Palestinian prime minister and his government resign to allow political shake-up

Palestinian prime minister and his government resign to allow political shake-up

انني وضعت استقاله الحكومه تحت تصرف السيد الرئيس وذلك يوم الثلاثاء الماضي 20/2 24 واليوم اتقدم بها خطيا ياتي هذا القرار على ضوء المستجدات السياسيه والامنيه والاقتصاديه المتعلقه بالعدوان على اهلنا في غزه والتصعيد غير المسبوق في الضفه الغربيه دينه القدس وما يواجهه شعبنا وقضيتنا الفلسطينيه ونظامنا السياسي من هجمه شرسه

وغير مسبوقه ومن اباده جماعيه ومحاولات التهجير القصري والتجويع في غزه وتكثيف الاستيطان وارهاب المستعمرين واجتياح متكرره في القدس والضفه للمخيمات والقرى والمدن واعاده احتلالها والخنق المالي غير المسبوق ايضا ومحاولات تصفيه وكاله الغوث وتشغيل اللاجئين والتنصل من كل الاتفاقيات الموقعه والضم المتدرج للاراضي الفلسطينيه والسعي لجعل السلطه الوطنيه الفلسطينيه سلطه اداريه امنيه وبلا محتوى


The Palestinian prime minister, Mohammad Shtayyeh, said on Monday that he and his government were resigning to allow for the formation of a broad consensus among Palestinians about political arrangements after Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza.
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The move comes as US pressure on President Mahmoud Abbas grows to shake up the Palestinian Authority as international efforts intensify to stop the fighting in Gaza and begin work on a political structure to govern the territory after the war. Abbas, who still has to accept the resignation, may ask Shtayyeh to stay on as caretaker until a permanent replacement is appointed.

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#MohammadShtayyeh #MahmoudAbbas #PalestinianAuthority

  1. As a prime minister why couldnt he write to the ICJ as to what is happening in his country and sue Benjamin for breaking laws without permission

  2. Tell him not to worry too much. When palestine exists no more and is just another part of Israel they can all have candle vigils and sing don't look back in anger.

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