DR Congo slams EU-Rwanda materials deal as tensions mount • FRANCE 24 English

DR Congo slams EU-Rwanda materials deal as tensions mount • FRANCE 24 English

Now to the Democratic Republic of Congo where tensions remain high as conflict with M23 a rebel group backed by by Randa continues in the East kinasa denounced the European Union signing of a critical raw materials deal with Rwanda which it accuses of stealing its mineral wealth the Democratic Republic of Congo

Has hit out at the European Union for a recent deal that it signed with Rwanda on raw materials relations between Rwanda and Congo are dire in the extreme Congo accuses its neighbor Rwanda of backing the M23 Rebel group in order to plunder its mineral resources Rwanda for

Its part says that Congo works with militias such as the fdlr which present a national security threat to Rwanda on Monday Brussels inadvertently waited into this dispute by signing a memorandum of understanding on raw materials with Rwanda which it said produces critical minerals such as tantalum and niobium the deal provides

For ensuring a supply of raw materials for the EU and aims to increase traceability but the signing provoked outrage in canasa the foreign Ministry said that Rwanda doesn’t have the critical materials and that it smuggles them from congales territory where they are abundant it also said the signing of

The deal was and I quote a very unfriendly act and it called for an explanation congales government spokesman Patrick muaya posted on social media that there is no compassion towards victims of Rwanda aggression Brussels signed a similar deal with Congo in October but its Rwanda deal couldn’t have come at a

Worse time for a start many congales people perceived the EU as indirectly supporting M23 Rebels through its relations with Rwanda but on top of that the EU Rwanda deal was signed amid Fierce fighting between the M23 and congales forces and it came just as the rebels had encircled the congales city of GMA

The Democratic Republic of Congo has slammed the EU’s signing of a critical raw materials deal with Rwanda, who it accuses of backing M23 rebels in eastern DRC. Emmet Livingstone has the latest.
#DRCongo #Rwanda #EU

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  1. The epitomy of HYPOCRISY…On one hand EU is critical of Russia's invasion of Ukraine but signs a deal with Rwanda to purchase minerals stolen from Congo by M23 and Rwanda effectively financing the genocide of poor Congolese population. Rwanda is a dictatorship responsable for killing millions of its on Hutus population which represents 85% of the population but have zero representation in the Tutsis led government, army and administration…IT IS A GREAT SHAME ON EU and the consequences will be felt soon because Africa is tired of the corrupted minds of Europeans we need to turn to the BRICS!!!

  2. Mr. Lutundula, minister of foreign affairs of DRC, this agreement on minerals supply chain between the EU and Rwanda is a non event. Negotiations that the West is instructing President Tshisekedi and Kagame to hold are about that and you know it.
    The smartphone technology and other laser to equip Western Navies are new and expensive. Imagine a multinationale that would have to extract minerals by investing in the Eastern DRC what it would undergo: The government (on top of the unethical practice of requesting commissions) requirements would include, building roads, construction of modern mines, insuring employees, building schools, hospitals..(like in Botswana).all of this would add to the cost of bringing the minerals to Western markets. To be practical, if today through the artificially maintained instability in the Eastern DRC, a 25 pound bag of Coltan is sold to multinationales by Rwanda's proxies in Eastern DRC for $10 (via Kigali or Kampala or Nairobi), under normal circumstances it will be sold at $300 and all the commercialization would take place in DRC (like it used to be with SOZACOM)…that scenario would reduce margins for multinationales and would require increasing prices of final smartphones in Western markets and would have then negative impact on growth. Such scenario is unacceptable to the West.
    What they told Luanda is to convince President Tshisekedi to accept because they won't cut support to Rwanda.
    In their 1990s strategic plan, they have created conditions with 1994 planned sacrifice of Rwandan civilians to make Rwanda a new "Israel" in Africa. See the supplier of Rwandan budget and the impunity of Kagame even after 10 millions Congolese are dead.. that is your answer. It is a fact.
    Now, there are other options for DRC. To win the war and get back sovereignty, DRC gov must be proactive and fast in its military capabilities building. All Congolese must come together and fight the ennemis

  3. This agreement is immoral in all counts.
    Africa has decided to add value to all its raw materials ( agricultural included) by transforming them on the continent. A way of resolving poverty and create more wealth just like Western nations do. This strategy will prevent African migrants from being tempted to take the perilous journey to Western countries where they are subhumans.
    An other proof that poverty in Africa is profitable to the EU.
    This agreement reset the clock back to colonial times.
    There will be a stand against it. Rwanda may provide its tea, coffee and women to EU but not Congolese minerals or agricultural products.
    The border is going to get sealed.
    Wait and see.
    A sign of desperation from the EU. After an illogical military embargo on DRC for decades, we now see the identity of the entire chain of criminals.

  4. Congo has always been messy.
    Was congo orderly before Kagame?
    Corruption and bad governance alone will continue to cripple the population into misery.

  5. European union should not interfere with the running of DRC we pan Africanist we are watching soon and we shall guard our resources will all weapons,we cannot allow our minerals to be exploited am adging people of congo to stand up and guard their minerals do it for the spirit of Patrice Lumumba

  6. DRC government is the disaster to the Congolese. Country with injustice, corrupted, rooting, poor governance, misuses of national resources, insecurity, tribalism, and divisionism. DRC is a failed state.

  7. Some Congolese and the world in general should stop their nonsense. Though common sense is not common I beg all Congolese and the world again to think outside of the box. Rwanda is not and will not be the problem of Congo. Look into DRC’s leadership and start to investigate, analyze be more detailed brothers and sisters. Mind decolonization is what we need in Africa more than anything and mind decolonization starts with adopting rational thinking.

  8. Are all Congolese problems caused by Rwanda….. I doubt that…. I wish Congolese and all African people peace…. Let's start using our own brain and achieve peace….

  9. Basically makeing it hard for our country to survive off of our own land and resources we love all people and we just want our country back to make congo great and unstoppable

  10. A Military Deal with Russia or China to Secure their borders is better for DRC then to trust the EU or USA. Congo has to join Brics for improving it’s Economy -a radical change has to come for the whole continent of africa. No More stealing of Ressources and no More neocolonialism

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