Sir Lindsay Hoyle apologises to SNP over handling of Gaza debate but was ‘protecting MPs’

Sir Lindsay Hoyle apologises to SNP over handling of Gaza debate but was ‘protecting MPs’

Last evening we saw the the best of this house and its ability to debate and we also saw the worst of this house as it descended into fce it descended into fce because of the decision that you made and you alone made to ignore the advice that was given to you by the

Clerks in doing so on the opposition day of the Scottish national party my colleagues and I were denied the ability to vote on a matter which is of grave concern to us we do that we do not on these benches therefore believe that you can continue

In your role as Speaker we do not have confidence I apologize and I apologize to the house I made a mistake we do make mistakes I am up to mine I would say that we can have our nesso 24 to get an immediate debate because the

Debate is so important to this house I will defend every member in this house every member matters to me but what I do not apologize is the risk that’s being put on all members at the moment I had serious meetings yesterday with the police on the issues and threats to politicians

Thre heading to an election and I do not want anything to happen again

The Scottish National party (SNP) has called for a vote of no confidence in the speaker of the House of Commons, Sir Lindsay Hoyle.

Hoyle apologised to the SNP and offered to let them hold an emergency no-confidence debate but he defended wanting to protect MPs from threats relating to Wednesday’s debate.

According to reports, Keir Starmer warned Hoyle that Labour MPs’ security was at risk. Many had been deluged by criticisms, threats and abuse since abstaining on a similar SNP motion in November. With hundreds of protesters congregating outside parliament, they worried worse might be to come.

Dozens of lawmakers stormed out of Britain’s parliament on Wednesday with tempers flaring as the three biggest political parties sought to outmanoeuvre each other over a vote on a ceasefire in Gaza. The uproar followed a decision by the speaker to ignore precedent and allow a vote which helped the opposition Labour Party avoid a large-scale rebellion among its own lawmakers over its position on the Israel-Hamas war.

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  1. Michael Matheson SNP MSP the former Health Secretary in Scotland who finally resigned says he 'made a mistake' but if it hadn't been for a journalist noone would have been any the
    wiser about his 'mistake'.

  2. Much ado about nothing. The word “scandal” is meaningless if applied in this case 🙄
    Boo hoo, your bill didn’t get priority over another

  3. This whole situation is a joke. Wanting to debate an over seas religious war, while this country crumbles. Not interested in ceasefires, that's for Israel and Hamas to sort out. Start concentrating on the needs of The British People and this country.

  4. "Protecting MPs" was not mentioned once in the fiasco yesterday.
    It's an obvious machination to avoid a Labour rebellion and another embarrassment for Israel supporter Starmer.

  5. The country is in a terrible state and all these children can do is play politics and argue like children. The world is watching and the UK is making a fool of itself again. It seems our politicians are little more effective than our nuclear deterrent.

  6. housands in the streets suffering from extreme cold, rain, hunger, and discomfort, and under constant bombardment, to die?

    The war of annihilation of this people must be stopped because it is humanity and respect for international law, and the trial of Netanyahu, the killer of innocents and children, and the massacres that continue under diplomatic and military support

  7. Recently Flynn spoke in Parliament about a Palestinian man who was shot dead in a white flag incident. This man and the people with him set about to break through a perimeter set up by a military force, he stated that My brother lives on the other side of the military perimeter and so he attempted to break the perimeter and was then shot, this was a legal act of war because the military force has no need to accept a White Flag trying to enter the military perimeter, they have rightly to suspect he may have a bomb vest, so his action was suicidal.

  8. If only the SNP were so vigorous in serving those they were ACTUALLY elected to serve 🙄
    I guess however doing this sort of stuff is better than facing up to their shameful failures in office

  9. This all makes sense now – Lindsay Hoyle’s Father Doug Hoyle was the founder of Labour’s Friends of Israel – not only that Lyndsay went on a trip to Israel in Nov 2023. He is a full supporter of the genocidal
    Government of Israel. He was planted in parliament in order to always support israel without actually saying it. The UK has now become the United Kingdom of Israel!

  10. When will Scotland show some balls and free itself from the yoke of English tyranny, bigotry and incompetence. Independent Scotland now. Scotland has done nothing but be England's patsy since 1707.

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