Russian wiretapping: Will it affect debates about German military support for Ukraine? | DW News

Russian wiretapping: Will it affect debates about German military support for Ukraine? | DW News

The German government says Russia wiretapped a conversation between German air force generals about the war in Ukraine the officers are heard discussing Ukrainian forces using german-made toist cruise missiles to attack the bridge linking Crimea to Russia and Germany has so far refused to supply Kev with the long range weapons

The defense Ministry in Berlin has also now confirmed that the conversation which surfaced on social media was tapped Chancellor Olaf Schultz is promising Swift clarification for the recording what is being reported is very serious that’s why it is necessary to begin a very thorough intensive and Rapid investigation so quite the story here

Let’s get more from DW’s Brussels bureau chief Alexandra fmen she joins us from Rome where the German chancellor has been on a visit to the Vatican Alexandra this seems like a real embarrassment for Berlin have we heard any uh further reaction from Chancellor Schultz no Olaf Schultz kept his schol

Here in Rome we just got this one statement on the matter a statement in which the German Chancellor stressed that that this this is a serious matter that is being investigated but then he went on with his program here in Rome but of course we know that he also knows

That he is facing uncomfortable questions at home espe when it turns that it’s true that uh this conversation among high ranking German officers was conducted not on a secret internal Army network but on the WebEx uh platform uh despite repeated warnings by Germany’s intelligence services that Russia uses

Espionage and sabotage as part of its hybrid war and we are already hearing from lawmakers in Germany from lawmakers in the opposition but also from members of the Coalition that uh the German Chancellor is leading who are demanding consequences saying that the incident has to be investigated but that Germany

Also needs to increase its security and Counter Intelligence wow just remarkable details you’re able to provide us with there uh can you tell us more about what you were just touching on and how this affect debates inside of Germany about its military support for Ukraine and in particular the potential of supplying

Tarus cruise missiles well I don’t think that uh German uh the German Chancellor is going to change his position on that in his speech at the Congress of the European socialist here in Rome he once again said he doesn’t want to see boots on the ground in Ukraine that everything needs

To be done to prevent a war between Russia and NATO however we also have to say that the argument that was put forward by the German government why they are not uh will are not willing to send the taus cruise missile to Ukraine the argument was that for that there

Would need to be German soldiers on the ground in Ukraine and during this tap conversation we learn that actually that is not justified that that don’t need to be German soldiers on the ground so we will see how the discussion is going to be led in the long term but in the short

Term I don’t think that the German Chancellor is going to change his mind on that well thank you so much for your reporting that is DW’s Alexandra phenomen for us from Rome thank you CLA well for more on this we can now speak to Vladimir Esso from DW Russia

Good to see you Vladimir so we just heard heard uh the German Chancellor there Olaf Schultz uh announcing a thorough investigation so what’s next I would expect another round of very heated debate on the Russian on the excuse me of the over the German media the German public and politics about how

Far Germany should go and how far Germany can go in supporting the Ukraine because the debate on Taurus or delivery of possible delivery of taus C Cru missiles in to the Ukraine was very heated and this uh leak this leaked talk among the German gor generals I will be

Foiling this debate further all right so what exactly were these German Military Officers talking about do we have more details about what was in these recordings yes it’s it’s a half an hour talk about the details of possible just if possible possible POS possible delivery of towos to the Ukraine

Technical details technical special specifications about how other countries already gave the Ukraine the Cruis cruise missiles like UK and us doing this it’s mentioning that the brds have people on the ground it’s the quote it’s like there are some they have some guys on the ground in the Ukraine and there’s

A talks about some American guys in the Ukraine as well they German generals talking about people in civil Clauses talking American accent and then another one sensitive topic to the Russian public as well it’s the debate about how the bridge connecting Russia with theia could be destroyed by Towers how

Many Towers missiles would be needed for this 10 or 20s and further details it’s it’s highly sensitive and highly exposive for for Russian public opinion as well so what could be Russia’s aim in publishing this kind of sensitive intelligence and doing it now I would say it’s it’s two aims the

First one is to signal to the German um government and German Army leadership that Russia knows what is being debated on closet meetings so Russia has obviously kind of access to these talks and can tape them and can publish them in general the second one is the the

Russia wants to Germany to make Germany think twice before delivering Cru missiles like Towers to the Ukraine or delivering any other kind of uh heavy weapons to the Ukraine because the question is how far can Germany go and how far wants Germany go and supporting Ukraine without without becoming a part

Of this war becoming directly involved to this to this war because um because it’s uh like um very obvious very obvious dangers for for for the Europe very very very big complications could be for Europe after such a step that was DW’s Vladimir eipo Vladimir thank you

The German government says Russia wiretapped a conversation between German air force generals about the war in Ukraine.

The officers are heard discussing Ukrainian forces using German-made Taurus cruise missiles to attack the bridge linking Crimea to Russia. Germany has so far refused to supply Kyiv with the long-range weapons. The defense ministry in Berlin has confirmed that the conversation – which surfaced on social media – was tapped.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz is promising swift clarification of the recording.

For more, we talk DW’s Brussels Bureau Chief Alexandra von Nahmen, who is currently in Rome.

