UK pressing for full explanation on Israeli raid of Gaza’s Nasser hospital, says minister

UK pressing for full explanation on Israeli raid of Gaza’s Nasser hospital, says minister

We have he this morning some shocking um reports regarding Palestinian medical staff in Gaza being blindfolded detained forced to strip and repeatedly beaten by Israeli troops after a raid on NASA hospital last month this footage from K yunice showing men stripped and kneeling and it also shows patients with a hands

Bound being wheeled in beds so does the UK government believe that the Israeli government is responsible for the conduct of his forces and that this clearly appears to be torture and is in breach of international law including Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the Geneva Convention article 188 and

What is the UK government going to do about this well Mr Speaker she is right to say that Israel must comply with the Geneva Convention she mentioned uh we have seen SE these reports uh I think that a full explanation and investigation is required and that is what the British

Government is uh pressing for and I would point out to her that when it comes to targeting operations there are lawyers embedded in the Israeli and the IDF command uh just as there are in Britain and and that should ensure that the U the acceptance and honoring of international humanitarian law is kept

But I agree with her a full explanation is required Longfield thank you Mr Speaker

The UK foreign office minister Andrew Mitchell has called for a full investigation into reports that medical staff at Gaza’s Nasser hospital faced humiliating and violent treatment after they were taken into detention after an Israeli raid. Nasser hospital in the southern city of Khan Younis – at the time the largest functioning hospital in the Palestinian territory – was raided over several days by Israeli forces in an attack that began on 15 February

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  1. Mr Mitchell, do you have eyes? Do you have access to the Internet? Surely, by now you should understand,
    Is-real assurances mean very little. You are yet again in essence, defending the indefensible!

  2. The UK is undergoing a crisis of representation. They just love the sound of one another "Mistah spikah". It's like mad frivolous paid off people in a room.

  3. OMG! Israel is totally out of control! They are justifying ongoing brutality using the terrible events of 7th Oct as an excuse. Evil cannot be used to combat evil. The United Nations and the US must exert more pressure on Israel to stop this massacre of the innocents.

  4. In order to clear passage of commercial vehicles in the red sea, an international coalition was built in few weeks and miltary power was used withou tany delay!!! in order to save poor innocent children being bombarded day and night and being starved to death we have to wait for Isr-el approval!!!! Cowards is the right word

  5. The Nasser hospital where the medicine that was intended for the kidnapped hostages was found and unopened?
    The hospital where there was a brief firefight with the IDF?
    This hospital where Hamas was operating from and were dressed in hospital staff clothes?
    And the doctors and staff vehemently denied that there was any Hamas presence there?
    The IDF, in other words had a reason to suspect everyone there to be Hamas, and the only way to find out was by interrogation.

  6. Israel is committing war crime after war crime in the Gaza Genocide. Funded, supported and weapons supplied by the US, UK & German governments in our names.

  7. You know the answer is going to be that Palestine was using it as a military base to keep weapons fighters and hostages and concealing fighters among the medics. These are the brutal tactics required to win a guerilla war which Palestine is determined to keep fighting.

  8. في شهر رمضان المبارك هذا أسألك يا الله أن ترحم عبادك ووضع حد للظلم. اللهم حرر أرضك من الاحتلال الصهيوني ومن الإمبريالية التي تسمم عالمك. اللهمّ آمين يا رب العالمين

  9. “Been that way for 30 years.” – U.S. Justice Department on the lack of Human Rights in Oklahoma County Jail, 2020

    “It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.” – Nelson Mandela 🥂🥂

  10. NATO countries and their allies are above International law. Over 14000 children have been slaughtered and we're still debating on whether a ceasefire is appropriate or not. It's so shocking that no package of sanctions have been applied against Israel and the perpetrators.

  11. Oh Champion of Human rights and pioneer of Human civilization listen. You claim themselves a highly civilized nations. See 30000 innocents Palestinian women and children were killed by Israel. Now there is human made famine . Children are dying due to lack of food. Where is your humanity. Where is the civilization and democracy.

  12. If the Occupation is supervised by U.S. and/or U.K., has one or both been neglectful in their duties to let this happen by the Israeli regime? These are gross Civil Rights and Human Rights abuses.

  13. I have noticed the guardian newspaper is one of the only papers actually highlighting the IDF war crimes and the plight of the Palestinians and I thank you for it! Free free palestine 🇵🇸

  14. Why can’t all of our politicians just stay out of this war? I personally don’t think it’s right for either side but why keep bringing these wars to us ?

  15. They haven’t been complying to UN conventions for some time…why would they start now? One example of many:
    Israeli Occupation is Illegal
    Laws Violated: U.N. Charter, Article 2(4) & 51
    It is illegal under international law to acquire land by force: Israel annexed land occupied by force during 1948 and 1967 wars (lands other than those given by the UN 1947-48 partition plan)studies show Israel is not just defending itself as it develops de-facto annexation with its settlements and separation barrier on occupied land, as it takes over most of the occupied territories (over 70%) and its natural resources for its own use and economic benefit, at the expense of the native population.

  16. We know what would be Full explanation from Israel: it wasn’t us! It was Khamas! We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing!!! 🫤🫤🫤

  17. This is outrageous – it is the USA which is FACILITATING Israel’s EGREGIOUS murderous actions against innocent civilian Palestinians in Gaza .

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