Ukraine says destroyed another Russian warship in Black Sea • FRANCE 24 English

Now today Ukraine is claiming it sunk a Russian warship in the Black Sea using Hightech sea drones the patrol ship which is called the sergy COV was allegedly hit in the early hours of the morning near occupied Crimea the Ukrainian defense Ministry published images on social media showing what it

Says is the attack the Kremlin is yet to comment today to discuss our chief foreign editor Rob Parsons is with me and Rob attacks like this are becoming more frequent aren’t they they’re becoming very frequent and increasing embarrassment to the Kremlin this is the fifth Uh Russian naval ship sunk by the

Ukrainians uh since November you know three three landing craft one Corvette uh with a missile missile carrying Corvette and now this as well uh this particular ship the S COV uh was only Built three years ago uh you we’re talking about a ship that’s probably worth about $65 million to build uh with

A crew of six 60 apparently most of them got off but 52 of the crew apparently were rescued but it’s the embarrassment that’s the biggest blow I think for the Russians uh and also in strategic terms what it means you it first of all it demonstrates that despite the fact that

Ukrainians don’t really have a a Navy worth speaking of themselves they’re able to reduce uh the Russian Navy to to this and what the way they’re doing it is through these unmanned surface drones that you just mentioned called the V5 maguras which the ukrainians have invented over the last couple of years

Uh they can travel over 800 kilometers from their base at maximum speed they can go 42 knots which is closer on 80 km an hour so pretty fast very hard to spot and they’ve proved very successful and they started hunting in packs now of five and more uh which is enabling them

To to cause this sort of damage to the Russian Fleet the aim I think is is first of all to push the Russians away from Crimea uh further east towards the their base at noasis which is about 300 km or so from from the Crimea uh to

Isolate Crimea and to allow Ukraine to export grain uh from its ports and places like uh aesa which they’ve already begun to do but one of the other aims is is to damage that bridge to make it possible the K Bridge which links up Russia uh with with Crimea uh but what

They need to do that is to have the taus missile uh that Germany could Supply but hasn’t yet supplied uh which is a long range missile about 400 500 kilometers uh and there’s a big row going on about in in in the west moment in Europe about

Whether or not to supply it to Ukraine well let’s talk a bit about that then because another angle of this story regarding the tourist missile is these leaks from Germany that ended up in Russian media that indeed um these missiles might be used in Ukraine so rather embarrassing for Germany how did

This come about where are we with that yeah I mean the it is embarrassing for Germany I think primarily there has been a leak at all the fact that the conversation between very senior uh German generals and the the head of the luah for the German air force on on the

Weex platform not not a secure military platform the fact that they were talking to each other at such a high level on on such important issues uh in in this way one of the generals is calling for instance from a uh Singapore at a military show there uh that’s

Embarrassing in itself and it’s caused ructions in the alliance although it’s been played down since but what it what it shows is the debate going on inside German military Cal about whether or not to supply the tourist to Ukraine Chancellor uh uh Schulz is quite clearly opposed but within the German

Establishment in the military as we’ve seen and the foreign secretary analina bbok there is a group of people who wanted to go ahead what I think the Russians are trying to do by doing this is expose these cracks in German society and in the establishment and try to

Widen them and to so panic in the ger public by suggesting that this shows that Germany is preparing to go to war with Russia it’s not preparing to do anything of the sort of course but the the Russians are doing their level best to try and create the impression that it

Is Rob Parsons thank you very much

Ukraine said on Tuesday its forces had destroyed a Russian military patrol ship in the Black Sea near annexed Crimea, the latest naval attack on Moscow’s fleet in the key waterway. Kyiv also said it was behind a drone strike on an oil depot in a Russian border region. Ukraine is flexing its ability to strike Russia from the air and at sea while its troops struggle on the front lines. FRANCE 24’s Chief Foreign Editor Rob Parsons tells us more.
#Ukraine #Russia #BlackSea

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  1. I think Germany leaked the Taurus stuff on purpose…do you? Germany indicated they could never be used by Ukraine (well at least 8 months after supply)…therefore Scholz was giving a message to Russia…we won't give Ukrainians Taurus only the Russians chose not to recognise this. This is how I read it.

  2. Funny how you didn’t say allegedly when the Kremlin claimed Ukrainian POWs were killed on a downed plane. Only Ukraine gets ‘allegedly’ tagged on its statements when Kyiv reports something? Don’t you have that backwards?

  3. This is not surprising. The Ukrainian Navy was destroyed at the beginning of the war, and no one is talking about it… It is better to show the destroyed Abrams tank. The Russians are asking Sleepy Joe to send them as many of these tanks as possible. In this case, they are ready to share with Joe 10% of the fee from each destroyed tank.😂

  4. Let’s all remember our History…GERMANY HAS ALWAYS been the aggressor nation in past European wars…hence, they can’t fathom ever helping a country fight for liberty and freedom unless there’s profit in it..look at how the generals and sholz threw our esteemed ally UK under the bus by making it public that the UK has troops in the UKRAINE! They just stabbed the UK in the back! That’s a sign of a treacherous so called ally…

  5. Looks like the west wants Russia to divert its attention towards the sea, to give more time for Zelensky's remaining troops to recover and set up decent defenses on land.

  6. Vladimir Putin and his generals will definitely regret invading Ukraine. It's not that Russia is getting safer, it's actually getting more and more battered by attacks. That's the aim and purpose of the invasion. To prevent Russia from being threatened by NATO expansion. In fact, now Russia is being attacked by Ukraine. In fact, before the invasion, no country had attacked Russia. Russia is safe. Russia does business with all European countries smoothly. Putin is free to visit anywhere. The International Court of Justice has never issued a warrant for Putin's arrest on charges of committing crimes against humanity.

  7. Unless Ukraine can push back the Russians at Adviika or (by some miracle) land in Crimea, the world might become weary of the war. Not to mention the world is distracted by the situation in Gaza.

  8. Ensure that Ukraine’s grain can be exported through the Black Sea, which can protect European farmers and prevent most of Ukraine‘s cheap grain from being sold in the European market!

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