And we talk to to Vladimir Esipov from DW Russia.

#Russia #Germany #EavesDropping


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  1. This is hilarious – the west caught with its pants down. The incompetence here is for all to see.

    The Western hegemony is unravelling, their high moral ground is in tatters over Gaza treatment and Ukraine is set to lose, as is the reality on the ground.

    Complete shambles, and you see this in the western institutions, services, companies and incompetence everywhere. A complete joke.

    Whish is good for rising powers.

  2. Germany conspired with the US to blow up NordStream pipeline. It can do anything just to please its Washington masters, even to the detriment of its wellbeing.

  3. Remember that Germany and Russia in the past had friendly relations, and it was the US who didn't like that. Has anyone considered the possibility that Germany is crushed between two powers the US and RU and that Germany leaked these calls in order to be able to say to the Americans we can't deliver the missiles.

  4. This should not matter at all with whatever decisions have been made. Ultimately the Liberals need to stop their hand wringing and decide on an objective is here and set milestones to reach that objective. Nobody should really care what Russia hears or thinks at this point. The goal is not to prevent hurt feelings the goal is to achieve an objective on the ground.

  5. Even after the cold war ended….Germany is still full of Russian spies. Dont forget, thats what Putin was when he worked for KGB in Berlin.

  6. fail. The West's war in Ukraine is only the next fiasco after the rout in Afghanistan. The US is a football going from failed war to failed war. The US's stinking authoriarian regime consists of serial losers can't defeat anyone

  7. Others part of western trying to use Germany 🇩🇪 Ukraine 🇺🇦 war but Germany shouldn't forget the Germany today it's not like yesterday Germany. I think Germany will thinking that because if Germany enter Ukraine war also north Korea,china and others are there to support Russia.

  8. For all the simps that argue that Crimean bridge is Ukrainian territory, they also were discussing an attack on Rostov on Don ,that Russian territory, I mean they can do whatever they want ,but don't act like you were caught with your hand in someone's pocket and arguing the audacity on that other guy to turn his head and catch you while doing 😅

  9. Pro fascist reality vs Neo Liberal reality . . . where the truths go to die. FACT: Putin violated a non-aggression pact agreement to de-nuclearize Ukraine, so ANY act by Russian forces, poised to strike Ukraine or support the further Russian aggression should be "On the table". Sorry pro-fascist Putin fans and well financed & influential Gasprom benefactors.

  10. Let's face it, Germany as well sa NATO are at war with Russia, and what did they expect, Russia not to spy and try to see what their enemies are planning? are those people for real,,, This is proof enough, shown to the whole world, that if such a missile is used, would give Russia the 100% right to retaliate against Germany in any which way they see it suitable,,, Investigation,,, HMMM!!!! btw what happend to the Nord stream 2 investigation ?

  11. all the common sense people arround the world knows who did it , but "uh oh" when it comes to their own "allies" … "we dont know who did it…must be Russia" .. what a bunch of jackasses… media is also part of that "military industrial complex"

  12. It would not be beyond me, that Germany uses the Nuclear armed Taurus missiles to strike Russia. Hoping that a retaliation strike won't happen. Germans never learn.

  13. Germany is working for putin and same time working for Ukraine. Olaf schit Undercover double agent. Hindering support for Kiev.

  14. Isn't it awkward the video went on until 05:00 for them to try to explain what was discussed, but still they don't mention what was discussed by the generals. What kind of bias is this? If this is how you convince us that this is a democracy then I'm not convinced

  15. In this situation, it is striking that the German leadership does not comment on its lies about non-interference and about NOT supplying such weapons – it only resents that German officers were caught red-handed and about "hybrid war"

  16. The US has been bugging the Germans for decades and the Germans are not outraged. Why can’t others listen to what these descendants of the fascists are planning?

  17. Germany’s economy is going down very fast and people don’t even understand the seriousness of the situation while are still many in the west trying to get more weapons and more violence in Ukraine.

  18. Von der angeblichen Zeitenwende ist nicht viel übrig geblieben. Olaf Scholz eiert immer noch herum und traut sich nicht, endlich einmal zu entscheiden, wo die deutsche Regierung wirklich steht. Gebt den Ukrainern die Taurus-Raketen! Und rüstet auch gleichzeitig die eigene Bundeswehr ordentlich auf. Wieviel von dem angeblichen 100 Milliarden Sonderbudget wurde denn schon aktiv ausgegeben oder für laufende Rüstungsprojekte definitiv freigegeben und wieviel ist nur "theoretisch"?
    Die Polen drucksen nicht so herum, die machen Nägel mit Köpfen und die polnische Armee ist jetzt schon doppelt so stark wie die deutsche.

  19. All countries spy on each other, this isn’t news. Especially in a state of war, I’m pretty sure that all NATO nations have spies in Russia and even other NATO countries that are allies. Next time use a secure network

  20. They dont disciss what was in the call because it is evil. They only want you to know that Russia is bad. The worst is many of you believe these evil warmongers! You will all be judged one day for yiur complacency towards theese evil warmongers! Remember WW1 and WW2 started in Europe, why would anyone with a sane mind wants to repeat this history?

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