell, they actually as bad as one another , they both talk absolute rubbish lets be honest. What a sorry state of affairs for us all. Hopefully sunak gets voted out in the next election as its deserved, but i cant see thing gets any better if honest.

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