West African bloc ECOWAS says it is lifting sanctions on Niger • FRANCE 24 English

Joining us chin way so what do you make of this development so at the end of The Summit today uh you have the sanctions on especially on neria uh the economic and financial sanctions have been lifted with immediate effect and also you have the no fight Zone and the closure of the

A and the land bers which have also been lifted with immediate effect and EO leaders actually reiterate their desire and their appeal for the release of President bazo and the members of his close family so uh the travel band and also on the p is also lifted and also

This all these um sanctions that have been lifted today are basically Dawn on humanitarian uh basis according to the leaders uh quoting the length and the Ramadan uh period that uh Africa uh Muslims are going to enter very soon so they have conceded that the well-being

Of the citizens who are most the the most affected uh when it comes to the sanctions but the political sanctions are still in place over ner and over all the other uh countries that have been sanctioned uh in the West African block and just of course uh to also reiterate uh What uh

The go go ahead CH go go ahead to also reiterate what to also reiterate their position on what has happened in Sagal recently after makol announced the postpone uh the postponement of the presidential elections which are supposed to hold tomorrow um is actually has acknowledged

That makis Soul’s Tel ends on the 2nd of April 2024 and after that there should be uh a presidentials that is organized in this nation uh also uh eoas has conc that the fact that a dialogue must be established between uh AO and the leaders of this sanctioned countries uh namely Mali n

Bina Faso and guinea and they will actually hence for be invited in the security meetings uh the consultive meeting and the technical meetings given the fact that information or sharing of intelligence is of priority to Echo us at this moment in this geographical region all right chin andu thank you

Very much for that update there

West Africa’s regional bloc known as ECOWAS has lifted travel, commercial and economic sanctions imposed on Niger that were aimed at reversing the coup staged in the country last year, a senior official announced Saturday.

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  1. You beat your drum and dance. Niger, Mali and Burkina are not coming back to your puppet organization. You can have 100 meetings to talk and talk and talk. You are history.

  2. The ECOWAS has reiterated her position on what has happened in Senegal.

    What has happened?

    A few day to the elections, a decision has postponed the elections and the Parliament has voted the extention of the duration of the mandate for about a year.

    Why something like can happen?

    Can the fact that within the ECOWAS there an example where through similar things a regime has been able to keep power for more than six decades, the same regime since the begining of years 60 and that regime is the chief negotiator for countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific in the framework of a cooperation with the European Union and a mediator here and there in West Africa?

    Human beings as sentient beings, hence submitted to determinations do not easily live in an atmosphere without being coated by it. Therefore, a regime with such a negative peculiarity hinders the internal coherence of ECOWAS.

  3. It shows again how stupid they are. What was the purpose? Because they already knew back then that africans population will suffer first. They knew it. It's never a good idea to put pressure on the population.

  4. Tinubu sanctions initially to Niger by cutting off their power was the straw and a naive decision. Using threats by also giving Niger a deadline to reinstall the president was not a good decision too. Fact is burkina, Niger and Mali are gone from ecowas for good.

  5. The don't understand nothing about AES you think is about money , is about dignity Niger , Mali and Burkina Faso are not Nigeria money money money no dignity

  6. ECOWAS are and still bunches of French puppets only loot's for their master Macaroni…the triplets nations are not coming back we're in the middle of the ocean 🪸🌊 Atlantic heading for freedom

  7. Lol 😂 this guy’s are very funny not joke don’t lifting the sanctions just keep the sanctions on you west African President have many problem in your country’s you guys can’t even find out your own problem

  8. The reason ECOWAS lifted the sanction because it affected them. ECOWAS is losing money.The AES should never agree to ECOWAS demanded. Looks at the Senegalese president at meetings. He postponed his country presidential election. Clear example ECOWAS can not be trusted.

  9. The sooner African states stop fighting each other and start fighting the western powers that have colonized and exploited them for centuries, the better…


    So after all the threats, the tough posturing and bullying against Niger ECOWAS now returns on its knees practically begging Niger to return. Tell France and its corrupt puppet states that Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali value their national sovereignity far more than any French-backed "economic/security integration". The days of French neo-colonialism in the Sahel are numbered!

  11. ecowas is political of terrasim, and army's of the colonizer, self dishonor organization who dishonor they own ancestors to worship colonizer ancestors, and ,ecowas are naturally deaf to reality by nature, and ecowas need reeducated themselves because ecowas education,and political system is forbidden knowledge for african , and legacy of the colonialism, shared by those,who capable betray Africa, to serve their colonizer Anunaki, exchange for power, self dishonor African still share that human betrayed legacy with their reptilian colonizer children and pretended to be democratically elected leaders with colonizer Consciousness, instead they are purchase selected leaders, who lead to betrayed, because ecowas education and political ideology come from those who corrupted the Earth and shed blood , genocide against humanity itself and destroyed human unification with human civilization through colonialism, torture, rape, and lie to enslave other, the most brutal treatment in the history of mankind, they called our people three-fifth of the human beings, is that is the act of a human being, or is that is the act of the devil?that is because ecowas sold they soul to AntiChrist doesn't mean all african do so, because reality by nature we know the lions never learn the jungle from Hunter's, then why politicians keep say democratic principle but they know this AntiChrist democratic principle is forbidden knowledge for african,and this Babylonian colonizer democratic ,destroy all the principal and wisdom that was created by ancient African,but the question for to ecowas,then who teach they colonizer masters about democracy,rules, laws with human rights?for them to teach, and offer education and political system, to the same Africans who they genocide against? is Europe a Founding Father for each country in ecowas? if not then why do politicians honor European ancestors and dishonor African ancestors by accepting European education and political system, and rejecting African education and political system? Politicians are the worshipers of the AntiChrist who are on a mission to continue destroying Africans, and exchange with their antichrist for wealth, and fantasy, but I will continue to pray to the highest to guide sun and moon to bring judgment upon ecowas with colonizer master by nature without any mercy,

  12. I have listened to the President of ecowas, the list of condition that was imposed on Mali, Burkina Faso and Níger also the treat of invasión. Did ecowas actually believe that the above stated Countries will return to them after these Countries lived through these horrible sanctions?

  13. Ecowas has been defeated by Mali 🇲🇱, Niger 🇳🇪 and Burkina Faso 🇧🇫. Their sanctions were useless and barbaric and they have lost 3 important members from their group

  14. Sanctions on Niger because they don’t want to be Rape by Racist French people 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Africans are their own worst enemy 😅

  15. Ecowatt has proven to be a failure and a puppet of the West they had no business imposing sanctions in human sanctions against these three nations they are now on the road of no return and I don't blame them the actions of ecowas hurt ecowas not Niger Mail or Burkina Faso.

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