Will the fight for political power in Haiti intensify during a transitional government? | DW News

Will the fight for political power in Haiti intensify during a transitional government? | DW News

To Haiti now where fresh protests have broken out over a plan by Caribbean Nations to revamp the country’s leadership demonstrators have tried to block busy streets in the capital Port of Prince they say they are opposed to foreigners interfering in the country’s politics us and Caribbean officials want

To appoint a new transitional government while Haiti’s prime minister has promised to resign the European Union meanwhile says that it will send humanitarian Aid worth 20 million EUR Haiti is the Caribbean’s third largest country and is bordered to the east by the Dominican Republic it’s no

Stranger to unrest but with gangs now in control of much of the capital there are fears that the nation could spiral into a wider Civil War all right for more now I’m joined by journalist mitzer Pon he works for the Haitian news Outlet IO post vincer what is the humanitarian and the security

Situation right now particularly in PTO print in 1923 more than 300,000 people were first by armed gangs to leave their homes inside of the country and those people live in makeshift camps in precarious conditions they could not find food purified water and medications in PTO prce more than 160,000 of people

Have left their homes since August 2022 the European union today announced that it will send Aid worth 20 million Eur to Haiti what difference will these 20 million EUR make on the ground I believe it is urgent at the moment to assist people in need inside of the country particularly in PTO Prince

However it will require leadership to coordinate Aid and help identify the will needs of those people without this the impact of people’s lives may be not be effective talk to me about The Gangs these powerful gangs in Haiti they have called for the prime minister to step down the Prime Minister has announced

That he will do that so what are the gangs now saying about what’s happening today of course they have demons but it must be understood that it’s not only about what the gangs want because there’s the population who wants their conditions to change and even if they

Haven’t agreed on everything there is a political class trying to find a solution uh we are awaiting the outcome of the discussions in the next few hours to say to to know what will happen in the next few days the The Gangs we know thrive in in a

Political vacuum the vacuum that was left after the assassination of President muas almost three years ago is anything or anyone in sight that could fill that power vacuum um I the Prime Minister did not meet the expectations on this point uh for now discussions have been initiated

Among the stakeholders to fill the void but it is still uncertain whether this will succeed in the in filing the Gap in the country okay journalist viter Pon joining us tonight from Haiti viter we appreciate your reporting thank you thank joh

In Haiti, fresh protests have broken out over a plan by Caribbean nations to revamp the country’s leadership.

Demonstrators have tried to block busy streets in the capital Port-au-Prince. They say they are opposed to foreigners interfering in the country’s politics. US and Caribbean officials want to appoint a new transitional government while Haiti’s prime minister has promised to resign. 

Haiti is the Caribbean’s third largest country and is bordered to the east by the Dominican Republic. It’s no stranger to unrest, but with gangs now in control of much of the capital, there are fears the nation could spiral into a wider civil war.

For more on this, we talk to Haitian journalist and colleague Wethzer Piercin. We reach him in the city of Jacmel, 80 kilometres south of the capital Port-au-Prince.

#Haiti #Gangs #Violence

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  1. And look how the bandwagon of woke activism found it’s next project. Ukraine is long gone, Gaza will be forgotten soon, now Haiti is the new cool thing to protest for …

  2. This new generation of Haitians have not seen “good” their entire life to know what that is, so in my honest opinion that country will remain in that condition cause they do not know the first place to look for “good”.

  3. Only long term solution is to become somewhat part of a bigger and more developed country, let the foreing politicians make the decisions and work hard and in peace.
    Any other solution won't work

  4. Haiti has done just fine on its own thus far. Let the one's in charge take care of their country. The Barbeque sure looks like he knows what's best for the island. The other islands could not possibly show or help Haiti through this strife…even DR. Everything will be wonderful…unless there's an earthquake.

  5. This sounds like its going to be a very isolated event, that probably won't threaten the World's security much at all, a bit like Myanmar that conflict where no one seems to care or talk about.

    Ukraine and Gaza are probably more impactful worldwide. But Haiti? I forgot that country existed its one of those places that no one ever talks about.

    I should know I come from a country that thinks very highly of its self but has little to nothing in world politics and won't impact the world at all if we just died.

  6. Unless It’s Humanitarian Aide ,, Trying To Get Into Haiti With Any Type Of Transitional Government…Military Help…Seems Like It Mite Be Close To Impossible….We Are Looking At The Gangs and Being Out Of Control, But, They May Have Everything Under Control *** Top To Bottom!!! This Looks Extremely DANGEROUS.They The Haitian People Need To Control Their Own Lives and Destiny!!

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