Navalny funeral: huge crowds pay tribute to Russian opposition leader

Navalny funeral: huge crowds pay tribute to Russian opposition leader

Thousands of mourners gathered in Moscow to bid farewell to the opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who died in an Arctic prison two weeks ago. Footage showed huge crowds chanting slogans and lining the streets of the Russian capital. The public show of support turned Navalny’s last journey into a rare display of dissent in Russia at a time of unprecedented repression. Many of the opposition leader’s family – including his wife, Yulia – live outside Russia and did not attend the funeral as they would risk arrest.
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#Navalny #Russia #Putin #News

  1. Courageous, principled, irreplaceable Alexei, you can NEVER die and will NEVER die …

    … nor will the seed that you've planted of a better Russia, open, democratic and "beautiful" Russia, replacing Vlad the Small's 24-year kleptocracy and terrorist state.

  2. Alexi, rest in peace and you will always be remembered as the hero to fought for civil rights for the russia. people as well as opposition to the old totalitarian regimes. you will always be a hero in our hearts as the Ukraine war. is continuing its darkness.

  3. Alexi, rest in peace and you will always be remembered as the hero to fought for civil rights for the russia. people as well as opposition to the old totalitarian regimes. you will always be a hero in our hearts as the Ukraine war. is continuing its darkness.

  4. “Leader”?😂 I wonder how western media chose heroes… Why there is so much about Navalny and so little about brave Palestinians who experience the worst genocide in history?! Send you my love from Russia, Palestinian heroes🇷🇺🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸❤️❤️❤️

  5. Навального убили Свои капиталисты. Навальный был за капитализм и Власовец Путин тоже, Путину не нужен конкурент такой же как он буржуй. Вот Навальный от своих и поплатился! Что, Путин, что Навальный это одна система феодального капитализма! Для Путина американцы были всегда своими и для Навального кураторы из США тоже свои. Вспомнете как дурак народ в 1991 году кричал Ельцин, Ельцин, а сейчас в 2024 году такой же одураченный народ кричит Навальный, Навальный!!! Не уже ли народ до сих пор этого не понял !?.

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