Where is Kate? #PrincessOfWales #Shorts #BBCNews

Where is Kate the Princess of Wales it’s probably the WhatsApp message I’ve had most this week since her husband Prince William pulled out of a memorial service at Windsor on Tuesday Morning the rumors and the gossip have been wild around what exactly is wrong with the Princess

Of Wales now those who work closely with them alongside them that I’ve spoken to this week say there is no Panic here there is no big Health drama and that the princess of Wells is doing well what they’re trying to do by saying nothing about her condition and her health is

Protecting her they know that when she comes back onto public duty everyone will be watching her looking at what she’s doing what she’s wearing what she’s saying does she look any different since she’s been unwell the scrutiny is going to be intense so by saying nothing now they are protecting her and keeping

Things private so that she can recover so for now the Princess of Wales remains in Windsor behind closed doors recovering

  1. There is a strong possibility she may have had a hysterectomy due to ovarian ,stomach or pancreatic cancer. When you have a hysterectomy you need a minimum of 6 weeks to recover. Whatever it is, I pray she gets well soon.

  2. Nice try it’s not working and for BBC to come on YouTube to make a statement like that definitely gives the impression that something definitely is amiss yeah so this little TikTok conversation is not going to smooth out the ruffles of what is actually going on

  3. Thousands of women and children are being slaughtered daily and these people are worried about one lady who took a break from public life.

  4. After 20 years of great leadership by Putin! Successfully increased the number of poor people in Russia from 20 million to 40 million!

  5. Apparently, Megan and Harry are very worried that no body cares about them now. Everyone is talking about the actual royal family. Megan is thinking of going into hospital herself to get some attention.

  6. I totally respect that privacy must be paramount – in the end, is no one's business, they are human beings, they have their own hurdles – but the explanation given by this…nobody, is beyond puerile! We are not all stupid, you know?

  7. What the Royala are not telling you. As per Jesuit Freemason tradition, the youngest female is surgically disfigured for the purposes of advanced aging and facial surveillance implants, to pacify envious, bitter hags such as Camilla. There is photographic evidence that this has been done to Kate. One eyelid hooded, jowls created on the jawline with dermal implants and skin grafts, faux wrinkles created around the mouth. They also impose numerology- using 33mm measurements around the mouth, eyes and nose and creating a triangle shape for the nose. Then also impose 11 vertical glabella lines between the eyebrows by grafting the skin down towards the centre and bridge of the nose. The facial implants in the nose, ear and connected via the jawline enable 24/7 surveillance and zero privacy. Kate most likely suffers from severe depression and CPTSD due to ongoing surgical abuse. The only escape is death.

  8. The bbc are the biggest at lies and deception. Richard briars. Jimmy Saville and many MPs in bed with our so called in-biased BBC

  9. They are having her cloned too. It’s happening all over with all kinds of celebrities. They offer almost 50 million to sell your soul

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