Hamas demanding the release of Marwan Barghouti, ‘who could bring together rival Palestinian groups’

Hamas demanding the release of Marwan Barghouti, ‘who could bring together rival Palestinian groups’

We are hearing now that Hamas is demanding the release of Maan bouti now to give you a bit of background on who that man is he’s very much seen as a possible future leader of the Palestinian Authority he’s in prison right now he’s been in an Israeli jail

Now for 20 years he was locked up convicted of deadly attacks on Israelis during the second interfer but he is seen as the man who could bring together rival Palestinian groups and he is popular among young Palestinians we also know that Hamas is demanding a permanent ceasefire that’s something that Israel

Has ruled out so far so I think we can definitely say this deal is still very much a work in progress

Hamas is demanding the release of Marwan Barghouti, the former leader of a militant faction of Fatah who has been imprisoned in Israel for some 20 years, as part of a potential deal to free Israeli hostages in exchange for more aid to Gaza and a pause in fighting in the Israel-Hamas war. FRANCE 24 reporter Claire Paccalin explains that Barghouti is “very much seen as a possible future leader of the Palestinian Authority … the man who could bring together rival Palestinian groups”.

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  1. Yes! I knew nothing about this Marwan Barghouti before October but now I see how important this figure is to peace in the region but Israel locked him away for decades. It would be like the USA government having locked up Martin Luther King. How different would America look today?

  2. Capital punishment has only been imposed twice in the history of Israel and is only to be handed out for treason, genocide, crimes against humanity, and crimes against the Jewish people during wartime (taken from Google). Israel should bring it back. Say NO to such negotiations. Hamas is the criminal but have the audacity to make demands because time after time, it has worked in their favour. Never again!

  3. Those who crossed Israel border to the Kibutzim were also citizens, and those who support the massacre are citizens too. Were those who helped kidnap Jews were innocent citizens? What about those who were in the Shifa hospital hiding the captive? those who called for celebration and rejoiced and cheered in the streets when they got the captives, were they also innocent? Where are these innocent citizens you speak of?

  4. Why quibble? Iran has a script, their assistant minister have “appointed/elected” their repackaged actors, we assume, with a couple of leadership skills (networking ability) combined with good health to facilitate an agenda entailing extra/background actors, complying with the dictates of Iran through their “mediacy or rep, International tax payers, through Iran, the Palestinian Authority’s kleptocracy, Hamas, and from the United States' coffers, and possibly through the UN (and its blatantly anti-Semitic platform).

    If Marwan Barghouti is anything like his peers from Hamas, we know, they are not on the front lines. Rather, “Commanders” hide/hang out in some villa in some Shangri-La area in the Middle East or the Mediterranean area. Instead of fighting, they depend upon a young vanguard composed of overly dramatic queens who are extremely gullible, without a vision, real leadership, and are ordered to take drugs to find Jewish infants to cut off their heads, rape young Jewish girls, and to slice off Israeli women’s breasts in a show some kind of warped prowess which, I am assuming, seems very bizarre.

    Most of us are aware, the so-called Hamas “Commanders” are pretty effete, and so is Hamas (despite a somewhat impressive arsenal buildup, paid for by Iran and the USA). The first time Hamas faced Israelis ready to do battle a couple of months ago, Hamas screamed “truce or technically, “Ransome Time”.

    If Marwan Barghouti is anything like, e.g., Arafat, he should be popular. Arafat made a “big hit” as a Middle Eastern player, mistakenly (purposely slandering) propounding on fighting against Israel, falsely accusing Israelis of trespassing on Palestinian land, much of which had already been purchased by Jewish people from around the world since the latter part of the 1800s from people from Turkey, Cypress, and other nations. Arafat was born in Egypt, grew up in Egypt but, like so many others, proclaimed his Palestinian rights, cultural ties, and ethos. Arafat’s family’s land was confiscated by the Egyptian government and they took everything. But the money Arafat “earned by slandering Israel was too enticing for him to discontinue his offensive, racist activities and foot the bill Iran recognized and desired to perpetuate.

    While Iran is in charge, in terms of Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestinians Authority the aforementioned entities are all going to “yes” whatever Iran wants. . . cause those who comply, live, naysayers get nil, along with implications of imminently getting knocked off.

  5. Suddenly it becomes clear that the only thing the Palestinians devote their lives to is their twisted ideology that only Muslims are allowed to live in the Middle East…

  6. There is no division and never will be. It is a permanent ceasefire and departure of Israeli troops or nothing. The rest is just waffle. Anyone who proposes something has received a bribe, safe conduct, or a Green Card. The last word is from Abu Obaida, who is a Field General.

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