Cameron wants “consequences” for Putin

Cameron wants “consequences” for Putin

Alex naly was an incredibly Brave fighter against corruption and he gave up everything in campaigning for what he believed in and my heart goes out to his wife and to his family and we should be clear about what has happened here Putin’s Russia imprisoned him trumped up charges against him poisoned him sent

Him to a Arctic penal colony and now he’s tragically died and we should hold Putin accountable for this and no one should be in any doubt about the Dreadful nature of Putin’s regime in Russia after what has just happened there should be consequences because there’s no doubt in my mind this man was

A brave fighter against corruption for justice for democracy and look what Putin’s Russia did to him

Lord David Cameron says there should be “consequences” for Vladimir Putin as he blamed Alexei Navalny’s death on the “action that Putin’s Russia took”.



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  1. A journalist was killed in Ukrainian jail just for reporting this war few weeks ago nobody talked about his death you can kill if you are our allies just nor Russian what a hypocrite

  2. Consequences should start with him & the rest of the West leaders. It’s funny how they can pop out and say all sort about this one death which really could have been avoided if he didn’t return to Russia but fails to mention the genocide of over 30,000 people.

    What credibility those the West think it has now?? For all we know it could have been the US that killed him to ramp up their request for funding wars. I believe nothing that comes out/ from the West.

  3. Hold Tony Blair accountable for killing millions on iraq first . Stop trying to be the moral compass for the rest of the world when your government is the most corrupt in the world .

  4. 300,000 deaths from austerity – Cameron's political choice – no regrets or for the "shitshow" – Obama's observation – of Libya and then Brexit. What is this talentless and dangerous corrupt (Greensill) filth doing back in government?

  5. They still think that someone, somewhere gives a damn what the British think about anything 😂. Britain outside the EU and being run by a bunch of incompetent corrupt Brexiters is just irrelevant now – no one cares! Yawn.


    Navalny went back to Russia AFTER Putin attempted to murder him. He wasn’t stupid. He sacrificed his life to help expose Putin.

    And all I read is Cameron bashing!!!

    My stomach doesn’t feel so good.

  7. Cameron should know all about corruption . He and Boris Johnson accepted £160 from Lubov Chernukhin, wife of Putin's deputy finance minister in return for a game of tennis. A 'sweetener' to pursue Brexit which would serve Putin well in his efforts to fracture the EU. Cameron's UKIPTory party received £3.5 million over 10 years from Russian donors.

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