St Patrick’s Day throughout the years. #StPaddys #Shorts #BBCNews

St Patrick’s Day celebrations in New York included the traditional parade that’s always a feature of the holiday but it was held at a critical period the day in fact on which the president made his big speech here Mr Truman greets Governor du and no doubt the gesture symbolizes American solidarity in world

Affairs and here’s the scene in Dublin where president o’ Kell headed the impressive celebration this took the form of a military parade in fact it was the first in Patrick’s Day March pass by units of era’s Defense Forces since 1939 Crow Patrick St Patrick’s mountain in County Mayo and once again the

Approaches are crowded with people making the annual Ascent up the Stony path to the summit rough and Stony though it is many bear their feet for the ordeal at the summit 2,500 ft High the statue of St Patrick every year

  1. Today we witnessed the fastest democratic elections in history! 3 days! Perhaps next time it will only take one day! We don't even know if a country with 1.44 billion people can cast all the votes in three days!

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