Dozens killed and hundreds injured in Moscow shooting #news #shorts

Dozens killed and hundreds injured in Moscow shooting #news #shorts

Dozens of people are reported dead and many more injured after gunmen dressed in camouflage opened fire at a popular concert venue near Moscow local reports suggest that at least 18 people were killed although authorities have not released an official death toll the Friday night attack which was carried

Out by at least four gunmen also caused a major fire at the crocus City Hall the roof of the venue reportedly collapsed as a result according to Russia State media concert goers had gathered for a performance of a Russian Rock Band videos of the crowds taking cover during the attack have

Emerged Russia’s Federal Security Service said in a statement that all possible measures are being taken to provide assistance to those affected moscow’s mayor has canel all large-scale public events for this coming weekend

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  1. 22 марта в Православии вспоминают 40 Севастийских мучеников, убитых за веру. Большая служба в Православном Храме. Думаю, дата выбрана не случайно. А если посмотреть, какие песни исполняет Пикник, то все понятно тем, кто имеет голову. У Пикник первая песня в программе называется "Умойся своей кровью".

  2. Fresh reports are at least 60 dead and over 100 injured from articles 35 minutes ago.
    If russia didnt say the warning the american embassy in moscow was propaganda, this attack may have been prevented.
    America warned russia after hearing lots of chatter on march 8th of an imminent attack by isis at a large public event and russia said it was propaganda.

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