MPs jeer as speaker chooses Labour amendment on Gaza ceasefire motion

MPs jeer as speaker chooses Labour amendment on Gaza ceasefire motion

We now come to the SNP motion on Gaza I understand that the second motion on the order paper will not be moved today this is a highly sensitive subject on which feelings are running high in the house in the nation and throughout the world I think it’s important on this

Occasion that the house is able to consider the Wiest possible range of options I have therefore decided to select amendments both in the name of the Prime Minister and in the name of the leader of the [Applause] opposition if the official opposition amendment is not agreed to I will call

The minister to move the government Amendment formally that will engage the order I’m going to fin that will engage the provisions of standing order number 31 one so the next vote will be on the original words in the SNP motion if that is not agree to sh then the house will have the

Opportunity to vote on the government Amendment proceeding this way will allow a vote to take place potentially on all proposals from each of the three main parties but I take your advice because obviously I’ve taken advice from the clerks this is the snp’s opposition day and the purpose of an opposition day

Is for our party to have the ability to put forward our business we’ve already had a significant delay to the start of this motion which has significant interest to the extent we dropped our second motion and now we’re completely appear to be doing things in a way

That’s never been done before can I ask for your advice Mr Speaker and what is the point of an opposition day if it’s going to be done like this yeah yeah and can I just say I think you will want to vote at some point trapping isn’t going to assist

It a point of order has been raised by the S SMP Chief with as I say I’ve made a judgment on the precedent that’s been done before I have view it I have viewed it as that is my ruling and I’m going to stand by the ruling and I’m not take any

More P towards [Applause] renar

MPs jeered as Commons speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle selected both the Labour and the government amendments on a Gaza ceasefire motion over the SNP motion which called for an immediate ceasefire. Hoyle defended his decision, saying this is an issue where MPs want to consider a wide range of options.
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#Gaza #Palestine #UK #Politics #News

  1. in Gaza

    Orphans lose their murdered families

    The families of the children mourn their murdered children

    Dreams destroyed by a war that spreads terror and blood

    A defenseless people crying for protection from a tyrannical person who seeks power by killing people

    Where do they go to live and why do they leave their land?

    They want to live like everyone else

    The governments of the world must put pressure on Netanyahu to stop the war and never support the killing of more people whose only sin is clinging to their land and their dreams for living

  2. can someone please ask Rishi why the ONS have just changed their methodology for calculating ‘excess deaths’, for the the first time in twenty years ? ta.

  3. His excuse is that Gaza supporters are intimidating MPs in public. It feels different now that they are impacted by open door policies and they need to push it through to bow to pressure and embolden those who pressurise and corrupt society

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