Israeli tank ‘likely’ fired machine gun at journalists after deadly shelling

Israeli tank ‘likely’ fired machine gun at journalists after deadly shelling

He the trim is The range of firing distances and muzzle look that up we uh listen to this audio with headphones we noticed that we could hear the bullets whizzing by so that made us realize that the the journalists were actually being fired upon with a machine gun and we determined that this arms

Fire was consistent with a heavy machine gun a 50 caliber machine gun mava tanks can be equipped with a heavy machine gun which is actually aligned with the tank gun tno report does uh conclude that it was likely in addition to the two tank rounds that machine gun fire came from

The same location that adds to or compounds the deliberateness with which they seem to have been targeted directly

An Israeli tank crew killed a Reuters reporter in Lebanon in October by firing two shells at a clearly identified group of journalists and then ‘likely’ opened fire on them with a heavy machine gun, according to a report into the incident published on Thursday.

The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) was contracted by Reuters to investigate the circumstances in which journalist Issam Abdallah was killed on 13 October last year. The report said that the first shell killed Abdullah and severely wounded the Agence France-Presse photographer Christina Assi.

The TNO report said it was considered a ‘likely scenario’ that the crew also opened fire on the journalists with a heavy machine gun. Reuters said Israeli forces had declined to comment on the findings.

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  1. When there are actual reports saying there were undercover Hamas in the media and the UN, I don't see any problems with this act. Who knows, that "reporter" could've been holding a rpg tube instead of a camera.

  2. Of course they knew, because this army has excellent optics, electronics, and journalists in bright vests and helmets.
    They just remove unnecessary witnesses to their deeds.

  3. Thankful to these scientists and their work, but we didn't even need a report WE KNOW and have been telling you about Israeli conduct for 75 years!

  4. The amount of journalists and aid workers that have laid down their lives for the truth and justice for the Palestinians, has never been seen in any war ever and Israel is solely responsible. For these tragic losses of heroes trying to help save humanity and keep the rest of the world aware of the danger. Unfortunately or governments still play politics whilst many more lose their lives in line of duty and heroism.

  5. This is the results of Western media including Guardian spoiled Israel by being consistently pro Israel. You guys should criticize British government pro Israel stance more openly.

  6. Have a go at me if you want, but IDF is WORSE than Hamas. Talk about October 7th – Why don't people talk about the continuous airstrikes bombarding gaza for 3 days straight only 2 weeks before October 7th attacks?

    Israel has a track record of casually killing civilians AND journalists.

  7. Poorly trained Israeli conscripts, chosen from the dregs of society who participate in mandatory national service. Of course, the responsibility for this atrocity still falls on the Israli state

  8. This was a mistake and the IDF admitted this. This is was already covered. Why resurface old news when the IDF acknowledged it's mistake?

  9. that projectile doesnt look like a tank shell.
    however, assuming it is, it makes sense that journalists who deploy camera tripods, would look like terrorists who deploy ATGMs on tripods, which happens a LOT in that area.
    dont do what hostile forces are doing if u dont want to maximize the chances that u will be mistaken for a hostile target.
    it happened before when tripods were used.

  10. “We dont know why they were targeted”….. Because Israel targets journalists as they dont want journalists recording evidence of their crimes!

  11. Anyone who saw the footage, unedited could see the journalists were fired at intentionally, PRESS, wasn’t clear enough for the geniuses in the tank, plus they could have been HAMAS posing as the Press so just to be on the safe side they opened fire. Israel doesn’t respect anything, journalists, Aid workers, Doctors,Nurses, the UN, the ICC, they will not stop until they’re stopped.

  12. I love that when Israel is concerned, we have to say "likely" because their extensive media and political connections make it so that they are able to lie about anything and get away with it. The israeli MILLITARY attacked a journalist like the over 100 documented incidents of exactly the same thing since october alone.

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