Scientists say they can cut HIV out of cells. #Shorts #BBCNews

Could this be a breakthrough for curing HIV scientists say that they can now cut HIV out of cells human immuno deficiency virus or HIV attacks and destroys the body’s tea cells which help fight infection and disease if untreated it can develop into AIDS at the moment medicines can control HIV so HIV

Positive people can have the same life expectancy as people without HIV but they can’t eliminate it completely now a team from the University of Amsterdam say that they’ve used Gene editing technology to cut DNA so bad bits can be removed or inactivated it works like scissors at a molecular level and could

Cut HIV out of cells but the work needs much more development and we don’t know what the risks and side effects could be so for now scientists are still working to safely and effectively eradicate HIV

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  1. *however the ability to do it to every helper T lymphocyte in a human body is borderline impossible with current technology

    This is also literally last decades news,and last millennium's discovery,(was first documented in the late 90s) using CRISPR is literally an undergraduate practical as routine as cell culture

    as its been well documented for the last 5 years to the point where you can easily do it at home if you wanted to

    Yet more evidence that the BBC is multiple decades behind in everything except pedaling misinformation

  2. In order to cover up Xi Jinpingโ€™s dictatorship! The Cyberspace Administration of China! Specially excludes opinions that oppose Xi Jinping! Classifies all opinions criticizing Xi Jinping as harmful information! Deletion restrictions! This is the administrative power used by Xi Jinping!

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