Sunak told to take Islamaphobia seriously and ‘get his own house in order’

Sunak told to take Islamaphobia seriously and ‘get his own house in order’

Mr Speaker despite serious opposition from the Archbishop of canbury three former home secretaries and three government Min advisers on anti-Semitism social cohesion and on political violence the leveling up sect is due to widen the definition of extremism tomorrow whilst on the benches opposite members padle faride conspiracy theories

About islamist and Muslims taking over Britain shouldn’t the prime minister’s to be getting his own house in order and stepping out extremism racism and islamophobia from within his conservative party and will the Prime Minister finally take islamophobia seriously and agree to the [Applause] definition M Mr Speaker discrimination has no place in our

Society and it’s important to distinguish it’s important to distinguish between strongly felt political debate on one hand and unacceptable acts of abuse intimidation and violence on the other I would urge him to wait for the details of the strategy it’s a sensitive matter but it’s one that we must tackle because

There has been a rise in extremists who are trying to hijack our democracy that must be confronted and he talks about pedling conspiracy theories I would just point him in the direction of his previous labor candidate in Rochdale

Labour’s Afzal Khan has used prime minister’s questions to accuse Conservative MPs of ‘peddling far-right conspiracy theories on Islamists and Muslims taking over Britain’. The MP for Gorton, Manchester, said Rishi Sunak must accept the agreed definition of Islamaphobia. The prime minister replied that he was determined to tackle extremism after a rise in people ‘trying to hijack our democracy’.
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  1. India. က ပေါ်လစီတိုင်းမှာ ဒိလိုဘဲမြန်မာဘုရင်လက်ထက်မှာမူစလင်တွေအမူ.ထမ်းရှိကြတယ်ပညာရှိိတယ်သစ္စာ ရှိလိုနေရာပေးဒကိုမနာလိုကြဘူးသူတိုက​ေဗဒင်အကြောင်ပြပြီးမင်းမူ.ထမ်းတွေကိုစည်ရုံးပြိးဖျက်စိးခဲတဲ.သမိုင်းရှိတယ်

  2. Sorry but the public are getting on fine its the politicians that are making it worse for us they stir the curry with people an the reaction is diarrhoea !

  3. How is this you cole British not British people this is the problem in ower government letting foriner in government just because of money be in .get out of parliament and clean house British people only running government

  4. Русские мужчины УМЕЮТ защищать СВОих женщин и детей.У вас есть запасная планета??!!! Это не компьютерная игра, второй жизни ни у кого не будет!!! Украина и Россия давно бы уже договорились если бы не ВАШЕ правительство!!! Русским не куда отступать, за их спинами их семьи……

  5. This goverment is not fit for pupose neither are the opposition the whole system is corrupt to the very core who are half of these people in the house of parliment and the house of lords what right do they have to say what laws we have and dont when their only merit is the fact they made donations.

  6. Nice blunder on one side western say that there is no discrimination and Islamphobia in west on other hand they support to discrimination racism and islamphobia

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