Irish voters reject reforms aimed at redefining family and women’s roles • FRANCE 24 English

Irish voters reject reforms aimed at redefining family and women’s roles • FRANCE 24 English

In Ireland this weekend no big crowds or scenes of Celebration as would be the case during momentous changes to the country’s Constitution this time a dual referendum proposing changes to the family and women’s roles in the Constitution was rejected results showing the highest ever no vote percentage in any Irish referendum The

Constitution’s definitions of the family and women’s roles in society were considered outdated residents voted on a family referendum proposing to include unmarried couples living together with children to its definition of family to which 6769 voted no the care referendum replacing language defining a mother’s duties at home with the Clause

Recognizing care provided by all family members was also rejected by 73.9% of Voters no campaigners argued the vote result was due to the unclear wording of the new proposed definitions and a low turnout in the refere um I was delighted people had the common sense to realize it was badly worded and

Badly run as a campaign it didn’t deserve to get through others were concerned that the care referendum would not do enough for those in need of Care at home they wanted people just to care for people at home whereas families cannot just care for people at home we

Need support they need the support of the government the country of 5.3 million has made historic changes to their constitution like legalizing same-sex marriage in 2015 and abortion in 2018 the voting was seen as an attempt to project the image of a changing Ireland decreasing the influence of the once dominant Catholic

Church but Party leaders say the government failed to convince voters and did not consult with the opposition or other stakeholders despite major political parties supporting a yes yes vote

A dual referendum in Ireland on redefining family and women’s roles in the constitution was “comprehensively” defeated on Saturday. The result came despite the fact that the government – and most opposition parties – had supported the proposed changes.
#Ireland #referendum #reform

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  1. It wasn’t a low turn out when compared to average turnouts, they wanted to delete the only reference to mother in the constitution. People knew exactly what they were rejecting

  2. The government had massive arrgorence they had a stage and proformance set up to go. Also none of this stuff was needed! electoal commision and former supreme court judges have said the government was lying about it. There is zero need to do any of this. If they want more help for cares that is what laws are for you can change them you do not need to rip apart this country for anything else.

  3. 'No' voter did NOT say it was badly worded, they said it a lot more directly than that! – and a French Channel should know the truth on that score, the 'No' voters used 'French' to say it.

  4. Facts matter. Article 41.2 The State shall, therefore, endeavour to ensure that mothers shall not be obliged by economic necessity to engage in labour to the neglect of their duties in the home.

    It was in the constitution to PROTECT mothers from being forced into the workplace and to recognize the that they are more than just an economic unit. It shows that Irish people hold women and motherhood in the highest regard possible. If you think that is backward looking then I suggest you explain your thinking to your own mother.

  5. Not True we already have laws that protects the unmarried cohabitating couple and same sex cohabitating couples both with and without children. This was asking us to change the wording to durable relationships which they could not explain what this meant. So if its not broke don't fix it.😊

  6. We voted NO for many reasons, we don't trust the main political parties and the main stream media. Also it was a double insult to Irish women in that they wanted to delete references to women and mothers from our constitution and finally they had the gaul to hold the referendum on International Women's Day. Their got what they deserved.

  7. Those 2 referendum results show how detatched, and out if touch with people that all Yes, and Yes politicians, NGO'S, and even media are with people on woke issue, that people's concerns are silenced, and ignored on.

    Well done to all for voted to stand up for women, and mother's right's

    #No and #No

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