Prince William and Harry Avoid Each Other at Diana’s Memorial

Prince William and Harry Avoid Each Other at Diana’s Memorial

Last night’s memorial event to Princess Diana lays bare how bad their relationship has become.

The event was orchestrated so that Prince William left before Prince Harry joined the event via a Zoom call. A memorial event such as this might have been a chance for the two brothers to spend time with each other, united in their grief. But it seems that unity may now be the in the past.

It’s thought the last time the brothers were in the same room was for King Charles’ coronation in May 2023. Their relationship appears to have become increasingly frosty since Prince Harry stepped back from royal duties in 2020.

Before that the pair seemed to be on friendly brotherly terms, and were often seen joking with each other at official events.

But Prince Harry has been accused by some of ‘airing the Royal Family’s dirty laundry’ in his books and TV programmes.

The divide is now so severe even King Charles’ cancer diagnosis failed to bring them together. When Prince Harry flew to London after his father was diagnosed earlier this year, he did not meet with Prince William.

It seems the rift between the two brothers may now never be healed.

#royalfamily #princeharry #princewilliam

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  1. Gossip cringe at its finest lol. Remember the good ol days when this channel used to post newsworthy info instead of trash you find right out of a tabloid gossip magazine? Neither do I….

  2. Judge Judy often reminded parties in her court that 50% of marriages barely survive 5 years but family is forever.
    It’s not to say family is always what it’s cut out to be, but for this woman to cause such bitter rift between two brothers breaks my heart, especially when it’s obvious to me she cares nothing about him.
    When you love genuinely, it’s warts and all.
    Sad to watch.

  3. It was nice to see prince harry and prince William together playing l wish they make up,l wonder if prince harry misses William and it is hard when they got children, princess Diana would be not very happy what is going on.l bet it is hard for her everyone but when they are children involved they be asking questions saying why don't you, harry get on,then you got other people interfering they need to sort things out.

  4. The problem goes back further than of recent years, being the second son and not the heir, a role should have been sorted out for him by the family instead of just being the spare and no focus. None of this would have happened.

  5. Not to mention that Harry's wife launched an Instagram account on the same day. She not only took away from her husband's tribute but once again proved just how selfish she is. I hope the RF never forgets what they did to the family and the Commonwealth.

  6. Princess Diana would not be happy with what William has been doing to his marriage… and much less with having him accepting Camila publicly. (He may have his mother's face, but he has his father's character.)

    I don't believe, for a second, that Harry has been lying. I am sure it was not easy for him, at all! For him to have said what he said for the world to hear, I can only imagine what he must have gone through seeing his father bring that woman home, probably even seeing his brother not condemning it… All the animosity that we're witnessing, must've started here!

    And let's not forget that the Royals PR Team seemed to have fed them to the wolves since the start (hence they're departure, in my opinion) as to protect the image of the future king and queen (no capital letters here). He was, probably, the only one fighting his father, and beeing fought back by everyone else… far from easy… or fair!

  7. Prince William has done nothing wrong. It's a one sided hate campaign from his bitter and jealous brother. If you need proof, just look at the attempt to overshadow William's speech by H's wife releasing her new instagram. H&M have betrayed Diana's memory so many times and show no signs of stopping

  8. Unfortunately most families have experienced these sort of relationships. Painful, especially considering the opportunities h had at his disposal. Good thing William has good support network, purpose and personal integrity to carry on with positivity.

  9. What’s done is done. Let go of old attachments. It takes years to build trust, and mere seconds to destroy it. Forgive for your own health, but never forget. You don’t have to take anyone back into your life after forgiving them. Love them or the memory of who they were, from afar, or let it fade to complete indifference and alienation. Don’t burn out your liver holding onto hate.

  10. You can’t behave like a passive aggressive dog. Lick someone in the face while peeing on their feet. That’s how Harry behaves. His Mother would be so ashamed of him and his wife.

  11. Understandable H&M are full of hate towards the Wales family they went too far and the King must stop this bullying and all their lies .Now.

  12. Idk what happens on backstage, but its never informed deeply to the people. But its sad to see 2 brothers departed due to their wives issue. This is not what their mother cheered for and to attend on an evet to praise the memory of their mom sounds a litte bit embaressing, not to mention hipocrit… I understand that Harry isnt part of the oficial duties anymore, but he's the only brother left! Their father is their only parent left. They should quit this scuabbling and mend! Living in bitterness is so terrible 😢
    Their wives shouldnt interfere on that, specially Megan!

  13. It's sad that Harry betrayed and hurt his family that loves him. MM has changed him and caused a rift between them. It's really heartbreaking. Harry doesn't look happy at all most of the time he looks sad and unhappy.

  14. William expected Harry to be his right arm and everyone, both the royal family and the rest of the world.
    That was Lady Diana's dream, but it was not to be.
    On the path of life things went from bad to worse. Harry never knew how to separate family from the crown, he thought they were the same and they are not.
    Everything went to waste when MM came into the family.
    She woke up him and freed the real Harry, showing his true face. He mercilessly attacked the royal family.
    She uses him to gain fame and fortune, while he uses her to mercilessly attack the royal family and take refuge behind her or seek her support.
    William tries to defend himself and his family, as best he can, since he is tied hand and foot and Harry knows it very well.
    Sadly there is no turning back from this.
    Everything is irreparable.
    Everything is irreconcilable.

  15. Reuniting should be in the past after the way Harry has been so disrespectful and emotionally abusive to not only Prince William but all of the Senior Royals!

  16. Their relationship didn't start becoming increasingly frosty when Harry stepped away from the Royal Family. It started when Harry didn't listen to those closest to him when they voiced their concerns over Meghan and the speed in which their relationship moved. William and Catherine, and as has been well documented, lots of Harry's friends remarked how much Harry changed after he met her, and not for the better. His behaviour over the past few years has been despicable and unforgivable. The things Harry has said and done, acting like he's a victim, can't be taken back. He's been extremely disrespectful and I think W&C have simply had enough. Harry cannot be trusted.

  17. After the latest round of trash thrown at the Prince and Princess of Wales, is it any wonder the atmosphere is frozen? Mind you, the "friendly rivalry". There's often an undercurrent of nastiness in Harry's looks in his brother's direction, even before Meghan. He took the rivalry more seriously. He really wanted to beat William, all the time. To push him down.

  18. Prince Will8am rightly so wants nothing to do with the traitor and his con artist wife , they caused all the problems the stress the bullying false accustions lies in interviews mockumentary books magazines them they did it all the heralds deep jeslousy and envy of The Wales Family is disturbing

  19. Prince William will survive anything thrown at him because he’s a kind and descent person with the full support of his wife, children , aunts, uncles, cousins and a supported extended family . A man of integrity which always shows. Those of us that have family like the brother have learnt that no amount of forgiveness will repair damage. The only solution is a complete separation for peace of mind and body. Such is life.

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