Calls for British Museum to give back Easter Island statue. #Shorts #EasterIsland #BBCNews

The British museum is getting spammed in its insta comments by people demanding a return of this statue it’s one of two moai statues taken by the British in 1868 from rapanui also known as Easter Island which is the territory of Chile they date back to 1400 and 1650 AD and

Are said to embody the spirit of a prominent ancestor there’s been calls for them to be returned before but it’s really cranked up thanks to an influencer from Chile who encourages followers to flood the Museum’s Instagram comments calling for the Statue to be given back a spokesperson

Said the museum welcome debates and that it has good and open relations with colleagues on the island so what do you think should the statue be returned

  1. Apparently you forgot when Greek exhibits (that are stolen as well) were damaged because the building wasn't maintained. So stop acting like you are protecting history

  2. Almost everything in the British Museum should be returned. It was all stolen and it doesn't belong to them. After that, they can return the gems from the crown and scepter. Give it all back.

  3. No peruvians have cultural connections to the Easter Islands as the people died off on their own. The british discovered it and took the statues and the people of Peru are learning this way after the fact.

    There's tens of thousands of examples of colonial artifacts that make more sense to give back than this one.

  4. If your house is burgaled …and then you notice the thief is now displaying your finest valued treasures AND using it to increase the number of visitors to the thief home….

    ….every court & jury in the England will tell the thief to return the items to you… AND will likely convict the criminal to jail time.

    …why is this thief (British Museum) any different ?

    P.s British Museum is complicit as they are harboring stolen goods. 😮😢

  5. Seeing some comments makes me think that brits still thinks they are superior than everyone.. like statute will be stolen or broken and stuff its Chile not Afghanistan and they do have museums in their other countries too not just a European concept

  6. “It will be destroyed if it’s returned to its original owner”. Bro what ? Even if that is the case, you can’t just take other people’s stuff because they’re “bad owners”, it’s still THEIR stuff

  7. The museum isn’t claiming that it’s part of our history. It’s on public property where anyone can come and visit it and enjoy it. Why not just leave it where it is safe and can be enjoyed for generations to come?

  8. I don't agree with the fact that the British Museum has taken (stolen) so many cultural artifacts from around the world, however given what we've seen in recent years with activist, terrorist and tourist activity, these artifacts are now probably much safer if they are kept in the British Museum 🫤

  9. Of course it shouldn’t be returned. Easter island has about 1000 similar statues. Most of them much bigger and beautiful. Returning them would mean that you either have to be a resident on the island or so rich that you can afford to go there to see it in real life. The idea of returning artefacts to local museums must always be seen in the context of now, ie you keep away normal people from learning about other cultures because of trying to undo an act of colonialism that happened a 100 years plus ago. This makes the people of the World more separated and goes against global cohesiveness while rich people don’t care. Please think!

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