More drones arriving at Ryazan oil refinery, explosion can be heard, and a somewhat late air warning siren.

More drones arriving at Ryazan oil refinery, explosion can be heard, and a somewhat late air warning siren.

by Hitno

  1. It is turning and lining up the shot. One of them hit the cracking unit directly in another video. This is fpv flown at least for the ending is my guess.

  2. It would be good to also target the actual offices of the refinery, all the data, info, gone…

  3. I’m at work and can’t turn on the sound. Is this “boom” followed by hey maybe we should sound the siren, just in case?

  4. Invading a smaller country is fun, until you realise yours is to big to defend it 😅

  5. They keep pushing just where they stopped yesterday, and yesterday was costly for Russia. They can’t protect all of their oil infrastructure.

  6. Is that a vodka break siren? Seems unrelated to any air threats, it’s the only logical alternative.

  7. The guy in the video is saying that “there is no way, it flew all the way out from Ukraine” 🙂

  8. I like to imagine how euphorically tense it would be in the UA control room where they’re controlling these things from. First pilot we be like “yeah we made it, no SAMs, no triple-A…..I’m going for that big fucking distillation tower ….. boom. Vlad get the big fuel tank…” and the euphoria would grow as more and more drones hit, people crowding round the last pilots….
    Good job team.

  9. It is heart warming to see some successes that very probably will slow Russia’s ability to continue to persecute genocide in Ukraine. They are acting exactly like the Nazis in WWII and they need to be stopped as soon as possible, before they dragged the whole world into another slaughter. Also f*ck anyone who did Business with Russia once it was clear that it was a dictatorship. Their profits caused these thousands of deaths. The same thing applies to China. What insanity is it that encouraged the world to build China up to a super power again without demanding an ounce of political reform? Pure greed for profit and short sighted self interest.

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