Palestine’s UN ambassador holds back tears during appeal to world court

Palestine’s UN ambassador holds back tears during appeal to world court

Honorable honorable judges the state of Palestine appeals to this court to guide the International Community in upholding international law ending Injustice and achieving a just and Lasting peace to guide us towards a future in which Palestinian children are treated as children not as demographic threat in which the identity of the

Group to which we belong does not diminish the human rights to which we are all entitled the future in which no Palestinian and no Israelis is killed a future in which two states live side by side in peace and security the Palestinian only people only demand respect for their rights

They ask for nothing more they cannot accept nothing less and nothing else the future of freedom justice and peace can begin here and now it is within your power to give the clearest statement possible on what the law is what it requires and what it means in practice

For all members of the United Nations We Trust in your wisdom your fairness and your dedication to Justice and the rule of law and I thank you very much Mr President

At the international court of justice hearing on Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories, Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian ambassador to the UN, held back tears as he appealed to the judges to uphold international law in the Palestinian territories and help secure a two-state solution ‘in which the two-states live side by side in peace and security’.
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Mansour told the hearing: ‘The Palestinian people only demand respect for their rights, they ask for nothing more and they cannot accept nothing less.’ Israel disputes that the territories are formally occupied.

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#Gaza #Palestine #InternationalCourtofJustice

  1. Sorry but Hamas has been sacrificing Palestinians by holding Israelis hostages at the cost of Palestinian lives. Calls For Hamas to RELEASE ALL ISRAELIS HOSTAGES NOW AND FOR THE SAFETY & FREEDOM OF PALESTINIANS, But NOT THROUGH Hamas.

  2. It broke my heart when he said Palestinian children should be treated as children, not a demographic threat. Palestinians only demand their rights, asking for nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.

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